
Chapter no.22

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( Author Note: A friend of mine has released his original series : Murim : Struggle of the Weak. Would appreciate it if you checked it out ? )


Konoha Council Room

Minato, Homura, and Koharu were all sitting in the council chambers discussing the outcome of their latest assignment.

"It turned out rather well all thing considered" Koharu stated.

"Yes, but we had to rely on the backup plan which was something I wish that we din't have to do" Minato responded solemnly.

"I too wish that we could have come to a peaceful outcome...whatever happened to Shisui that night? I was sure that he would have succeeded and their was only a small chance that the Uchiha would have found out about our plan beforehand" Homura stated his own opinion.

Minato closed his eyes for a minute and thought, "I don't know exactly what happened but I know that Danzo is involved with it somehow. From what Itachi told me Shisui never showed up, so it is likely that something stopped him from doing so. Danzo has also been missing since Shisui and Itachi left this room. We also found the bodies of over a dozen of his ROOT agents in the forest near the Naka River where it looks like a battle took place. Did either of you two know that he had his ROOT still active?" it was more of a demand rather than a question.

There was silence for a moment but Koharu decided to answer, "I had my suspicions that he never disbanded them when Hiruzen ordered them too, but I never found any proof of this."

"I knew that his did some kind of underground dealings, but I never knew what he was into or what he did" Homura replied.

"Whatever the case is he's most likely dead. He would never be gone from Konoha for so long when something so important is happening, so it begs the question of What happened? If either of you two find out anything about what happened to Danzo I want you to inform me immediately"

Both of the advisors nodded.

Koharu decided to move to the next topic, "Now onto the actual massacre. How many were left alive exactly?"

Minato looked on a piece of paper with the information of the aftermath written on it, "There were nine Uchiha left alive. Mikoto being the only adult is now the current clan head. There are three currently enrolled in the academy. The rest are too young to be entered into the academy and are currently being taken care of by the orphanage until they're old enough to live on their own. There is one more grown Uchiha, but he is working as a liaison between us and Kiri in case our alliance with Suna doesn't work out. He was also against the coup, but hasn't been in Konoha in well over three years."

Homura wanted to clarify something, "Itachi is supposed to be infiltrating that suspicious organization that just started up correct?"

"Yes the Akastsuki. It is an organization made up of a few S-ranked nuke-nin, but we have no idea what their goals are or what their purpose is as of yet. Itachi will be acting as our spy in the meantime."

That organization had been worrying them for a while, especially after rumors began to spread that they had taken out Hanzo of the Salamander. The very same man that defeated all three of the legendary Sannin in their prime and gave them their title.

Koharu was concerned, "How many know the truth about what happened on the night of the Uchiha Massacre?"

"Only us, Itachi, and Mikoto."

How wrong they were.

Uchiha Compound

It had been a long day. Emotions had been running high, the funeral had lasted several hours, and people kept coming up to the survivors of the Uchiha Clan to express their condolences. That is the reason why Mikoto had had just finished putting Satsuki to bed, she was still a nine year old girl after all she had just come out of Satsuki's room after making sure she was sound asleep.

The ravenette walked into the living and sat down on the couch right next to Naruto and leaned onto his shoulder. She loved his warmth and right now she could use the comfort, she had grown quite accustomed to it over the past few days. However Naruto had things he needed to discuss with Mikoto.

He first wanted to find out if she would tell him the truth so he started out simple, "How long did you know it was going to happen?"

Mikoto's eyes widened in shock 'He can't be asking about the coup or the massacre could he? There's no way he should know the truth about either of them!' She decided to act confused, "What are you talking about Naruto-kun?"

"I want to know how long you knew the massacre would take place. You were the clan head's wife, it would be obvious you knew about the coup d'etat since the very beginning."

Mikoto's eyes widened in shock, however she calmed her self down and closed her eyes, "I never knew about the massacre specifically, but I had a feeling that this would be the outcome. I never wanted the clan to stage a coup, all of the unnecessary loss of life for what! Power? The clan were too stuck in their past glory and only wanted more power that they thought they were entitled to...I refused to take part of it at had to think about Satsuki you know? She's still just a little girl. How would she grow up without a mother?"
