

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
32 Chs


She stood right there with a gaping mouth totally speechless as she watched her so called mother walk out of the room that she was kidnapped into, the one she was offered to be resting in, which she didn't even know well if they offered it. She just woke up finding herself there and she then assumed to make it hers since then.

But wait, was she getting married tomorrow? What the heck was that? Is that why she was brought there? But if it's what they wanted from her, she thought why not let her get married to someone back in Shunyi, back at her home or were they selling her off to someone for her to marry him.

But in what world did sixteen year old people get married?

She started pacing beside the bed pulling her hair till she felt the strings of her hair turning white than how blonde they looked.

And as she kept pulling on them she was not even sure if she was going to be left with any of the hair on her head in the first place.

She paced on the wooden floor from east to west wondering, what was she supposed to be doing tomorrow to prevent her life from being thrown in pit of fire. But the question she was ignoring was, did she even have a choice anymore to choose of what to be in her life at the moment?

The answer was clearly No, because Natara was just running her mind crazy for no reason with million reasons why she wasn't supposed to be married as if...

In her mind, she was naming out every single detail on how the so called wedding didn't have to take place tomorrow like she was told.

First, she can't get married at only sixteen, she was young and she still had a bright future ahead of her, —oh another idea popped in her mind and she gasped holding her mouth with her palm.—what if the husband harasses her?what if he abuses her?What if's became billions in her mind that she started feeling a migraine kick right in her head.

Thinking back at what her life was turning into, made her bust into tears all over again, she sat down on the floor and sobbed miserably. She felt miserable, her life was miserable and it pained her knowing there was nothing she could do about it.

Sitting down on the hard wooden floor and crying her misery out felt like the safest place she had.

she wished they could just at least let her sit there forever and live the rest of her life there on the floor crying miserably.

Her stomach growled making her growl out herself wondering where one got stupid body parts like that, it knows the situation she was in and it was groaning asking for food, it didn't take a moment to consider that maybe they were going to be married off to the man who was not going to feed them anymore and maybe they were to be eating when they would have to sneak something out or maybe they were going to die out of hunger. And the stupid stomach had an audacity of begging for food at the moment.

What if it hadn't been fed for long? Had she had peace for long either.

Natara was in the moment that if one was going to be given a chance to tour her head, they would find her on a level of maniacs.

But who was to blame her? No one. We all reach sudden moment in life, either in prosperity or depression time that we go crazy for a moment and do things out of impulse and to Natara, she was seeing different colors in life than she never known before.

She couldn't believe she was sitting on the wooden floor talking with her stomach from nowhere, if she hadn't realized she was going crazy. This surely proved that she was going insane.

She chuckled at herself, shaking her head unbelievably realizing her thoughts and then she voiced to herself. "Who wouldn't be if they were in the same shoes like me?"

Going deep in her thoughts lured her into another deep sleep by the time she woke up, it was again in the morning the sound of the early birds singing was everywhere in her room and as she opened her eyes, rubbing sleep out of them with the back of her hand, she was confused again to where she was. Looking around she found four women standing there in her room in a horizontal straight line, facing her and she rolled her eyes, 'not them again.' She thought.

She pulled herself out of the bed and frowned remembering last night, she fall asleep while being on the floor. But thinking at it, the way she kept moving herself on bed was not even surprising because now she knew if it were the floor, she will be sitting with sore muscles.

She yawned stretching her arms over her head. "Who are you?"

"Young lady of the Darker, we are here to get you ready for your own wedding." The words your own wedding sounded so foreign to her but most importantly they sounded and felt so wrong. As they kept being replayed in her head felt the anger being raised back in her body. "Dumb women, you keep calling me the stupid shit of the darker and I am so, so over it, do you seem to be finding my skin black for instance?" She rolled her eyes annoyedly.

"Get the fuck out of this room and go bring for me the fucking lady I know nothing about here because, I am not getting married under any circumstances."

In a sync the women nodded their heads thrice and in a few minutes after they walked out, there came a knock on the door of the room they were in, the same room Natara was occupying. The woman walked in dressed in a decorated white robe full of diamonds and pearls from upside of it to the downwards of it, the dress robe was shining so beautifully but also providing an elegant vibe to the person in it.

