

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
32 Chs


"Come home earlier sweetheart, do remember that we are having a family dinner tonight." She kissed her aunty on the cheek with a smile on her beautiful light face, flashing her both of her two dimples on both cheeks that every time she did smiled, it earned her every male's attention that was witnessing get stuck on her beauty.

"I know aunty and I won't disappoint, I swear." Natara said back to the small woman who was standing on the kitchen counter packing lunch for her kids.

"You better?"

"I know better." She said with that gorgeous smile still lingering on her face as she retreated back from the kitchen, stepping away from her aunty the little woman followed her with her gaze till she disappeared out of the woman's sight.

The girl walked out of her home and into her car. She started it and the drove from the parking garage to the porch of the house so she was now parallel with the porch and the big doors of her house.

"Keitha? Keilla? I am leaving, come to school with the bus." The girl yelled to her little sisters out loudly which caused the woman that was left in the kitchen earlier to hitch at the sound of it.

She made her way outside to the porch of the house.

"Naty, don't leave them please, they are coming. Don't make them take the school bus you know how much they hate it." Natara rolled her car window down to look at her aunty.

"They should learn to wake up earlier then." She said to her aunty but the little woman shook her head at Natara. "But don't worry anyway, I wasn't leaving them too, you know how hard they can get to you when you poked them." That caused Natara's aunty to smile with a shrug.

"Yes, you know better than making us take the bus Naty." Said keilla as she was passing by her mother. "Bye mom." She waved at her mother and walked in the back seat of Natara's car.

"Where is keitha?"

"I'm here." The girl walked out of the house while swinging her long brunette hair that she tied in a tight bun at the top of her head as she run to catch up with her sister's in order to not be left.

She got in the back seat of the car beside her sister and leaned on keilla while rolling the window down to look at her mother.

"Bye mom." She waved at her mother while her sister annoyedly pulled her head out of the window and off of her lap.

"Bye sweetie, Naty please do make it home earlier."

With a final nod to her aunty, the girl drove away leaving the woman standing there facing the disappearing car.

Natara sighed while driving to the school. "Girls next time I am first in the car and you are not there already, just a heads up. you will be taking the bus then and don't be surprised when it happens." Keitha rolled her eyes before answering her big sister back.

"Tara, stop making this a big deal, just this one day that you were earlier than us you think you won over Gabriel." Natara frowned looking back at her sister in the car rear view mirror.

"Why bring Gabriel in this?"

This time it was keilla's reply. "Why bring school bus in this?"

"Clap it girl." The two girls sitting in the back seat, raised their hands and clapped them in their middle while smirking to their sister in the driver's seat.

"You are the impossibles."

The two girl shrug together and said at the same time. "We've been called worse."

This caused natara to silently groan but luckily for her, she knew she wasn't going to sit long in that car while being suffocated by her two younger sisters any longer because she was pulling up at their school.

She parked her car in her usual spot and quickly turned to look behind at the girls. And say to them. "Uh guys, I don't find you here by 3:35pm then you are going to have to walk home with your own feet." The girls replied with a roll of their eyes which Natara just blew them kisses. "And I love you babes."

The girls got out of the car, each to her side. "We love you too Tara."

She got out of her car and made sure to leave it locked before swinging her hips from left to right as she made her way in the school.

Natara walked in the school building, passing by and greeting almost each student she passed by and complimenting whoever had something cute that caught her attention.

She finally reached her locker but before she opened it, a group of three girls came and stood behind her.

The one called Jessica said to her first. "Hey, Tara love your boots girl, where did you get them from?" She turned around to smile at the girl.

"Thank you Jessy, remember my brother ludar right? He got them for me for my last year's birthday."

Another girl named Daniella spoke next. "Oh Ludar and Lucas, who would dare forget about them, Gosh they are just too hot for my liking."

"For your liking or for your reach." Jessica teased her friend back, causing all the three other girls to laugh out at Daniella.

"Anyway bye Tara, We were swinging by to compliment you on your boots."

The third girl called, Olga interrupted her friend Jessica this time. "Oh and if you talk to your brother please ask him for me where he got those boots for you so I can get them too, they are oh my God, just cute and catchy."

"Now I think you are no longer talking about boots too, I think you already jumped to talk about her brother, on how cute and catchy he is." Jessica counterattacked her other friend too, making the other girls chuckle again.

"Oh just shut up jessy, we all know you are pretending to tease us so we don't bring it on you."

