
Years passed in a flash (1/3)

It's been a few months since I joined ANBU, and I am still getting used to my life here. It's gloomy and dark everywhere and only time I leave is to perform a mission, killing became a daily task for me on the surface I remained indifferent but with AI Chip I could feel me becoming a cold blooded person day by day.

Although we could take a leave once a week to help us retain our humanity, but I never took one and I didn't thought it was necessary and I need to become cold blooded to survive in this dangerous world.

After my first kill with Sakumo we have been got somewhat close and he no longer treats me as a little cousin but as a rival.

Our squad performed a lot of A rank Missions over these months.

Why only A-rank because now our squad is Elite amongst Elite and probably the most powerful squad in whole ANBU, with Danzo, Sakumo and me

in the squad it normal A-rank missions became a child's play for us.

Our squad is famous all over ANBU and possibly elemental nations as our mission completion rate is almost perfect, not perfect because of some mission failure before me joining them.

Danzo our squad leader was very optimistic about my future, so he always tried to befriend me to which I didn't give any acknowledgement.

Hiruzen also saw my potential and tried to pull me towards his side.

I had Yamanaka Clan heir have Microbug 002 which work on chakra batteries to monitor him and stole their secret Jutsu.

Which I am currently researching. My aim is to research Telepathy.

With psychokinesis and Telepathy I would have modern earth powers. Hehehe..

My life would be boring as hell if it weren't for my research subjects. Only this time of the day I could have my best time of the day. As for sleeping my main body sleeps while I had my Robotic Shadow clone do the research work, it consumes on chakra battery and with my consciousness and AI Chip the perfect combo replacement for real me it does as if I am doing the work.

My Early morning training routine with Duy is still going on but with may times I would be outside the village performing missions.

Duy told me that he got a teacher who would teach him a very powerful technique and he would surprise me in our next spar, I could roughly guess the technique.

So, curosity got better of me and I silently followed him with my stealth, surely I met Duy training with Kosuke Maruboshi the first Eternal Genin who was teaching him the legendary Jutsu 'Eight Gates'.

I was surprised at first but instantly started grinning like a madman.

Wow it's as if Goddess of Luck has blessed me I had just reached the final phase of Yamanaka Clan technique now I got a new research subject.

The very next day, I met Duy I fed him Microbug 002 which would help me uncover secrets of Eight Gates by next week.

I went inside Ichiraku on my way back home and surprisingly met Tsunade, as our eyes met.

"Bastard I am going to kill you !!" she lashed out at me with her punch which was powerful enough to kill an average civilian. She destroyed Teuchi's Shops couple of chairs.

I dodged them easily with my skills, after half an hour of continuous punching she stopped and felt exhausted on the ground.

I carried her to Shop she was blushing like crazy on the way..

Again we were in Ichiraku, Teuchi had a smile on his face while other customers just ignored it as lovers quarrel. I ordered my food and so did Tsunade.

"What happened? Why are you acting strangely?"

I asked in my usual voice

She looked at me with angry face

"Do you think you forgot something?, you never visited me during past three months."

After that another quarrel took place, until our food was served.

After eating food we had another long quarrel and finally reached a conclusion.

From today onwards we would be boyfriend and girlfriend.

I paid for our food and property damage caused by a Tsunade after which Tsunade happily left towards her home and Teuchi was happy on getting his chairs replaced by new ones.

I just sighed at my bad luck but I was also internally happy.

After 5 months

It's been yet again 5 more months, a total of 8 months since I joined ANBU, and I still am getting used to gloominess here.

I left the clan land and also bought a apartment nearby the centre of the village at the same day many clan people were upset at my departure not that I care Sakumo and Clan leader didn't ask much and I didn't explained them, they must be thinking that I am unhappy with clan arrangments or something like that but the main reason was my privacy for my research and I need my personal space, nothing much nothing less.

Hiruzen made a major decision on splitting our Elite team to decrease causlaties in other squads and let our experienced members share our experience with them.

This was my Goodbye to Danzo Sensei, or was Hiruzen afraid of Danzo bewitching me.

So Sakumo and me got assigned to another squads, but I refused to Hokage's arrangement.

Why, I didn't like having teammate and their annoying Mission report and always hold back during our mission to never reveal too much about myself.

But on the surface I took out my crocodile tears and emotional speech which aligns with 'Will of Fire' bullshit, on how I can't let my comrades die.

I asked him to perform solo.

Hokage was almost fooled by my act but, he advised me to take some comrades, I again refused to his arrangements.

So, he gave me task to perfom 2 A-rank missions Solo he would authorise me to act solo.

Which I did while ANBU agents were watching me so I kept my power to be barely enough to complete them and finally obtained my freedom to act alone and kill without holding back.

And most importantly I could save my time from travelling by using Flying Thunder God and use this time on other important things.

Tsunade and me also met frequently after our little episode at Ichiraku and finally she introduced me to her little brother Senju Nawaki, also my cousin and the foolish guy who would die from an explosion tag.

Right now he was just a three year brat and looked a little cute but a lot less cute than Tsu.

He appeared to be very scared around Tsu, which I knew why after watching him play with her, sure enough Tomboy's aren't a good big sisters, I silently prayed for my Little cousin.

Although she doesn't shows this on surface she has a serious bro-con complex.

2 years later

2 years passed in a blink of eye and I am 10 years old as for now.

I have literally become a star in ANBU as my mission completion rate is 100% and with power comes responsibility which isn't quite true in ANBU.

With power comes respect is more true in my situation I have been respected while ANBU some arrogant people had tried tried to suppress

me but they didn't end quite well.

My rank has been improved to Jonin.

I had been performing missions with my same frequency and earned Hokage's approval.

On the surface he gave me his approval and gave me a high position in ANBU.

But with AI Chip's information he still doesn't completely trusts me till now as no matter how much greenhorn he appears to be he is a man who had experienced war and cruelity of Ninja world.

Most importantly I am a Jonin now and have access to Jonin council and have taken my first step to enter Village higher level.

But my actual strength in now a full fledged Elite Jonin.

Tsunade has revealed her Gambling habit to me, at that time her reaction was worth recording which I did with my AI Chip's recorder.

She asks for my money, which I give her without much thoughts as I rarely spend any money other than my apartment or food ingredients and if I need it urgently just steal it from nobles in Damiyo palace via Flying Thunder God no one will never suspect me.
