
Chapter 7 (Part 4)

Heading out of the underground base I noticed that the sky had already darkened, checking at the time; I found that its still 7 pm in evening and since I don't have anything to do, I decided to walk around for while to see if there's anything to pique my interest.

It had been a years since I was reborn in this world, I realized that all that time I'm either training or planing about my future.

What I didn't notice is that I've unconsciously putting pressure on myself on which according to [psychology] books I've read is not healthy.

Chasing away this thoughts, i leave the forested outskirt.

A bit troublesome as the the landscape is a bit messy, fortunately my sandals of swiftness do me a favor, making every steps of mine soft and light.

Reaching the residential area, I then scan the place using my sensory and only when i confirm that there's no shinobi nearby, did i relax.

I then form a single handseal and with a puff of smoke, the gas mask on my face and the gloves on my hands vanish and was stored into my rings.

Nodding my head as I'm too cool with it, I don't want to attract attention after all, that was the last thing i wanted now.

And Just like that, the Night Goes on as I started enjoying wonders that Konoha could offer.

My walks goes peacefully as despite the darkness of the evening, many people were still doing business.

After a bit more investigation, I learned that there are a Festival today and apparently the Event is called '40th year Village Establishment Anniversary Day'.

I was confused at this as I didn't know that such event exist but realising how busy I am with trainings and other stuffs, it seems reasonable that it slip.

The night continued as I pass by various stalls and tried some games such shooting, darts, dice, i lost and won some prices, which I casually given to the random kids cheering on me.

I've also tried variety of streets foods that Konoha had plenty of, such as dumplings, BBQ, ramen and speaking of; I passed by a young man named Tanaka Ichiraku, the future father of Teuchi Ichiraku, the future founder of Ichiraku Ramen.

The stall owner had a tired expression and was about to closed his stall when a sudden voiced rang Infront of him.; "A bowl of miso Ramen Please."

Tanaka had a perplex expression when a young voice suddenly sounding before him, but seeing it was just a boy he had relaxed and calmed.

That of course, only last for seconds and like any other professional server, his lips quickly turn into a smile saying "Please call me Tanaka Ichiraku and bowl of miso Ramen is coming right up."

The area was drowned in serene and peaceful atmosphere, Tanaka did his magic as the sounds of utensils was akin to music for both of them.

The process continue for minutes as Haru watched in fascination and thought; So this was the Art deidara talking about?

Soon the ramen was cooked and was serve to him, he had to admit that it was really Beautiful.

This should something that no mortal could do yet my sensory told me every specs of him (chakra reserves) that he really was.

Eating the food gleefully, Haru ask "Are you a ninja tanaka-san?"

He sighed; "I did dream of becoming one when I'm small, but I fail unfortunately just as I take the entrance exam, the instructor told me that I have no talent to manipulate chakra, and that was it."

He shrug then said; "I was stubborn kid back then, and trained even if i don't have talent, I trained my body, practice martial arts, throwing kunai, i did it for years until one day I realized that I have a talent in cooking, and since i know that being ninja isn't for me I decided to become a cook."

Haru turns silenced by that, realizing how lucky he was truly was, just imagine that in ten thausands kids that aspire to become a ninja only few hundreds was qualified.

In that hundreds, half of them came from clan, clans that had been using chakra for generations, while half was lucky enough to awaken chakra at the young age.

"Ah, can I ask you another question?" The boy asked.

"Sure" Tanaka guesture his hand to continue..

"Do you still wanted to become a Ninja?" asked by the boy as Tanaka's eyebrows rose a bit before shaking his head.

"Not now, I mean it was cool but all ninja I knew from my generation were dead and those alive are either crippled or disabled so No. not anymore" Tanaka chuckled but then realized that he had been talking to a kid and was embarrassed and apologized; "Eh? sorry about that kid, I did blab to much am I?"

Haru only smile and shrug.

Finishing the Ramen, Haru took his purse and paid the Ramen making the young Ichiraku to smile.

The night then continue as he ander around but got bored as Tanaka's words keep echoing on his head and decided to end the Day.


Looking at the ceiling of my room, I couldn't help but to think what should I do in the future.

I'm not a good man nor am I an evil, for as I always believe that it was only a concept of society created by those above to control the masses.

No, what I am is the one who would do anything for his own benefits.

Now what to do? I still don't sure...

But what I knew is I have to get strong, as only strong had a placed in the World, and to that I had to get rich as resources required to be make that Faster and while stealing could do it, I knew that its not good for in Long Term.