Before something else was said the school bell rang causing the four girls to wrap up their conversation and getting ready to attend their classes.

"Bye tara, see you in chemistry class." The girls walked away, leaving Tara to turn to her locker getting her books out and closing it right back.

She started walking to her class, greeting everyone again on her way, laughing and joking to whatever is funny and catching her attention.

She was the type of the girl that attracted attention wherever she was without even fighting for it, she wore her beauty naturally like it was her second language.

She was a girl that was meant to lead a life of a fairytale not a life of humans except she i

was also an exception because her nature was not that of humans and not close to that also of a fairytale life, she was made by the darkness but came out to be a drop of lightness in that darkness.

That made her shine and lovable to wherever she went but fortune had it written that.

She was meant to be loved by the most but hated by the most strongest.

She walked to her class and settled in one of the two seats located at the back of the class, she got busy getting other note books from her back that she didn't notice when it did happened that someone sat beside her.

"Good morning princess." She raised her head to stare at who it was and getting ready to reply back only for the words to be tongue twisted in her throat.

"Ga-bbri-e-ll." She stuttered looking back at him but out of embarrassment she averted her gaze away not being able to support what just happened.

She always been the girl to tame everyone around her but something about Gabriel, always made her be the one to be tamed with him.

The professor got in the class and natara found it hard focusing on what was being taught, the truth was that she was always overpowered by the boy sitting beside her.

But being the never give up girl she was, she suck it up and went with the class till the end.

At lunch break she met her friend Mark and shared their lunch as they always did at their usual table.

The school alarm rang signing students that it was time to head home, Natara was the one who had it loud and clear because she was the one to get out of the class before the others, given she was reminded by her aunty a million times to make it home earlier and apart from that she also felt done with school today because she was never the kind of girl that enjoyed education but she was also the kind of girl that succeeded at it without even trying hard.

She was making her way to her car when a voice called out to her behind her.

Sighing tiredly she turned around to see the person calling out to her.

"Natara wait," she growled inwardly seeing who it was.

She turned around and started walking away quickly as if she didn't hear the person catching up with her.

"Natara stop." The guy caught up with her and turned her kindly to him.

"Gideon?" She called out in a voice that is unpleasant and if it were someone else but not Gideon who had fallen head over hills for her, would have caught on it.

"Why were you running away from me? I called you out and I know you heard it." Natara just averted her gaze to the side, fighting within herself the urge she felt of rolling her eyes to the boy standing beside her.

"Am rushing home Gideon and if you don't know it, it's time for students to be going home not be standing in the middle of the parking lot." Gideon laughed as if what Natara just said was a funniest joke he is ever had only the other was being sarcastic out annoyance.

"Oh my, I love your sense of humor but that is not why I stopped you, I um, I was wondering if you are free tonight." That earned no answer to the boy, instead in return Natara just raised her eyebrow in questioning that meant.

'I am not catching up with you well'

And the boy took the hint and started on elaborating for her.

"I was wondering if we could go watch this movie that is airing in the big screens tonight, l uh I also booked us tickets, so...if you um?" It made Natara smile kindly down at the boy apologetically. "Am sorry Gideon but I can't tonight and am sorry you already bought the tickets but tonight can't work for me because we are having a family dinner and I can't miss but I do appreciate the offer, thank you and bye." She said quickly as she can and without waiting for an answer, she turned and run off to her car leaving the poor boy standing there left with no chance but to try convince her another time maybe.

Natara reached her car and and opened it for her and both her young sister that were waiting for her.

She sighed and got in.

"Am sorry guys that I am the one who was late, I promise I will make it up to you." They glared at her and when she averted her eyes to the rear view mirror to find them glaring at her she offered a sweet smile which they snorted at.

"If you are not here by 3:35pm you will have to walk home, I swear to the father that gave you this car that this is not fair." Keilla said and was backed by her sister. "I know right."

Natara just kept her mouth shut and only heard them whine in the back seat but when she could not take it no more, she chuckled before saying back to them. "Go and whine to God girls, who made you all the youngest."

"We sure will," replied Keilla rolling her eyes. Natara ignored her and just raised the volume of the radio in her car and drove home with no other exchange of words between the sisters.

They reached their house and the two young sisters walked in with a pouty face quite different from their sister one, who headed in with a smirk and a happy vibe.

"Great, you guys made it just in time, go get ready your elder siblings will be here soon." Said the woman welcoming each of her kids with a kiss on the cheek as she hurried them off to their rooms to get ready for a big night.
