
Chapter 13: Getting Assigned to Teams

After another 6 Monts of Training, we were assigned to our Jounnin Instructor because of Our Skills being high for our age and also as the Third Shinobi war Has Ended, So Jounnins were Free right now and they can take Missions outside the Village and Train young Shinobi. Which was Surprisingly Might Duy who was described as Eternal Genin and He should have died Protecting the Team of Guy Fighting with the Seven Ninja Swordsman.

But Here He was working as a Jounnin and our Instructor of the Kids, Who, are Described as the Stars of our Class and we were all from Major Clans. So, I was just Shocked at the After effects I left after coming to this world and was thinking that the story will never be the same which I watched at home. We were to be given to him to Train us till we are Ready to take the Chunnin Exams(which we can also take Right now but we were Stopped by Sarutobi Sensei as He told us that we will first have to Experience working as a Shinobi before we can have a High rank as Chunnin who can Lead a Team and Take all the Responsibilities of our Team Members.) So, said that First, we will have to do a Fixed no. of Missions and then only we will be allowed to take the Chunnin Exam.

As I was wondering how can he become a Jounnin, He came to us and told us to Introduce ourselves and state our dreams and likes, dislikes to him we all started I said first "My name is Itsuki Senju and my Dream is to become the most Powerful Shinobi and bring Peace to this World and my Likes are staying with my Family and friends and I hate the People who hurt my family and friends"and then Shisui said "My name is Shisui Uchiha and my Dreams are to bring Peace to this world and also become one of the most Brilliant Strategist my likes are to be with my father as much time as I can stay with him and my dislikes are people who want to hurt my Family and try to harm the Village" and then came Han's turn "My name is Han Hyuuga and my dreams are Peace and to become the most Powerful Hyuuga and my likes are Training in Taijutsu and my dislikes are people who watch me with gazes as they are looking at a monster" then He said his " My name is Might Duy and I will be your Jounnin Instructor until you become a Chunnin and My dreams are to become the person who can Protect his family and Village and my likes is Training with my Child and my dislikes are those who try to harm my child and Village".

He will only let us do the Missions and take our team to do Missions only If we were able to Pass his test. Then he took us to the Training Ground and then He said to us that we Three have to Fight with him and that If they Show enough Team Work and Strength then He will take us as His First Team and then He gave us Half Hour in which we can make a Strategy to Counter him, At that time he said " Let the Youth Burn inside of you and always stay young till you becoming Powerful enough with which you are Satisfied and that the most important thing in Life is not to become a Winner but become someone who will not turn their backs to their beliefs and comrades, After Saying this He left the Ground and said that He will come after Half Hour and at that time we Should be Ready". As I was wondering about him so were both of My friends.

Ken operated his Byakugan and Found out that our Jounnin Sensei didn't even have Chakra Comparable of an Academy Student. He was disappointed and after He told the news to Shisui He was also Felling a Little Down as there Sensei has so Little Chakra how can He be a Strong Shinobi. Then they looked at me as we were Best Freinds now we all new Each other very well and that I was very Keen towards Power and that If the Sensei was weak I would have also said some words but after seeing him I was in a Daze.

So, Han asked me "Itsuki, why are you in a Daze after seeing Sensei as He is so weak even one of us, can defeat him so why He gave us time to Strategize and Why Sarutobi Sensei gave us such a Weak Sensei." Then I told him that this Teacher was not weak, People cannot become a Jounnin If they are weak and that even If he doesn't have a Chakra Reserves of Jounnin Level but you Should have seen his well-built Muscles and How Fast he was when he left the Training ground. I told them that we should not Judge a Book by its cover and we are Shinobi we see underneath the underneath of everything. Then we made a Strategy that we will do to Counter our Sensei.

After Half Hour Sensei came and was Preparing to have a Fight with us and then He saw us as we were Preparing and Stretching our Limbs and taking Stances for Taijutsu. He came to us and asked, "Why are all of you Preparing for Taijutsu as I heard from the Academy that Itsuki specializes in Ninjutsu and Shisui specializes in Genjutsu and only Han is a Taijutsu specialist". He started pondering and then He suddenly came to a realization and then He said that we should not be afraid of fighting him, He will not go hard on them.

I answered him "Sensei we have Han he has Byakugan and He has seen your Chakra Reserve and that It was even Lower than an Academy student so we all decided that we will only fight with you with Taijutsu so that you can rectify our Taijutsu mistakes and can also train us on your Taijutsu techniques and If we Pass your test only with taijutsu which we are weakest then we can come with you on Missions". Sensei was surprised at my answer as all the People didn't like Taijutsu as much as Ninjutsu and Genjutsu and to Perform at a High level required a very Extensive Training.

Sensei then told that If we want to pursue high-level Taijutsu we would have to do very Extensive Training and Hard work to become Powerful with only Taijutsu.

Then he said to us and come to us as full force and then we started our fight......................

Please write Review on my story and tell me if you would like to suggest anything through the Comments and If you don't like anything then Comment so that I can make it correct.

Sorry, guys were not able to write these days as I am a college student so Mid-sem and Projects are just taking to much time.

Thank You Guys for Reading!!!!!

Thank you for your Power Stones




Ice_godcreators' thoughts