

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
32 Chs


"I think we need to call the police? Maybe someone could have been there in the restroom and took her as soon as she walked in." The waitress added to the findings of Gabriel but keilla shook her head because she didn't believe so.

"No, that could not be the case because not too long after she excused herself, I went to check on her. If someone took her in the restroom they could have at least left some chaos and I doubt it wouldn't have caused commotion down here."

They all looked at each being in deep thought trying to see what really happened because what they had made no sense, how can you say that someone vanished through thin walls.

They clearly had her footage walking in the restroom but no way out.

The waitress cleared her throat and looked at the lost faces in front of her and smiled apologetically to them. "I'm sorry guys but I have to go back to work, but maybe I think you should call the cops too."

"Yes, go ahead and thank you for the assistance so far." She smiled kindly and left them in the small control room and walked out.

Keilla was sweeting inside wondering what this will do to her family now, they weren't over the kidnapping of Natara yet and now there was the case of Keitha to be added to the mix of everything.

Gabriel touched his hand over hers. "Are you okay?" She turned to look at him and shook her head.

"Gab, this is really bad." She said and he just looked at her not knowing how else to comfort her.

He knew that was way more bad and something in him told him that Keitha didn't ditch her because why would she?

Given what keilla told her, keitha is the one who invited her here and you can't bring someone out and then ditch them except for psychopaths.

"Gabriel what am I going to say to my family, God if Natara's kidnapping didn't break us apart, this will surely as hell finish the work." She started panicking as she started pacing in the small room.

She stopped and looked at Gabriel.

"What do I do Gab? Tell me? You are the older one here." Gabriel frowned, yes he was but he didn't know of the Queens that much in order to know what to do next.

"First of everything, calm down little girl." He said reaching for her and putting his hands on her arms.

"Everything is going to be just fine."

She looked at him and let some breath out of her mouth.

She looked agitated and it kept distracting Gabriel so much.

He reached for her and tugged her close to his chest.

"Calm down, I am going to take care of it." She just nodded, because she was over this nightmare in her life and day by day it kept worsening more than it already was.

"Give me the phone number of your residence, I will call them." Keilla sniffled pulling from the hug.

She reached for her phone and passed her the number of Ludar because in this state, he seemed to be the only person that would stand strong for their family.

He is way more irresponsible but she can't have him call their father, mother, Xavier, no she just knew no one mentioned was a better option as Ludar.

Gabriel reached for her hand and pulled out of the control room and took her to sit down as he dialed the number keilla just gave her.



"This is Gabriel Sanchez,"

"Gabriel?" Ludar questioned on the other side of the call.


"What is it, Gabriel?" Hearing the question, he turned to look at keilla before answering.

"Can you meet me at chef's burger, it's urgent." Ludar was having his one late drinks, he usually took before going home when he had this call. But he could hear the seriousness of the situation for someone like Gabriel to call him.

He paid quickly and walked out to hail a cab and gave it directions to chef's burger.

He knew the dinner but it's not like he would go to chill at a place like that, he was never into shakes and burgers.

Gabriel was trying to make jokes every now and then, wanting to distract the girl until someone came here and he managed to carry out with his mission until the door bell rang and in walked a tall figure.

Keilla raised her eyes lazily and they fall on her brother.

She walked out of her seat and run to him.

Ludar was taken back again with the surprise he just received, he thought he was here to meet the Sanchez boy that was believed to be the only person with a memory of Natara.

He hugged keilla suddenly with a frown wondering what was happening there. "Keilla." She pulled back and looked up at him suddenly crying again.

"Come." She just reached for his hand and pulled him to where Gabriel was standing looking at them.

And signed for him to sit.

Ludar was going around in circles not understanding what was happening.

How was keilla acquainted with Gabriel.

"What is going on here?"

Keilla turned to look at Gabriel and she could tell he wanted her to explain everything for him at once.

Gabriel raised his hand up on her cheeks and wiped the tears away using his thumb like a silent promise that would be the least he would do for her.

Ludar seeing everything unfold in front of his eyes just made him clench his jaw, thinking how this boy had the nerve to touch of his baby sister in his presence, how did they even know one another.

