
Naruto the player: solo leveling

after being nearly killed naaruto awakens the system and becomes the player, naruto know has the potential of infinite growth and he is teamed up with sasuke and hinata how will thongs change when the three of them brcome ninja and face the trials of the battle field find out in this exciting fanfic.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Zabuza the demon/ training to face the enemy

There was a sickening laugh filled with malice.

" I've heard there is a Genin whose growth is astronomical, yet I've never thought it be this shrimp," said zabuza.

( A/n he just said the magic words,)

Naruto had a shadow downcast over his face as an aura appeared on his face.

Naruto walked forward to face zabuza but kakashi stopped him.

" This guy's out of your league let me handle him," said kakashi.

Naruto was still pissed but he had learned to hold his anger and what to release it at any given moment.

As kakashi faced zabuza he began a serious bout zabuza used a strike with his sword aimed at kakashi's head but kakashi used the body flicker and appeared beside zabuza landing a side kick aimed at zabuza's head.

Zabuza fell back and made a hand seal as he summoned a large wave to his aid.

Kakashi moved out of the way and appeared beside zabuza attempting to strike him but zabuza caught him in a grapple and chuckled as he said.

" You should mind your footwork," said zabuza as kakashi was suddenly caught in a water prison.

Naruto then made it his personal responsibility to free kakashi however zabuza summoned six water clones.

" Sasuke Hinata cover your ears," said Naruto.

The two genin's eyes widened before they did so and Naruto let out a sigh dragons fear.

Naruto let out a loud roar that blew back the water and destroyed the clones while causing zabuza to drop to one knee.

Haku who was watching this felt light headed and found himself falling to the ground.

Naruto in the meantime closeness himself to zabuza and attempted a flying kick to zabuza's chest.

Zabuza caught the boy but Naruto executed a somersault kick that nearly decapitated zabuza at that moment zabuza's grip loosened on the water prison and Naruto smirked as he decided to use on of his own original techniques he span around dragging his heel through the water setting it on fire and then executed a rising heel kick that caught fire as Naruto called out " Ryuu-po: En-ryuu-kyaku." ( Dragon method: blaze dragon kick) The kick hit zabuza squad in the chin with such force he was sent into the sky.

Naruto landed grounded his stance and did a little shuffle of his shoulders.

Naruto shifted back and waited as zabuza lost his temper.

' if I hadn't pulled my head back at the last moment that kick would've killed me this kid isn't playing 'round,' thought zabuza in panic.

Kakashi then came from behind and stabbed zabuza in the back.

" Tch damnit," said zabuza.

Haku had recovered fast enough to help zabuza with his senbon,

Naruto attacked zabuza with a combination of two blows to the gut two hooks to the jaw and then a huge sweeping Uppercut.

Just then two senbon hit zabuza in the neck.

And a boy appeared in an anbu mask.

Naruto could sense this boy wasn't an anbu but decided to let him go as he knew that if he ended this battle here Sasuke and Hinata wouldn't get the chance to grow stronger.

" I'll allow you to take zabuza off my hands," he said before he added in a barely audible tone so only haku could hear.

" You best be ready because we'll come back for your head as well you two faced liar," said Naruto.

After that haku retreated he knew he had to eliminate this person but he couldn't blow his cover.

Naruto and his team finally arrived at the bridge builders house and then kakashi had each of them do training.

Since he was focused on having Sasuke get stronger since he already knew he needed to catch up he had Sasuke begin with tree walking Naruto and Hinata joined to and they both showed progress.

After the first day Naruto summoned his system and found his status.

{ Name: Naruto Uzumaki}

{ Status: Player}

{ Rank: rookie}

{ Title: Genin}

{ Level 6}

{ Strength: 26}

{ Speed: 24}

{ Stamina: 25}

{ Agility: 28}

{ Accuracy: 29}

{ Intelligence: 27}

{ Passives: will to recover; user can not sustain any physical damage, longevity; player can not be affected by any ailment}

{ Active skills: Dragon's Fear; user releases a mighty shout that can cause anyone weaker than him to be rendered unconscious,}

{ Player has ten skill points available,}

Naruto decided to invest his skill points into his strength speed and accuracy since he figured he would need them he also added some to his agility to give him more flexible movements.

After this he began to practice his taijutsu with his shadow clones he then turned to kakashi who was watching him.

" Don't you dare think of copying my techniques," Naruto said with a menacing glare.

Kakashi sweat dropped.

" I won't Naruto if I do I'll be revoked of my license as a jounin." Said.

Naruto decided to check if his system had anything that could help him.

