
- 10 - Izuna's Turn

Fugaku stepped forward, copied the hand signs, and then shot out a fireball ¼ the size of the lake. It wasn't absolutely massive, but it was still an impressive performance, one that Izuna would happily wish to replicate on his first try.

Takashi then said to Arashi and Fugaku, "Wow, congratulations! To be able to use it on his first try and for it to be that size is an accomplishment."

Fugaku turned around, nodded, and said, "Thank you, Uncle Takashi."

Then his father nodded to Takashi and said to his son, "Fugaku, that really was amazing. Not many kids can do it on their first try. I'm proud of you."

Fugaku simply nodded his head to his father and said with a calm voice, "Thank you, Father."

The father-son duo, Arashi and Fugaku, then stepped aside and allowed Takashi and Izuna to step forward.

Takashi looked over to Izuna and asked, "Do you need me to show you again, or do you think you got it?"

Izuna looked up at his father, smiled, and said, "I got it." He then copied the hand signs, gathered the chakra, and let out a fireball.

His fireball was slightly bigger than Fugaku's, but not by much. It could be said that they both seemed to have the same talent level, but Izuna, already having unlocked the Sharingan, gave him the edge he needed to outperform Fugaku.

Izuna then thought to himself, 'That's good. I was worried I wouldn't be talented, but it looks like that god, or whatever that being was, gave me some talent. To be able to match Fugaku is no small feat.'

Arashi then congratulated both Takashi and Izuna.

He also praised Izuna's chakra reserves, which were quite large for his age. He already had the chakra of a chunin.

The father-son duos then went their separate ways.

Takashi and Izuna went back home, where they held a small celebratory feast for Izuna's accomplishments that went on late into the night.

The next morning, Izuna woke up early and ran back to the lake to start practicing the jutsu.

He thought to himself, 'Yesterday was good, but it wasn't good enough. I didn't feel like if I asked for higher jutsus like the Shadow Clone that father would give it to me. I need to practice, then use my save point so I can get a redo.'


For every 100 power stones, I'll release an extra chapter.

[A/n If you want me to write romance, comment 1; if you do not want romance, comment 2 if you have already voted please do not vote again. It will mess up my count. Current score I believe, is 10 to 10]
