
Naruto the player: solo leveling

after being nearly killed naaruto awakens the system and becomes the player, naruto know has the potential of infinite growth and he is teamed up with sasuke and hinata how will thongs change when the three of them brcome ninja and face the trials of the battle field find out in this exciting fanfic.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

the team assignment

"what!" shouted the class in surprise

" iruka sensei Naruto shouldn't be rookie of the year!" shouted Sakura.

" oh and why is that?" asked iruka.

" because Sasuke should be the rookie of the year!" said Sakura.

" is that your only reason?" asked iruka pulling out a book.

" yes!" said Sakura.

" fine I'll give you five reasons why Naruto should be rookie of the year,"

" Naruto Uzumaki showed an outstanding recovery in grades in both written practical and taijutsu exams," he began.

" Two Naruto Uzumaki showed to be an adept learner in the ninja arts such as shuriken Jutsu, wall jumping, sprinting, hand to hand combat and intelligence gathering," iruka Continued.

" Three naruto Uzumaki helped his fellow students with their studies as an attempt to bond with them these three include shikamaru Nara, choji akamichi, and hyuga Hinata," iruka added.

" Four Uzumaki Naruto has been repeatedly spotted helping those in need and constantly training and studying to help improve himself as a student a ninja and a person," iruka said emphasizing each word towards Sasuke and Sakura.

" And finally Naruto Uzumaki has put his heart and soul into being someone his friends can trust," added iruka.

This caused Sasuke and Sakura to wince since they both knew that he was right and that they had spent most of their time focusing on themselves while Naruto at least attempted to make a difference.

" Now as for your precious sasuke, sure he is great at ninja arts as well he has talent in taijutsu and he may be an Uchiha prodigy," began iruka

" However he does not show any signs of improvement in his social skills, his community work or his training, he relies too much on his own talents and he has no friends whom he can trust," said iruka.

" Now as for team assignments team seven will consist of Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, and Hyuga Hinata." Said iruka.

"I'll be on Naruto-kun's team." Said Hinata who was in the back.

" WHAT!!!" Said Sakura.

" Sensei that's so unfair your putting that introverted girl on a team that I should be on!" Said Sakura.

" You realize you've lost like six fights against her right?" Asked Naruto with a rhetorical question.

Sakura blushed while Sasuke and the others smirked.

" SHUT UP NARUTO!" She said and attempted to punch him only for Naruto to shift right stuck his leg out and trip her over his knee all while letting out a whistle.

" Careful that first steps a doozy," he quipped.


" You have two weeks to get ready then your sensei will come and meet you!" Said iruka.

( A/N I know this isn't actually how it happens but just go with it.)

It was two days after graduation that Naruto got a new mission.

{ New mission}

{ Retreave the scroll of seals} chimed the system.

{ Reward/???} The system replied.

'An unknown reward that probably means it's a rare skill or maybe a secret item?' thought Naruto.

Naruto left his room and sure enough he saw mizuki sensei running from the hokage's office with the scroll of seals.

Naruto caught up with him without even having trouble.

" Hand over the scroll mizuki," said Naruto sternly.

" Heh you probably want it's power for yourself demon brat!" Said mizuki.

" You know I really misjudged you mizuki, I thought you were a silent ill conceived jerk, now I realize you are the bastard son of a useless shit," said Naruto.

Mizuki drew a kunai and threw it at Naruto but Naruto was already in his blindside and landed a powerful kick to mizuki's knee that snapped his leg in half causing the man to howl out in pain.

{ New mission kill mizuki,} said the system.

{ Reward 2,009 gold.}

Naruto smirked gladly.

Naruto ducked under mizuki's funa shuriken doing a split as he let out a left straight punch to mizuki's balls.

" Ngh!" Grunted mizuki.

Naruto then executed a summersault back flip kick that cracked mizuki's neck before finishing with a one inch punch that shattered mizuki's diaphragm it was overkill however as the kick killed him already.

Iruka came just in time to see what Naruto had done and then Naruto heard.

{ Mission completed}

{ Retreave scroll of seals and kill mizuki have been completed,}

{ Reward granted.}

Suddenly Naruto saw a large stone appear before him and when he touched it the knowledge of a knew skill called dragons fear a mana infused shout that drives his enemies into a state of panic.

Later at the hokage's Manor the third hokage iruka and Naruto were talking in private.

" Iruka tell me how did mizuki die," asked sarutobi

" Naruto killed him with his bare hands," said Iruka.

" Is this true Naruto Kun?" Asked hiruzen.

" Yes sir," said Naruto.

" Well Naruto as a reward I shall let you learn one technique from that scroll," said hiruzen

" Maybe I would like to learn the multiple shadow clone technique," said Naruto.

The hokage looked at him kindly and nodded.

" Very well since you've shown promise I shall let you learn it I shall show you the seals for it right now," said hiruzen.

Hiruzen showed Naruto the seals and created thirty clones.

