

Jaxith, a monster slayer whose job is killing monsters for money, suddenly has a terrifying nightmare about a town nearby but the weird thing was a specific girl in this nightmare. The story goes on as Jaxith follow this nightmare until he finds Irene the young demon hybrid and starts protecting her from unknown enemies that gradually uncover some of his dark secrets. the story takes place in Plistura continent divided into six kingdoms with Reldret the head of the kingdoms regulating the relations between the other kingdoms, and the reason for that is due to long historical events. there is one large kingdom for elves called Yarnat, another one for dwarfs called Volgast, the four other kingdoms population are mainly humans and they are Reldret, Kozelsk, Legnica and finally Vidin, the main trading center in plistura, and that's where our story begins. Follow Jaxith and Irene as they face many dangerous situations and the secrets they're going to discover, a lot of enemies, few allies, betrayals and political schemes, will Jaxith be able to protect the young innocent hybrid that reminds him of his old good past? Or will he fail just like he failed before and became the monster he's now? Discord server: https://discord.gg/PQs2FMvt9W if you want to understand anything about the novel I'm available at discord

darkash · แฟนตาซี
137 Chs


Feinburg sacred church, literally the most sacred place on the surface of Plistura as this was the church of the prophet himself and where his scepter still lies active.

Zathar was standing alone in the main praying hall of the church, he was looking up at the large statue of a man holding a scepter, obviously a statue for the prophet.

Suddenly the door of the grand hall was opened, disturbing the peace of the grandmaster, and someone came rushing in.

Zathar looked back at the person who was running towards him in a hurry.

"Grandmaster.", Said the man who appears to be a messenger before bowing down in respect, Zathar nodded positively for him and he stood up.

"You came from the palace, is everything fine with his highness?", Asked Zathar while looking a bit worried, the messenger looked at Zathar in fear.

"His highness is not well, it looks like he doesn't have much time.", Said the messenger in fear.

"And did you just come here to tell me this hurtful news?", Asked Zathar seriously.

"No, grandmaster, his highness asked to see you personally since few, I came running to find you as he wished.", Said the messenger politely, Zathar narrowed his eyes.

"The heir is still missing, Norman is exhaling his final breaths, the Cragmoore zealots are targeting the heir, everything is getting more complicated, but his words are still haunting my dreams.", Thought Zathar before remembering something from the day he went to meet king Norman Blackstone.

"The latest events aren't comforting Zathar, I sense something bad is going to happen, really bad that I don't want my son to be responsible about, just look in the near past, the previous grandmaster disappeared in anonymous events, he was your close friend, suddenly he evaporated without any trace, now there's that strange girl too, the divine energy users are getting lower by time as well as the spiritual knights, everything doesn't look good, and there was that strange dream that I got a few days ago, all the continent went into war again, the bloody six-way war rose again between the kingdoms, the one that the prophet stopped thousands of years ago, chaos was everywhere, that dream felt more like real, and you know what the Blackstones see in their sickbed, waiting for their life to end from aging, it felt really real that it's haunting me every night, making me keep my eyes open afraid to hear those screams, the sound of the swords clinking together, the view of the fire, everything was terrifying, I'm telling you that something bad is coming, something that I doubt the gods even knew about.", Remembered Zathar, those were Norman Blackstone words, the words that since that time everything is getting complicated.

"No problem of course, his highness is a close friend, I will go to him immediately.", Said Zathar while smiling.

Back to Akremon forest in this afternoon, Jaxith and Irene were walking beside Senka in the muddy ground, the rain made the forest slippery and hard to progress through.

"If it wasn't for this rain, we would have reached Duskthorne by now, AHHHHHHH!", Said Irene angrily while walking weirdly due to the mud.

""At least we are close, if it rained after we had escaped Ebonmere we would have been more late than we are, you should be thankful.", Said Jaxith calmly while walking without looking at Irene, he is wearing his coat back but it is dirty now, but over the coat he was wearing a similar hooded cloak like the one Irene is wearing, now both of them are hiding themselves well.

"Yeah yeah, oh! By the way, can you tell me the reason why we are wearing these weird cloaks.", Said Irene while looking at her cloak incomprehensibly.

"We need to hide our faces, after what happened in Ebonmere I think it's better to stay very low and move without bringing any attention to us, our enemies could be everywhere so hiding ourselves especially in a place where they might be in is the right option, and always remember to keep your head down a bit while moving on the streets so the hood cover your face completely for the people around, just raise your eyes upward and everything will be fine.", Said Jaxith seriously while still looking forward while walking (typical Jaxith behavior).

"Aha! I knew it, so we will be like secret government agents who are moving stealthily to find the bad guys and beat the sh*t out of them.", Said Irene proudly while looking confidently at Jaxith raising an eyebrow.

"No.", Said Jaxith boldly without adding any additional single word and still looking forward, making the silence rule the situation as Irene looked depressed at him.

"Can you remind me how many times did I call you boring?", Asked Irene in a manner of losing hope with semi closed eyes.

"I lost count.", Said Jaxith boldly.

"And yet you don't seem to be changing, BORING GRANDPA.", Said Irene in mockery.

"That's why I brought a clown in this trip.", Said Jaxith boldly.

"Clown? Who? I don't see anyone arou-!", Said Irene while looking around her before realizing who is the clown that Jaxith mean while looking surprised, she slowly looked at Jaxith again while narrowing her eyes.

"You know what? This time I will make you pay for your jokes, funny grandpa.", Said Irene seriously before leaping over Jaxith's back and tried to tightly hold his neck from back but suddenly she felt herself being pulled up then hold from her clothes like a cat in front of Jaxith, he was holding her upward by just one arm like he caught a rabbit!

"Wait! How did you raise me from your back easily like that? Even the strongest thieves in the guild weren't able to escape from my grip!", Said Irene in surprise, she was looking directly at Jaxith's eyes who was looking seriously at her without replying and just raising an eyebrow.

Irene looked down and noticed that she isn't touching the ground, she looked back at Jaxith and smiled a goofy smile.

" Oh, Jax, can you please let me down? I feel like a rabbit right now.", Said Irene while trying to look innocent as possible, Jaxith stood silent.

"Fiiiiine, sorry.", Said Irene while rolling her eyes around to avoid Jaxith's serious gaze and rotating her index fingers around each other continuously.

Jaxith kept silent for a moment before slowly lowering her down on the ground, Irene realized again how Jaxith's physical strength is excellent, but she was still going to protest, she looked serious again and didn't move away so that they can keep moving.

"What are you waiting for?", Said Jaxith calmly.

"For you.", Said Irene seriously while raising her left eyebrow, Jaxith remained silent so Irene put both of her hands on her hips and looked threatening.

"Now apologize for calling me a clown, right now.", Said Irene in a threatening manner, Jaxith looked at her boldly before quickly raising her up again in a flashy movement that she couldn't escape again! Now she is back in the air like a rabbit hold by one hand.

"OKAY OKAY, I'M A CLOWN, SORRY, JUST PUT ME DOWN.", Shouted Irene quickly.