"Natara, you have not gotten out of the bed already?" Natara glared her way through the woman. "I'm not getting married woman, if you brought me here to sell me off to some weird old hunks better as well kill me because, over my dead will I get married to someone I don't know about nor do I love."

The woman listened carefully with all her attention to the girl that was in desperate of it, then she turned around and asked the women behind her. "Get her ready please?" Without saying anything else, she walked back out of the room and in a second. Natara fell unconscious again from the spell the woman put on her.



Finally to the Queens' world after hours of waiting, Mrs. Queens got discharged from the hospital and the family drove back to their house.

No one was left with a word to say of anything and to the ones they left home, they were all the same cause as soon as they got there no one had what to ask.

Timothy took his wife to their bed and the others stayed in the living room quite shaken with what happened the whole past night.

"Are we going to sit here and pretend like nothing happened? like you guys are doing?" In the end of the room, keilla was the one to ask of something. She was replied by her big brother Ludar.

"Guys are we going to sit and pretend like the previous events didn't take place last night at all? Why is no one saying a thing? our sister was abducted in our eyes and now she can't be traced from anywhere."

"You are saying it yourself Ludar, she can't be traced anywhere. What do you want us to do after that?" Asked back Xander to Ludar. "Impossible."

"Ludar please stop, everyone here has had enough for the past night, let's just all go to bed and re-energize and catch up on sleep. We will try to talk about what happened when we wake up." Everyone nodded and started to make their way out of the living room leaving behind, only Ludar, Xavier and keilla.

"Keilla go to sleep?" Said Ludar but the girl shook her head stubbornly. "I want to go look for my sister."

"There is no where to look from keilla, go to bed." Counter backed Xavier which keilla ignored by rolling her eyes.

"Xavier do you really believe there is no where to look from? Do you think those people just came out of nowhere and went back to nowhere? No__ I don't believe it and I will not till I find my sister and bring her back home."

"I also believe that we can find her." Ludar said before he furrowed his eyebrows at her. "But not with you though, so go to bed?"

"Why not with me? Either you do this with me or you don't but, I will still do this my way Ludar and remember I am old enough to handle myself. You don't believe me, I really don't freaking care." She said and she stood up but before she made any move she turned to her brother again. "You need me, you know where to find me." The little girl walked out but she moved no more further, she just stood behind the wall of the living room and eavesdropped.

"Ludar, let me believe you don't want to give up but do you even have an idea of where to start from?" The man nodded his head like he's already got the whole plan of finding his sister.

"The fucking idea is that I still remember her and I know she was there and not believing this facade they put on of disappearing her in thin air as if she never was on the faces of the earth in the first place, is a first step to get to her." Xavier rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me this is all the master plan you have in all this."

"Xavier, patience is a key to success and someone once said; a man's first wealth is a breath of life, second what he believes he has, in the end he gets it."

"Okay preacher, first I am not going to ask who said that cause I am pretty sure you just made that up for yourself but then again don't you think we should be receiving any help we are getting if we are going to be doing this?" Ludar quirked his eye brows unbelievably at his older brother.

"If by any chance you are talking about keilla's help then no, I am not dragging a thirteen year old girl into this. Xavier I hope you know that what we are heading into won't be easy on our side too damn, we don't even know what we are up against but I think we had a little taste of what our opponent is capable of?" Xavier nodded his head understandingly. "Makes sense."

"So what do you say? Team save our sister from this?" Ludar said while raising his hand in the air for a handshake. "And bring her right back home no matter what?" Xavier raised his hand and shook in his brother's. "No matter what."

The brothers looked at each other and silently promised themselves to get to the bottom of this and resolve this issue for all, because they knew and so did everyone that, if it kept going on like last night did then there was no longer the existence of the Queens' too because It was a matter of time for it to also be established away from the faces of the earth like Natara disappeared.

Behind the wall to the thirteen year old girl that has been eavesdropping to her brother's conversation from the moment she pretended walking out, she signed in her mind too that she was also going to do anything to save her sister, either with their help, support or not.

she read enough books and watched enough movies to educate herself that success is not granted to age, it's granted to those who want it and who works for it.

And she knew what she wanted and where she was heading in order to get what she wanted.