" Okay I'll try," said nary6he made the seals and created over two thousand shadow clones.

Hiruzen dropped his pipe from his mouth.

" Naruto are you okay," asked hiruzen afraid he may have made a huge mistake.

" I'm perfectly fine Jiji" said Naruto.

Hiruzen picked up his pipe and puffed some smoke.

" Kids these days," huffed hiruzen and walked away.

Two weeks passed and Naruto and his team mates sat in their seats.

Hinata watched as Naruto seemed to be meditating while Sasuke brooded.

Hinata decided to join Naruto in meditation before she could do that though kakashi came in.

" Alright meet me on the rooftop in five minutes." Said kakashi.

Hinata turned to try and awaken Naruto but he was gone and so was kakashi.

Kakashi arrived at the rooftop to find Naruto leaning against a rail.

" Tell me kakashi sensei what excuse do you have to make about making us wait two whole hours?" Asked Naruto.

" I got lost on the road to life," said kakashi.

" How about I send you on a trip to the sanzu river," asked Naruto.

Before kakashi could reply Hinata and Sasuke arrived on the rooftop.

" Okay you kids go ahead and introduce yourselves," asked kakashi.

" Tell me what you like what you hate and dreams for the future," asked kakashi.

" Starting with the girl," asked kakashi.

" Hai my name is Hinata hyuga, um I like pressing flowers, cinnamon rolls and my little sister I also like a certain person," said Hinata

" I dislike the clan elders and people who think kindness is weakness;"

"my dream for the future is to be a great kunoichi and earn my clans respect," said Hinata.

" Hmm interesting, next you the one who's brooding," said kakashi.

" My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I don't like anything and I pretty much hate everything; "as for my dream it isn't a dream but rather an ambition I will avenge my clan and kill a certain person," said Sasuke.

' great an avenger with a god complex,' thought kakashi.

" Okay now you Blondie," asked kakashi.

" My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like ramen, training, helping people, and a certain girl;"

" I dislike liars, thieves, rapist, and those who judge others for something they have no controll over; " the blonde said.

" And as for my dream of rather my goal is to be the greatest hokage and a ninja legend, that way everyone will look up to me and stop disrespecting me," said Naruto.

Kakashi felt somewhat proud that his former sensei's son would want to be of help to others and only want to be admired.

" Alright meet me at training field seven for a field exercise also don't eat breakfast you'll throw up." Said kakashi.

After that he left but secretly he just vanished to observe their decision as to wait to do next.

" I suggest we each get some rest and get a good breakfast in the morning," said Naruto.

" B-but N-n-naruto-kun sensei said we shouldn't or we'll throw up," said Hinata.

Naruto rolled his eyes.

" Think about it Hinata he's trying to weaken us so he can get the better of us after all a Ninja's best weapon is deceit," said Naruto.

Hinata thought about it for a moment then nodded.

" You're right N-n-naruto-kun," said Hinata.

Sasuke thought about what the dobe said and realized that he was right.

" Come on guys I'll treat you two to Ramen," Naruto said.

" R-r-really?" Asked Hinata.

Sasuke decided to at least entertain the idea of cooperating.

Kakashi thought hmm they seem hopeful after all.

At ichiraku.

Ayame watched as naruto Hinata and Sasuke entered the room.

Sasuke and Naruto both ordered the miso soup ramen while Hinata ordered the teriyaki chicken ramen.

" So you two have doujutsu huh?" Asked Naruto.

" What's it to you jealous much," asked Sasuke.

" Not really I don't have that much to offer I'm terms of techniques besides my shadow clones and my tai-jutsu;" Naruto began.

"although I do have a few skills that I've recently learned and a healing bloodline," said Naruto.

" N-n-naruto-kun I've got my families bloodline that allows me to use chakra all over my body," said Hinata.

" Hn I guess I could tell you my family specializes in fire Jutsu," said Sasuke.

Kakashi came over to them.

" Well kids I guess I should tell you tomorrow you won't need to meet me at the training field because I've made a crucial decision," said kakashi.

" What but we just graduated," said Naruto fearing the worst.

" Yes about that I've decided that....you all have passed," said kakashi.

" But...are we...still going to... have that exercise?" Asked Hinata.

" Yes we will but I won't do it the way I intended to do it for now eat and rest," said kakashi.

To be continued.

woo long chapter yes I know the failing thing may be a part of growth but since I've decided that in this story Naruto will have already achieved a level beyond normal strength and abilities that he had previously,

I've decided that the whole having him fight Kakashi would be too much since he'd be too overpowered and Kakashi fans hate me as the fight would make it seem like I nerfed him whatever that means.

Anyway onto the preview.

" I'm coming at you Kakashi," shouted Naruto as he let him know that their match would begin.

kakashi put his book down since he had heard of what Naruto did to mizuki.

" you really insist on fighting me okay I'll entertain you," said kakashi.

" let's do this," said Naruto.

to be continued

( who will survive.)

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