Naruto found out his system had a shop feature which he could by weapons and armor and a bunch of other stuff he decided to buy himself a sword since he thought having one would be useful his system also seemed to have a scroll on a ancient kenjutsu style called hiten-mei-tsurugi-ryu the heavens cry sword style.

Naruto decided to purchase both.

After this Naruto began practicing this sword style and techniques using shadow clones and eventually had it down by the end of the day.

As the week progressed the group had grown stronger with Sasuke learning some Tai-jutsu from kakashi that helped him develop further.

Naruto would often spar with Sasuke and Hinata both of whom would do their best to try and touch him.

Naruto had them build up their speed by making them play a game of tag although Sasuke found it useless he soon discovered that he was getting faster the more he played.

Naruto eventually had them spar with him.

Sasuke came at Naruto with a back spin kick but Naruto dodged it with a simple step back before Hinata came at him with a sweep Naruto again stepped back dodging them both of them came at him with their hand strikes,

Naruto shifted his weight and countered with a back spin fist that caught fire,

" Crap!" Shouted sasuke.

" Oh no!" Said Hinata.

The two put up their guards before Naruto went on the offensive he moved fast using shifting footwork he landed a left straight to sasuke's chin fallowed by a double hook kick to Hinata's knee's before using a split to duck under Sasuke's comeback and landed a seiken to sasuke's junk.

" Ngh!" Cried sasuke as he felt as if his pelvis was completely shattered.

Naruto did a kip up and assumed his front horse stance drew his arms in a circle and shuffled his shoulders.

" Again faster this time!" Said Naruto.

They continued this again and again untill finally Sasuke and Hinata both landed a hit with Sasuke landing a reversed elbow to Naruto's and Hinata landing a palm strike to Narutos back.

" Good!" Said Naruto but then he came at hianata with a series of hand strikes causing her to defend this time however Hinata wasn't using traditional jūken she was flowing more fluidly and striking more rapidly her arms moved in a circular motions and she countered his strikes with relaxed hands she eventually stepped over his footwork back fisting him in the liver and trapping his arm pulling it into a lock before releasing him while landing a palm strike to his center sending him flying.

Naruto then turned to Sasuke throwing a combination of straights and hooks aimed at

Sasuke's head and chest.

Sasuke weaved left and right before Naruto threw a roundhouse kick to which Sasuke executed a sweeper kick into a backspin kick fallowed by an axe kick.

Naruto however dodged the last kick by vanishing leaving an after image and appeared on a tree branch above sasuke.

Sasuke sweat dropped.

'seriously how fast is this guy,' thought the last Uchiha.

Naruto watches the two spar; Hinata would occasionally use mix up's in her style, she would use spinning sweeps and back turn strikes,as well as ankle traps and wrist locks so she could land powerful double palms or leg sweeps.

Naruto would also help with the construction using at least 300 shadow clones to help with the progress.

As a result Naruto got 12 points he put two into each stat and he felt himself growing stronger.

It was during one day that Naruto was approached by a person wearing a dress.

Naruto saw the person but he could tell this was actually a guy.

Naruto sighed knowing this was indeed the boy who rescued zabuza.

" Listen I don't want to be your enemy if you would like you could come to konoha with me and you could become a ninja again," Naruto said.

Haku felt sorry he knew this boy was trying his best to help but he was endebged to zabuza.

" I'm sorry Naruto-san; but zabuza is my reason for living," said haku.

Naruto sighed there was no point in fighting haku he was a good kid.

" I don't want to be your enemy but if that is your choice than I will have to fight you however I won't fight an enemy who isn't ready for combat it's against my nindo," said Naruto.

" You are a kind individual Naruto-San," said haku.

After which the two parted ways from that point.

Naruto returned home and he approached kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei, is it normal to not want to kill your enemy?" asked Naruto.

Kakashi felt sorry for Naruto as he finally had to face one of the most difficult troubles of a Shinobi.

" Yes Naruto, it is normal to not want to kill someone who is your enemy," said kakashi with a sad expression.

Naruto nodded.

To be continued.

"This chapter was a bit more of a summary. It's worth noting that Hinata has developed a new form of Jūken based on Tai-chi, which is still under development. However, she is determined to master it in time for her match against Neji. It would be great to see her showcase her new skills and challenge Neji. Moving on to the preview, the line is, "So, you were our enemy." said sasuke.

" haku and sasuke clashed their weapons as saske attempted a lions brage but haku mde hand seals witu one hand at speeds only sasuke could dream of,

" hijutsu: Makyō Hyōshō!" shouted haku.

" sorry I'm late i got lost on the road of life," quiped naruto.

" youl pay for hurting my friend," said naruto.

to be continued.

(who will survive )

Ian_Brooks_6315creators' thoughts