
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
86 Chs

Chapter 9 : Me

I step out of the bathroom, my hair still wet and hanging down over my forehead. I traverse the corridors of my house until I reach the living room. There, I slowly approach my favorite couch, where I've been resting for the past five years. I sit down slowly, then lay on it, resting my head on the soft arm of the couch.

'Status'  i thought .



Name: Hatake Garou

Alias: Human 49% / Monster Hybrid 51%

Power Level: Adult

Assimilated: 13%


• Fighting Spirit Amplification

• Hand-to-Hand Combat Mastery

• Adaptation

• Reactive Evolution


• Mimicry [III]

• Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist [Intermediate]

• Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist [Starter]

• Regeneration [I]

• Psycho mod: Your focus reaches ypur body's current limits temporarily.


• Carnage: Your overall fighting prowess doubles.

• Crazed Hybrid Form:

Time limit: 30 seconds.

• Monster Form:50%

Time limit: 1 second.

• Perfected Fist : [LOCKED]

• Monster Form %100 : [ LOCKED]

• Awakened Garou: Cosmic Fear Mode > One With The Flow > God's Avatar [LOCKED]+

• God Garou: [LOCKED]++

• ERROR!!! [LOCKED]+++

Note: Grow up .


I look at my status in silence...

Then I remember that accursed day. The first flood of memories and experiences rushed in. My body went into autopilot, like I was high on cocaine, although I don't know how that feels, and thankfully will never find out. But that doesn't mean I'm not uncomfortable with myself. The moment I became 'this' thing, everything changed.

My previous parents, sister, my love life, my job, my hobbies... It was so easy, very easy, to accept the fact that I'd be gone, that maybe I'd never see them again, never play on my PC, watch a movie, or anime. I'd never feel 'normal' again.

I accepted it, and that makes me feel weird. I promised I'd never fear anyone, but... Was that really me who promised, or my new subconscious mind? Am I separate or fused with a morally twisted monster god? Who am I? Garou, the martial artist, or Kazuki, a normal dude with a normal life?

"I hate my name," I muttered.

At first, when that wheel decided my fate, I was full of joy. Reincarnated, living a life of fantasy, having a harem of women like those fanfictions I read, some unknown goddess being my lover and sugar mommy, becoming immortal, traveling between worlds, and somehow becoming a god. It's everyone's dream come true, right?

But that's not how the real world works. Life is harsh here. If not now, then what about when I'm ten or older? Slowly interacting with the outside world, starting to kill, torture, steal. All for the sake of what? Village? Will of fire? Pshht, bitch please. Anyone with some brain cells realizes that's just brainwashing at its finest.

What village? What will? What life? It's nice and all to protect your people, but at what cost? You're protecting them by bringing hell to other people similar to the ones you're protecting. Killing the sons and daughters of innocent people.

'Standing tall on a million lives,' I thought to myself as if being cool means killing and whatnot then i don't want to look cool, i am better than that .

I've read many fanfictions. When they come here, some become the Hokage, some become missing-nin, shopkeepers, dickheads, heroes, villains, just because it's fun? Looks cool? Badass? Revenge ? ...

I know it's cool and all, striving for the best and shit like that, but let me ask again... Why though? Just to be famous and people start worshipping you like a celestial dragon ? Mysterious? Majestic? To impress some girls or what ?

do they think that this all is a game map for them to do whatever they want with it by doing whatever the world has 'forced' upon them ? do they ever think about how many lives are they ruining ? .

I have Garou's literally everything. Some would say that's overpowered and cool, so why are you complaining? But that's the problem. I'm starting to realize how uncomfortable someone gets when they're not themselves, when they're someone else.

Like, what would it feel like to you if someone suddenly possessed your body and acted like you, and you watched it from somewhere like a screen? You'd feel disturbed and uncomfortable, right?

But now, instead of possessing or being possessed, you become entirely someone else, body and mind alike. And I'm telling you, it doesn't feel good in the least. I was a normal dude, but now? It's different .

Things are easier for me to accept. I bet if I killed someone, it would look normal to me, like drinking water, like I'm strolling around the street, taking a breath of fresh air or shit . And I don't really know if the problem here is the OG Garou, me, or... my monster part?!

' anyways, let's not think too much about this sad things ' i thought as i look more at my progress.

hmm. Well, I've got to say that I have everything the dude has from the series until the moment before he leaves Bang's Dojo and steals an advanced level of the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, that I don't remember its name.

even tho it's not too much as all the memories and experiences are about him training and sparring with his fellow disciples But, bro, I have to say that if I put my mind to it, then normal adults are no match for me right now. Like, dude, I'm a freaking five-year-old with no chakra... and let's not talk about my small body limiting how much force I could exert and how to progress further. Just imagine an adult macho me going around at full power, hehe.

I break out of my fantasy and focus on my status again, specifically the part where it says 49% human, and I shudder a little. My heartbeat changes, and I feel butterflies in my stomach.


I'm feeling fear... fearing myself, to be exact. It's in human nature to be scared of the unknown. Even Garou was afraid of Saitama...

what should i do if i slowly go out of control ?!! who will stop me ?! there is no saitama here , most will say madara or minato are there but could madara withstand a punch that have a power of a Fucking nuclear bomb ? . bro, like i ain't a Genius but no one is ready for that shit . and that red eyed freak can't hold a candle to Blast and let alone me so ! .

' the embodiment of fear is fearing himself, how pathetic !'spat in my mind, irritated as I lift myself to sit. And at that moment...


"We are home!"

The end .