
Naruto: The Avenger of the Uzumaki clan

"I will never give up. Even if I have to break every bone in your body, I will bring you back!" "Hmph, my foolish little brother. You're as naive as ever." --- On the night of October 10, Year 48, the Hidden Leaf Village is ravaged by the terrifying Nine-Tails fox. In a desperate bid to protect the village, the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and his wife, Kushina Uzumaki, make the ultimate sacrifice. They seal the Nine-Tails within their newborn son, Menma Uzumaki, and perish in the process. Their twin sons, Menma and Naruto Namikaze, are left orphaned but alive. As Menma grows up, he becomes consumed by a burning desire for revenge against those he holds responsible for the destruction of his Uzumaki clan. ***This is a translation, I'm not the author*** original athory:-https://www.fanmtl.com/novel/the-avenger-of-the-uzumaki-clan.html --- Hungry for more chapters join my Patreon to read 15 advance chapters patreon.com/Shinchan_37

Shinchan_37 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
29 Chs

Soft and hard persuasion


Just as Naruto was about to resign himself to more mundane tasks, Team 7 stepped into the mission building, and a figure sitting in the central seat caught his eye. His heart raced with anticipation.

"Oh!? Old man Third, what are you doing here in the mission building today?" Naruto shouted in surprise, looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was seated in his Hokage robes and hat.

As the Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi usually stayed in his office handling the village's vast and complex administrative work. However, he would occasionally take time to inspect various departments around the village.

The Mission Center was one of the most critical institutions in any ninja village. Hiruzen made it a point to come here regularly to personally assign missions to some of the village's shinobi. This was considered a 'people-friendly act' on his part.

"Haha, I had some free time today, so I decided to come by. How did your mission go, Naruto?" Hiruzen asked, smiling kindly as always.

"Yes, Old Man Third, we finished the mission successfully! But that's why I'm here to ask for a more challenging mission. Can you assign our team a C-rank or higher mission? That would be much more exciting!"

The sight of Hiruzen gave Naruto an idea. This was a rare opportunity, and he wasn't about to let it slip away. D-rank missions were boring—Naruto craved a real challenge!

After all, his goal was to surpass his father and become the greatest Hokage in history!

Naruto handed over the completed mission scroll and eagerly made his request.

"Oh? Why the rush, Naruto? There are rules about which teams can accept which level of missions. For a newly formed team like yours, it's important to start with lower-level missions to gain experience. Your instructor, Kakashi, is an experienced ninja. He'll know when it's time for you to take on more difficult tasks," Hiruzen replied, still smiling.

"Of course, I understand that, but it's been more than a month, and neither Kakashi-sensei nor you have shown any sign of giving us a higher-level mission. D-rank missions aren't challenging or meaningful for us. If we want to grow as ninja, we need tougher training and tests. Our team is more than capable of handling a higher-level mission, especially since we have Kakashi-sensei with us! Don't you agree?" Naruto argued passionately, determined to convince the Third Hokage.

"I think Naruto has a point. Our team could definitely handle something more difficult. At our age, Kakashi-sensei was already a Jonin!" Menma added, supporting Naruto's plea.

For Menma, the distinction between high and low-level missions wasn't a big deal. However, he was keen on getting a chance to leave the village. His future plans required familiarity with the terrain around Konohagakure—a knowledge that only personal experience could provide.

The descriptions in the original series and his current understanding were not enough. Menma needed to conduct his own investigations, and for that, he required missions that took him beyond the village walls.

Naruto's expression lit up when Menma backed him up.

"Exactly! Kakashi-sensei, you keep saying we're too young, but you were a Jonin at 12! We can definitely handle tougher missions!" Naruto exclaimed, looking to Kakashi for support.

Even Sasuke nodded slightly in agreement. These low-level missions were a waste of time and didn't offer any meaningful training.

"You guys..." Kakashi sighed, shaking his head in amusement.

Just as Kakashi was about to respond, Hiruzen interjected.

"Well, Naruto, Menma, you both raise some valid points. But you need to understand that as the mission levels increase, so does the difficulty. Even with Kakashi in your team, there's always the risk of failure, which could reflect poorly on your evaluations as ninja. Knowing that, are you still willing to take on a higher-level mission?" Hiruzen asked, his tone both serious and interested.

Kakashi remained silent, deciding to let Hiruzen handle this. As long as the Third Hokage didn't object, Kakashi was indifferent. With his skills, there wasn't much that worried him.

"Don't worry, Old Man Third! With our team's strength, we'll definitely succeed!" Naruto exclaimed, his eyes shining with determination. He was eager to prove himself before Hiruzen could change his mind.

"Alright, then. I'll assign your team a C-rank mission. Naruto, Menma, you've both spoken up, so I expect you to complete it successfully!" Hiruzen agreed with a nod, smiling as he saw the eager expressions of Team 7.

Naruto beamed with confidence, and even Sasuke allowed a small, satisfied smirk to show.

D-rank missions had become unbearably tedious. Sasuke was more than ready for something more challenging.

"You heard him, Old Man Third! No backing out now! We'll complete it, no problem!" Naruto said, pounding his chest in assurance.