He knew one was a sophomore and the other was a junior, how were this two acquainted with one another.

Gabriel turned to look at the man in front of him and cleared his throat because he could see the look in Ludar's face and knew he wasn't pleased with him touching his sister.

He composed himself and clearly went through with him what happened as if he was here but given the time his heard about it, he had memorized every detail like he was there.

By the end of everything, Ludar stood up and banged his hand on the table. "Keilla, I can't believe you didn't first think of calling your family and asked help from a stranger." She looked away not wanting to cry in front of anybody because it's not like Gabriel was a stranger to her but it's not like she would say it to her brother either.

He shook his head and stormed out of the dinner not saying anything to the people he left behind.

Keilla was busy occupied with the view in the mirror, thinking that she understood people that decided to end their lives early. Life can be a really pain in the ass, it can be a real bitch, it can suffocate you, it can kill you slowly and slowly without it trying even that hard that finally you would end up finishing what it just started.

Gabriel was left feeling helpless in the situation, he couldn't believe the brother who came was mad at Keilla for asking him help before anybody else in their family.

But this was a matter of where she felt safe confining herself into and he remembered her telling him that if the Natara's case didn't break them, this would surely do the job.

It seemed all she had was their best interest in her heart.

Ludar walked back in after calling Xavier and sat right back down, he looked at the boy beside his sister and clenched his jaw before saying to her.

"May I see the footages too?"

Gabriel nodded. "Yes, I think it's possible." He walked to the waitress that provided them with the service of showing them the footage and asked if she could do it a second time for them and she allowed.

Ludar stood up without saying anything to keilla because even though he had a lot of questions for her, she seemed to look like a person faded up for a day and he was scared that if he pushed more she might end up like their mother.

It's a scary thing to even think about, he didn't want to think of it's possibilities.

He walked to the small room with Gabriel and the waitress but once they reached, Gabriel cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry but I don't think it's safe to leave keilla alone, I will be with her while they help you with whatever you want." Ludar nodded his head, wanting to hate the nerve of this boy but also finding him so thoughtful of his sister more than he even was.

'What is their relationship by the way.' He kept asking himself.

Gabriel walked back to where keilla was still sitting looking so in daze. Hearing someone approach her, she turned to look at Gabriel.

"Did you get anything useful." He shook his head sitting beside her.

He reached for her hand and covered it with his. "Keilla just know that I'm here for you for anything and anytime you want it, okay?" She looked at him and nodded tears falling again.

She laid on his chest to cry again with one thought on her mind.

Natara sure had her reasons for crushing over this guy for more than a decade.



On the other side of the world, to the other side of another life.

A woman was in a position where she sat on her close crossed legs.

Her arms were in the air a little straightened each to her side with her thumb touching her index finger of each hand making an okay sign.

Many lightened candles surrounded her as she sat in a dark room only lightened by candles.

Her eyes were closed but she was gazing at different things happening in the whole universe.

She sat in that same position in that room for almost 12hours a day and rested the other 12hours at night.

To most people she was called a watcher.

She saw something and her lungs and heart stopped working for a second.

As it happened in a one second in the other her eyes were opened.

She bowed her head and looked down to her lap and whispered a curse.

"Higher in the highest

Shiner in the shininess

Lighter in the lightness

We curse the will of evil

We string its roots to the deepest and the most hidden treasures in the world.

No evil shall reciprocate.

No evil shall reciprocate.

No evil shall reciprocate."

She stood and left the room after saying what she just said with a frightened look on her face.

She walked to her room, took a piece of paper with black ink and wrote a letter to her most valuable true friend.

She folded it in a bird form and held it in both her hands and said a words of spell on it before going to stand in front of her mirror and throw the piece of paper that she folded in a bird form in the air.

The paper reached the air and instead of falling down to the ground like it was supposed to be, it spread its handmade wings flew in the air.

Seeing that brought a sweet smile to the woman's face. But without wasting anymore time.

She walked in her closet and started packing for a leave.

Everything she did, the woman had a smile on her face and she finished packing and carried her package in her hands.

She smiled a smile that came from the bottom of her heart and said.

"Here we go, home sweet home."
