
Story and me

[About the story]

This was inspired by the childish first story concept I developed a decade ago.

Even though I kept the MC, some characters, and basic setting the same, the story was changed and I am in the process of developing it (somewhat a spin-off of the first story mentioned above). I am using this story as an experiment and I will use interactive mode in moving the story further and improve my writing skills.

I am currently hoping to make 3 chap a week (But each chapters takes consumes so much time as I am slow). It will be unfair to compare the release speed of a translator to these original works.

Also, depending on the support and love of this story gets, the release speed will be increased after 2-3 months when my commitments reduce and I get a breather.

I have a big dream story in the making and I want to use this story to gain experience and reader base foundation before attempting that multiverse story.

[Basics about the story]

The story follows the light and dark faction background and discusses their 'affairs' from various perspectives. Mainly from someone who is in the dark faction. So most of the story is related to dark faction. I am not comfortable with this but romance is one of the core themes of the story (affairs).

The first arc may appear little slow and has some cringy stuff lol. It is just setting up the basics about the characters. It gets faster after the first 10 chapters which are the goal setting volume where the MC gets involved in a life-changing event.

So please please please read 10 chapters before deciding on this novel.

Setting: Post Nuclear War parallel Earth. Nefarion the Devil's planet.

Mine is usually long chapters so please excuse the release rate (I know quantity rules over quality here. Maybe I should not worry too much and release more???).

[About me]

Writing is not my hobby.

I enjoy thinking about different story scenarios but never was keen on writing them down. I know my own inability of expressing a story in any form. As a person with attention and focus trouble along with increasing addiction to laziness and lack of motivation prevents me from working on this long task of writing the story I made in sentences.

I don't get support from family and friends for doing this and I don't even want to let them know I am going to write because they are not in the same page as me (I am the odd one out of the bunch wasting time on reading and stories).

Actually, webnovel inspired me to restart writing. So I started writing this novel as an experiment. Even though I hope for a huge response with showering praises from readers, I understand the reality that it takes time to know whether I am good or not. Its just the life sometimes does no allow you to have too much time.

2018 is actually quite a bad time for me. Nothing works out to my favor (It's my fault as well lol). Maybe not the best time to start writing as well.

I realized I am quite an emotional being who finds it hards to write when tensed. Also home is not the best location for creativity lol. (A free person writing is wasting time for nothing while a busy person writing is hard working)

A lot of time wasted.

Hopefully, I will get rid of these addictions and problems of mine and find stability soon before I can promise a certain writing rate and stable release.

Until then bear with me.

Criticize if you don't like it and support me if you think I should continue writing.

Just some ramblings from me.

KingBiBiKcreators' thoughts