"Hehe, I'll be looking forward to it," Hiruzen chuckled, signaling for a nearby shinobi to hand over a mission scroll. After a quick glance, he continued, "Here, take this C-rank mission. It requires you to protect a client. The mission will take you to another country, which I think will be quite suitable for your current level."

Hiruzen handed the scroll over to Kakashi, who nodded in acknowledgment.

"Yeah, yeah!" Naruto eagerly agreed, practically bouncing on his feet.

'Protect someone? Could it be that mission?' Menma wondered, his thoughts drifting to a familiar plotline from the original story.

The next moment, the side door of the hall creaked open.

A scruffy-looking man wearing a bamboo hat entered, his figure instantly recognizable to Menma.

As soon as he saw the man, Menma's eyes glinted with a knowing expression.


**Tazuna**—the name of the old man standing before Menma and the others. His request brings them into the mission concerning the Land of Waves, involving the infamous demon, Zabuza Momochi.

Logically, this should be classified as an A-rank mission.

Even without knowledge of Zabuza's involvement, it should at least be rated as B-rank. The distinction between C-rank and B-rank missions in the ninja system is significant.

The key criterion for classification is whether the mission involves other ninja.

If it does, it's B-rank or higher; if not, it's C-rank or lower.

Tazuna offered a reward befitting a C-rank mission. He claimed he was only being targeted by some underworld thugs.

Konoha's assessment? A C-rank mission.

Dealing with bandits and a few thugs? Not even ninja-level threats. A small detachment of village guards could easily handle them.

Of course, Konoha didn't take the client's word at face value.

They conducted basic reconnaissance.

But remember, it's just that—basic.

Proving the client's claims with 100% accuracy is impossible. This is why some clients manage to deceive ninja villages—at first. Because during the mission, if the difficulty significantly exceeds the initial assessment, the ninja team has the right to abort the mission.

Compensation is one aspect.

More importantly, the ninja's skill level is usually slightly higher than the mission rank. If the difficulty spikes unexpectedly, they might lose the capability to complete it.

Abandoning the mission becomes the correct choice.

In the original series, Tazuna was incredibly lucky.

He encountered Team 7, led by Kakashi!

Otherwise, if an ordinary chūnin-led genin team had taken the mission, let alone Zabuza, the Demon Brothers would likely have wiped them out.

But in this life…

"Let's handle things as they come," Menma thought, his mind already forming a different plan.

"I am Tazuna, a master bridge builder. Are you the ninja here to protect me?"

Tazuna scanned the room, his eyes landing on the five figures of Kakashi and his team. His gaze lingered on Menma and Naruto, both of whom appeared to be just kids. Tazuna's muscles tensed involuntarily, but when he noticed Kakashi, he relaxed.

As a client who had approached Konoha for protection, Tazuna knew some basic information about the village.

He didn't recognize Kakashi, but seeing the standard Konoha vest, he assumed Kakashi was at least a chūnin.

Tazuna had no idea of the danger that lay ahead.

If he assumed the ninja hired by Gato were ordinary, then a Konoha chūnin should suffice!

Tazuna reassured himself.

"Heh! That's right, old man. Don't worry at all! Our Team 7 will definitely protect you!" Naruto exclaimed confidently, pounding his chest.

"Kid, it's better not to make such bold claims. I'd rather hear that from your captain," Tazuna retorted, clearly skeptical.

"What did you say?! I'll show you—"

Naruto, irritated by Tazuna's words, started to protest.

"Alright, Naruto. Tazuna-san, don't worry. I'm leading this team, and there won't be any problems with this C-rank mission. Rest assured," Kakashi intervened, his calm tone steadying the room.

Hearing Kakashi's assurance, Tazuna's anxiety eased slightly. He masked his true feelings, maintaining a cooperative demeanor, and bowed slightly to Kakashi. "I'm in your care, Ninja-sama."

"Then we'll set off tomorrow morning at eight sharp. Please be at the village gate on time. Is that acceptable?" Kakashi inquired, after taking the mission scroll from his companion.

"Yes, no problem at all," Tazuna replied with a smile, then exited the mission office.

"Alright, you four, go home and pack. This mission will take at least three or four days. Prepare your essentials and meet at the main gate on time tomorrow. Understood?" Kakashi addressed his team with a seriousness they hadn't seen before.

This was their first time leaving the village on a mission. Times had changed, and Kakashi felt it necessary for Menma and Naruto to gain a clear understanding, even if this was just a C-rank mission.

"Yes, Kakashi-sensei!" the four responded in unison.

"Just wait, Old Man Hokage! We're going to complete this mission successfully!" Naruto declared, clenching his fist and waving it with determination as he glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Haha, I'll be waiting for your good news!" Hiruzen replied with a warm smile.

In that moment, his eyes lingered briefly on Menma. Almost no one noticed—except Menma. With his matured mind and the agreement with Kurama, Menma could sense even the slightest attention directed at him.

Even if it was just a fleeting glance.

It was impossible to escape Menma's perception.

There were certainly many in the world who could defeat or even kill Menma, but none could catch him off guard!

Unless their speed was unmatched. But even then, while his body might struggle to react, Menma's spirit would still detect them.

'Hmph, Old Man,' Menma thought, but outwardly, he remained composed,  following Kakashi without a trace of extra emotion.

Team 7 left the mission office and returned home to prepare for their departure from the village.


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