
Naruto:the chaotic,the smart and the unhinged.

you know,there maybe is a reason why Naruto is stupid in the anime.because let's be real,outrunning a goddamn groups of ANBU in broad daylight?,that is bullshit.i mean sure,the ANBU probably hold back a lot to really not hurting Naruto,but still.now what if,Naruto is smart,but still kind hearted and also now,he can also be chaotically funny to the point that he almost gave everyone in Konoha and Suna and the land of waves a goddamn heart attack?.the result?,probably Obito and Zetsu will never have a good day.oh,and also,Naruto will make his own makeshift weapon on this one.nothing too big.Naruto is also live on the streets,THE STREETS.even though he has an appartment,but he mostly lived off the streets.

Cigo_Kas · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

chapter 6

Chakra.the one thing that he had learned a lot from mister Kakashi at this point alone.i mean,mister Kakashi always push him to become better than he was before.so that also means he always was being pushed to his limits by pure training alone.and also the training regimen that mister Kakashi provided him with.he had learned on how to unlock his chakra earlier this week,and he also learned the method of chakra control such as sticking leafs all over your body by using chakra to make those leafs stick to your body longer and longer.but then there is also tree walking and water walking,which is even more harder for a kid like him currently,but he thanked mister Kakashi for telling him about this training anyway.he had unlock his Chakra this early week,but mister Kakashi said that i'm not ready for any type of jutsu yet.again,i understand.i'm too much of a child to not think of abusing this type of stuff badly and everyday.so,he gets it.he really,really gets it.but that doesn't mean Naruto will not try to do the training in secret,of course.he had tried to flow his chakra to his feet and try to stick it to a tree,without actually walking up the tree itself.it....was harder than expected.but that's fine,he is still a kid afterall.i mean,what other kids that can access Chakra at age four anyway?...oh yeah,clan kids.Naruto never hated clan kids,just...sometimes,some of them can be annoying and cocky and he really just want to punch their teeths out!!.....oh,shit.i just have a little outburst again.must be because i'm tired.or because simply i was just jealous over the fact that people have family and sometimes,they took it for granted way too often and forget that their family could have just be gone a moments later.Naruto stick one more leaf to his body while he ponders stuff.he starts to mutter.

"can i....actually learns a Jutsu?.i mean,this early in life should be easy for me,since i'm still little.still,should i?."

it is no strange things to say that the old man and him have a connection that just seems to click sometimes.i mean,hell,he could have called the old man his own grandpa and no one would give a shit.well,maybe not the civillians,but still.what he means is,is that maybe with this connection,he could ask to get one jutsu he himself could learn that could take a while to learn by myself so that i will get distracted?,a great plan,but,maybe later.maybe he could ask that when he is already learning inside the ninja academy.but maybe he could ask for training equipment for his body.i mean,weight lifting doesn't seem too hard to do so.its just that,lifting stuff.doesn't seem that hard to him and he could ask old man Hokage for that.or.....






a store owner writhing on the ground in agony while covering and tried to scratch his own stinging and painful eyes.Naruto stood in front of the man with a storage scroll on hand filled with various weight for two dumbbell and of course,the two sets of dumbbell that he got on his storage scroll.there is also a lot of money inside the storage scroll with the dumbbell,around like 20000 yen itself.Naruto,obscure behind a sad smiley face mask said in cold tone.

"thanks for the patronage,bitch."

then,Naruto walk away slowly while pocketting the storage scroll and a Catapult on his left hand.he had no pity for the man himself because this man is one of the many people who had tried to hurt him every single day.and honestly,he deserves it as far as he know.he had bombarded the man's face with pepper and bleach bomb to the point that the man is probably blind by now.he had of course,wear a dark hoodie so no one will know it is him with the unmistakable yellow hair of his.and also a mask that he....'borrowed' from another store.






another store owner is on the ground,uncincous.he had many stab wounds on his arm,his leg,and one of his eyeholes is empty of an eye.the man also had his store broken down indefinitely.



anyway,Naruto doesn't feel as bad as he thought he will be when he had done these things.of course he is still did not want to do that again if he doesn't need to.he already had a lot of weight bearing down upon him as it is.he then immediately just goes back to his apartment again.the place is clean,but the building is definitely feels like it should have been fixed a long time ago.



Naruto just starts to lift up and go down two barbell weight around 3 KG on each of his hands.it feels really,really hard to do.but that is expected.he is a kid.this may not be the best training that he can cook up,but oh boy,he will try so goddamn hard just so he can do these types of training again.




??? POV




i bashed the man skulls in with my own metal bat as hard as i can.the man went down without much of a fight.really,he really did not need to worry about anything else exactly.one man tried to sneak him with a sickle,but i just turn around and stab him with a knife to his head.the man went down like a damn bug,and i just stood there,really,really happy.well,another successful operation for him and his crew.a kid with green hair and purple eyes came to him and said.


i just smiles at the kid and says.

"what is the status,Shaberu?."

Shaberu just smiles and says.

"we got what we need,sir.three crates of Gunpowder,two cannons,and one barrel of flammable alcohol.and also,a lot of empty bottle glass,and some money around 50 thousand yen."

well,i'm just chuckling slowly over here.soon,myself.soon.they will all burn down to hell.Konoha,specifically,Hiruzen,will burn down in hell.


i then looked at my left side and sees a bunch of adults with weapons brandishing on their weak,little hand.i just smirks and take out a trench Knife from my pocket.then,with a lot of Chakra on my feet,i just went around and starts to slash each of their throats at fast speed with my fast speed.it is so easy.so very,very easy.they stood no chance at all against me and well....i might have gone to like this kind of operation myself just so i could hear a choked screams of my victims.ah.....what a time to be alive.