
Meeting of Flower Princess and Outcast Prince

"My only option... is to climb" Ino mumbled as she looked up at the flowers.

The flowers were a few meters high up. The closest one was about 4-5 meters up, she was only 4'3 tall. That was three to four times her height. The other two stalks were at least 10 meters high up. She grit her teeth before making her decision.

She only needed to two more stalks of flowers. She was so close, she couldn't give up now. 'Yamanaka Ino doesn't give up when my image is at stake!' She thought to herself.

She went back to one of the trees before looking around. "Sorry for the intrusion... but I'm borrowing this" she said to no one in particular before grabbing two kunai. She held both in reverse grip on both hands.

Using what she learned from the lessons in the academy, she started circulating her chakra to strengthen her arms. Then she started scaling the cliff towards the flowers, using the kunai as help by stabbing the cliff and pulling herself up with them.

Soon she reached the first stalk. She stopped and made sure the kunai were imbedded into the cliff and were secure before she reached out to grab the flower. Taking it she put it near her mouth before gently biting it to secure it.

'Now all that's left is one more...' She thought before making her way up.

Slowly, one stride at a time. Making sure there were no slip ups, as she didn't know how to climb tree's or buildings through just her feet yet. She slowly made her way towards the last two flowers.

Six meters

Seven meters

Eight meters

Just as she was about to make the ninth meter mark one of the kunai's she was using to pull on got loose and instantly she felt herself drop.

"No!" She yelled as she fell. She closed her eyes preparing for the pain yet it never came. Suddenly a pair of strong arms caught her before she felt that she was no longer falling.

She peeked an eye open and glanced down to see she was being held by someone and that they were already on the ground. Lifting her head up she was stunned to meet with dazzling blue eyes. The contrast of those blue eyes and the crimson like red hair, not to mention the unique whisker like birth marks... He looked like a prince straight out of a fantasy.

"Beautiful..." She whispered softly, a second later she felt the hands that held her tightly let go and causing her to fall on her butt.



It was a the 7th day of the week, which meant Naruto didn't need to go to the academy. The academy only needed students to attend six out of the seven days. Seeing as he had nothing on his agenda, he did what he would normally do.


After all, that was the only thing he could do. Practically everyone in the village hated him and he wasn't allowed near any establishments. Spending his days in his apartment was too boring for him.

As he arrived he started experimenting again with the spiritual form of his Chakra Chains. He closed his eyes and sensed as he began to look for targets before he sensed a chakra signature making its way towards his location. With his eyes still closed he turned to find the chakra silhouette of a girl his age.

'This chakra... it's my classmate...' Naruto thought as he opened his eyes. Annoyance visible on his face. 'Yamanaka Ino? What could she want?'

He pumped chakra on his legs and feet before he jumped up towards a tree and landed on a thick branch. He perched himself as he watched what his classmate was up to. He watched as the Yamanaka heiress approached his location with a basket.

He could make out the contents, 'Flowers? Those look like the flowers I use for spices when cooking the fish I caught.' He thought

'If I remember correctly they are called somethin' something roses and that they only bloom once every year at this time' He watched as she looked near the cliff trying to find more for about ten minutes before she gave up and rested under a tree.

'Is she planning to cook? What else are its uses, it's smell is pleasant. Well she is a girl, maybe she's picking them to gift the Uchiha' He thought, annoyed the girl wasn't leaving.

Soon however he watched as she got up as if she spotted something. Following her gaze he looked up to find three stalks of Solitary Roses. 'It's too high up for her, she'll give up' He thought but the next thing she did shocked him.

She went near one of the tree's that had some of his second hand kunai and took two. Then holding them in reverse grip, she started scaling the cliffside 'Is she crazy?! One mistake and she'll fall and get severely injured!!'

Soon he watched as she slowly but made her way to the first stalk of Solitary Roses and arguable the one that was the lowest. Plucking the flower she then made her way towards the other two. He watched in amusement.

'I didn't know you had it in you Yamanaka. Oh, how fangirls are willing to go so far for you, Uchiha Sasuke. Truly enviable' He thought as he sighed

Just as he thought of that however, one of the kunai she held loosened due to instability and she fell.

"No!" He heard causing him to spring into action.

Pumping chakra onto his legs and feet he jumped and crossed the distance. Soon he was near the falling girl as he grabbed her into a princess carry, hold her tightly as he landed on the ground. He looked at the girl, who had her eyes shut tightly as she bit her lips.


'As I thought before, she looks quite cute but alas her personality...' Naruto thought as he shook his head.

He watched as the girl peeked below and saw the ground. She heaved a sigh of relief before she looked up for their eyes to meet. Naruto only had a stoic and blank expression on as he wore them when dealing with strangers.


He kept quiet as she was silently taking in the sight of his face. It was awkward as he didn't know how to strike up a conversation. 'Hey banshee, looks like it's falling idiots right?... no no, that's too rude even for me and we never had proper contact prior to today...'

Just as he was contemplating what to say she heard her whisper.


'Wait a minute... Beautiful?! What?! ME?!'

'How rude, I'm a dude. I'm rightfully handsome damn it, not some flaky shit!!' His eyes twitched as he narrowed his eyes and let go of her.

"Ow!" The girl said as she fell on her butt. Her eyes were once again shut as she rubbed her rear end with her hand.

He didn't spare her another glance as he pumped his chakra and leapt of onto the trees then to the cliffside and grabbed the last two flowers. He glanced at the flowers before he let go of them and left. He just left and never looked back. All that happened before the girl could open her eyes.

When she finally did, all she saw were two flowers landing in front of her


Chapter End


Did I forget to mention I made Naruto like Ikimen as fuck? No, well you now you know. I inverted him... Kushina hair, Minato looks... yada yada. Why? Because I can!

If ur a noob, Ikimen means good looking guy/hot dude in Japanese
