
Necromancer: King of The Scourge

(Alternative English Title: Disastrous Necromancer ; Necromancer! I Am a Disaster ) Chapter Update Schedule: Everyday The game has come to reality, the rules of the world have been subverted, and mankind has entered the era of national career change. Monsters are rampant! There are countless secret realms, dungeons, and abyss! Horror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity coexisted! Only by becoming a job changer! Leveling up and becoming stronger! Only then could one stand at the top of the world! On the day of the job change, Lin Moyu became the only hidden profession, Necromancer. Get god-level talents, and Just a Level 1 talent increased all his skills by 10 times. Obtain a god-level passive skill and transfer all damage to the summoned creature. From then on, as long as his summoned creatures did not die, Lin Moyu would not die. "Endless god-level skeleton warriors!" "Billions of Lich Mage!" "Countless undead bone dragons!" "Can you handle it?" Under the curse, the gods turned into bones. Corpses burst, the sky fell, and the world collapsed. "I sit on the Divine Throne of Skeletons, walking between life and death." "I am the catastrophe!" Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and liked it so, I wanted to rewrite it here.

Immortal1 · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 15: Don't Get Out Of The Way, Die!

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Come back quickly, the Dynasty Guild can't be trifled with."

"Come back quickly, you'll die."

Wang Yi was very nervous and wanted to pull Lin Moyu back.

Lin Moyu turned a deaf ear and stubbornly walked over.

Those still protesting suddenly stopped, all looking at Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu walked towards the dungeon entrance with a skeleton, its footsteps making clicking sounds.

"What are you up to?"

The Dynasty Guild's leading mage stared at Lin Moyu with cold eyes.

Behind him, a dozen Dynasty Guild members simultaneously looked at Lin Moyu.

These people were all above level 20, each with extraordinary presence.

There were knights, warriors, mages, archers, and assistants.

Forming a complete combat team.

And they were well-equipped, from weapons to armor to jewelry, all bronze-level equipment.

It was precisely because of this that although there were many protesters, no one dared actually act.

Their levels, teams, equipment and skills couldn't match up.

Their fists couldn't match up either, so they could only protest verbally.

Lin Moyu stopped in front of the mage and said lightly, "Get out of the way."

The Dynasty Guild mage seemed to have heard the funniest joke, "Young man, are you drunk? Go home quickly."

Lin Moyu continued, "Don't stop me from entering, or I'll kill you."

Lin Moyu spoke seriously.

He really wasn't joking.

He wanted to enter the dungeon to level up, related to his admission to Xiajing Academy. If anyone dared stop him, he would really kill them.

The mage cast a detection spell on Lin Moyu.

Then he sneered, "Lin Moyu, you're just a level 12 kid who dares talk nonsense here. Didn't your elders teach you how to speak properly?"

"Necromancer, I haven't seen this class before, is it new?"

"The undead summons are quite interesting."

"For us both being mages, please forgive me this time and get lost."

The opponent exceeded Lin Moyu's level by 10, nullifying the shield badge effect.

As soon as he spoke, everyone present knew Lin Moyu's level.

Just level 12!

At 12, you can solo clear a dungeon?


He probably wasn't even 12 before.

Some realized Lin Moyu's class could be very powerful.

Lin Moyu also used detection.


The mage didn't wear a shield badge, letting Lin Moyu see his info.

[Zhao Ji, level 25, mage.]

Unlike elemental mages like Xia Xue, he was just a common mid-level mage.

Though level 25, Lin Moyu didn't take him seriously.

Zhao Ji sneered, and everyone from Dynasty Guild showed sarcasm.

"Level 12 kid, your hair hasn't even grown, go drink milk."

"This isn't a place for you, be careful or lose your life."

"It's enough fighting wild mobs, dungeons aren't for you yet."

Behind Lin Moyu, previous protesters said, "Young man, come back quickly, Dynasty Guild is unreasonable, they'll really kill."

Wang Yi shouted, "Brother, come back, we'll enter after they leave."

Lin Moyu ignored them all, his voice growing colder, "Last chance, move aside or die."

Zhao Ji felt a chill from Lin Moyu's words and shivered unconsciously.

Lin Moyu's eyes made him feel cold, what kind of eyes were those?

It seemed Lin Moyu saw him not as human, but a monster.

But in the next second he reacted, "Stinky brat, looking for death? If you dare take one step forward, I'll kill you!"

Lin Moyu looked at Zhao Ji, the corners of his mouth moved slightly.


He said it lightly.

The skeleton warrior rushed out like lightning, appearing before the mage in a blink, raising its knife hand.

Zhao Ji was joking, and at the same time a light blue energy shield appeared on his body.

"A level 12 kid, even if I stand and let you hit, you still can't break my shield."

The skeleton struck the shield, which violently deformed, almost shattering.

Zhao Ji's expression immediately changed.

What kind of summon had that attack power?

His own shield could resist at least five hits from same-level fighters.

But against this skeleton, the second hit would likely break it.


On Lin Moyu's mental command, a dazzling red light burst from the skeleton's knife.

Furious Blow!

Zhao Ji was scared witless. Who knew this summon could use skills?

He felt death's threat. With that skill, not only would his shield break, he'd die too.

Ring of Fire!

Zhao Ji's instant skill made a fire ring erupt, instantly pushing the skeleton away several meters.

The skeleton's skill was interrupted too.

"What are you waiting for? Do it!"

Zhao Ji felt he'd walked through hell's gate, face pale as he yelled sharply.

A knight responded, launching a charge skill, raising his shield to rush over ten meters and heavily strike the skeleton.


Amidst screams, the knight was sent flying.

But the skeleton remained motionless.

In sheer strength, the skeleton won.

Unless it had a force skill like Ring of Fire, it came down to raw power.

The skeleton rushed again, faithfully carrying out Lin Moyu's kill order on Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji quickly stepped back, strengthening his protective shield while shouting, "Kill the Summoner!"

The best way to handle a summoner is kill the summoner himself.

Once he dies, the summons naturally disappear.


Two archers simultaneously fired arrows.

The sharp arrows multiplied into three in the air, forming streamers shooting towards Lin Moyu.

"Be careful!"

"Get out of the way!"

Someone shouted from behind.

Lin Moyu didn't dodge or evade, his expression unchanging.

A black vortex appeared before him, and two skeleton warriors emerged, blocking the incoming arrows.

The sharp arrows struck the skeletons with a metallic sound but caused no damage.

Then the two skeletons charged straight at the archers.

"There's more than one summon."

Zhao Ji's complexion changed, becoming extremely ugly.

He hadn't expected Lin Moyu to have multiple summons.

But it was normal for some summoners to control several.

There was one in their guild with four summons.

"Block him!"

Zhao Ji yelled, and a warrior knight came to block the skeleton for him.

No longer in mortal danger, Zhao Ji raised his staff at Lin Moyu, rapidly chanting a spell.

Killing the summoner wasn't as good as the summoner.

"Dancing Fire Snake!"

Two seconds later, a fire snake flew from his staff towards Lin Moyu.

"Too bad, that's a skill only level 20 mages can learn, very rare."

"It's known as the strongest mage attack before the second job, Brother Lin Moyu will be in trouble."

"Supposedly less than a third of mages can master it."

Some people behind him worried for Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu still didn't move as another vortex appeared before him.

This time, a total of 20 skeleton warriors emerged.

20 soul fires danced in the dark night.

The fiery snake wildly danced on them and exploded brilliantly.

From the flames, 20 skeletons rushed towards Dynasty Guild members.

Zhao Ji's face became extremely ugly, "Why are there so many?"

Just 3 skeletons earlier was surprising enough, but 20 at once?

This number exceeded their own.

"Form up, line up, and fight!"

Zhao Ji was very experienced and didn't panic.

Dynasty Guild had long fought battles with rich experience.

The professionals had gone through a lot with excellent teamwork.

They assembled quickly.

Knights front, warriors, archers, mages in the center outputting damage, support in the rear.

In Zhao Ji's eyes, though the summons were strong, his team was more complete.

Killing the skeletons just took time.

Over a dozen huddled together as a team.

The assistant quickly buffed everyone.

Strength, agility, spirit enhancements.

Speed boosts, energy shield, Soul of berserker.

As long as there was a state that could be added, none were missed.

Within just 30 seconds before and after, all were fully buffed.

It also showcased their excellent cooperation.

Confidence appeared on Zhao Ji's face again.

Though surrounded by skeletons, such situations weren't uncommon for them.

He firmly believed they'd have the last laugh.

Then Lin Moyu raised his hand, telling Wang Yi and the others behind him, "You guys, back off."

Until now, no one dared disobey his words.

Who would have thought he could take on over a dozen Dynasty members alone?

Everyone immediately retreated tens of meters away in a blink.

Seeing this, Zhao Ji was puzzled, but didn't think much of it.

At that moment, he suddenly saw flames flashing before him, followed by an archer's scream.

The archer's vitality dropped sharply, on the verge of death instantly.

Immediately after, a healing technique landed on the archer, quickly pulling him back from the brink.

Lin Moyu used Soul Flame but failed to kill the archer in seconds.

The opposing healer responded quickly, directly treating the archer.

Zhao Ji broke out in a cold sweat, realizing Lin Moyu's profession.

Lin Moyu was not just a summoner, but a necromancer.

In addition to summoning, he was also a mage.

"Healers be alert, treatment must be fast, the opponent can use offensive magic."

Zhao Ji commanded loudly, making his team more nervous.

Who would have thought a dozen of them would be besieged by one person?

"Concentrate on one target."

Lin Moyu looked at the outermost knight with skeletons swarming him.

This knight suffered immensely, bearing over ten skeleton warriors' attacks simultaneously.

The pressure exceeded even fighting a Nightmare dungeon boss.

Though constant healing spells landed, he still felt excruciating pain, fearing death at any moment.

Following Lin Moyu's order, more blades rained down on him.

Then an overhead flame appeared.

On life's instinct, the knight immediately activated ultimate defense.

A shimmering light enveloped his body, the pressure decreasing greatly.

However, Soul Flame ignored defenses, directly assaulting his soul.

Even with ultimate defense, he still screamed.

Fortunately the healer reacted quickly, restoring him with spells.

But under the skeletons' relentless assault, ultimate defense's radiance faded rapidly.

The ultimate defense that could last 40 seconds only held for 20.

The moment it dropped, Lin Moyu issued a new order.

"Use skills!"

Simultaneously using Soul Flame again.

Its effect made the knight scream once more.

Over a dozen savage blows landed simultaneously.

Even the healer had no time to respond - the knight was instantly slain.

Their formation broke, and Zhao Ji's face changed drastically, "Run!"

Lin Moyu shook his head, it was too late.

A skeleton hurled the knight's body into the air.

The corpse exploded!

A deafening bang.

The knight's body detonated.

An aerial detonation, the most powerful.

With the knight as ground zero, in a 20 meter radius, it dealt damage equal to 200% of the knight's massive HP to all enemies.

Among all classes, knights had the highest vitality.

Doubling damage based on that life force was incredibly potent.

Zhao Ji only heard the bang, nothing more.

Kill them all!

The corpse exploded like a thunderbolt, annihilating everything.

Only a dozen bombed-out corpses remained on the ground.

None of the Dynasty members survived.

Large object pieces scattered the ground.

Lin Moyu didn't even look, simply looting it all.