
Naruto: Shinobi Hunter

Hitman of the Shinobi World - Toji Fushiguro after dying from Purple Satoru Gojo Toji found himself in the world of Shinobi where he will continue his usual activities

Mileagr · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs




In one of the many houses in the shinobi village of Konohogakure

One could see a man in his 20s with straight black hair, a slightly thin figure and a scar at the corner of his mouth

Fushiguro Toji

At the moment the man was lying on the floor

He grew up in an orphanage there and received the surname Fushiguro

It was during the war when he entered the ninja academy but

Due to his insignificant chakra reserves, he was unable to graduate from the academy.

Even during the war when it was much easier

There were several attempts from Fushiguro himself to increase his chakra reserves, but it was still only enough for one or two jutsu

Just using the transformation jutsu could already deplete most of his reserves

He didn't stand out in any way, even taijutsu was difficult for him due to lack of nutrition, he was thin and could not fully master taijutsu

And his talent was not enough for other methods

He tried to excel in shurikenjutsu, kenjutsu, I even asked to be an apprentice to a hospital employee to learn the basics of iryo ninjutsu.

But despite all his efforts, he failed

That's why he was declared unfit

As a result, thanks to his basic medical knowledge received from the late teacher Aoto Suzuki

He got a job as an intern at a hospital, not for ninjas, of course, but for ordinary civilians

As a result, by the age of 20 he became a fairly experienced surgeon.

And more specifically, a traumatologist-orthopedist

Or rather, he became one two years ago

Before that he was a nurse

Well, let's move on to what's happening in front of us.



Fushiguro Toji stood up

But which one exactly?

His head is a mess, the memories of two Tojis are mixed up there

Toji the surgeon, Toji the Sorcerer Killer


Toji the Sorcerer Killer

Was it because his will was stronger?

Or because the surgeon was desperate?

Failing to be what you dreamed of being, and ultimately living trying to prove that you are still worth something

Possibly both


When I woke up

I was confused, I should be dead

I clearly remember how the attack of the blond brat turned me into the Apple logo

But still

I feel a strange energy, unfamiliar

It's not enough for me

But she is


Something clicked

And then this energy disappeared

Even if only for a couple of seconds... but I felt her inside me

I clenched my fist

Whatever happens

But apparently the heavenly restriction followed me

Clenching my fist again, I felt that physically I was stronger

Not my peak

But still stronger than the body that was a few seconds ago

Hmm my way of thinking is different from what I remember

A little from "me", the surgeon and something else

It's as if there is someone else, but there are no memories of him

But still the personality of "me" has more influence


After about half an hour, Toji looked around the house and remembered where he was.

And apparently, either this is his second chance or they end up here after death

But he is inclined to the first because all the people here are basically the same type

And apparently they use a different type of energy "chakra"

And from childhood they are raised to be killers


And with all this, most people have the same dream of becoming "Hokage"

Hmm Uchiha

A clan known for its pride

And from the eyes

This body does not remember what their eyes can do, but apparently they are not as powerful as those of the Gojo clan

Although they are more common

Speaking of clans

There is another clan here with eyes


And also many more clans below

Nara, Akimichi, Shimura, Sarutobi, Senju, Yamanaka

There are many more of them than in Japan


And also


A small cursed spirit curled up in a circle in my palm.

The worm is with me too

It expanded and wrapped itself around me as usual.

And as I expected, there were my weapons and other things inside it

Split soul katana, Inverted Spear of Heaven, A playful cloud, a chain of a thousand miles, Regular katana and Pistol with cartridges

In addition to the weapons, there were several sets of clothes...that do not suit my new figure

Already good

Well, apparently I will continue my life in a new world


After swallowing the worm and putting himself in order, Toji went outside

The street was noisy and for good reason

The Third Shinobi World War has ended

And it was announced that a new Hokage would soon be chosen

Everyone expects to see Namikaze Minato at this place


Walking around Konoha following the volumes that his body remembered

Toji then returned home, grabbed a few things and left the house again

This time he went into the forest

For what?

Training of course

Heavenly restriction followed him into this world

This means his fighting style will not change

And for this he needs his strength

With the celestial limitation, his growth in physical strength and its limits are much higher than anyone else's.

Perhaps the energy and general strength of the people of this world could influence her

And depending on this, the limit of his physical strength is either reduced or increased


According to his estimates, he will return what was his peak

In about a year or even less depends on the new heavenly restriction


In the forest, Toji began to perform several standard exercises to get his body used to the stress.

Push-ups, squats, pull-ups

He continued like this all day

His new body made him tired pretty quickly.

'Cause he came home

The very next day he went to one of the stores and bought several weights

He wasn't a Ninja so he didn't need it according to the seller, but still money talks

Over the next week, he did exercises with weights on his body and carried weights in the forest.

I also trained with my weapon to get my body used to it.


The next day a hospital employee arrived to see him.

As it turned out, the hospital sent him letters because he did not come to work.

-I remember something like that, there were several letters, in any case I threw them away

The hospital employee was shocked and immediately started yelling at me

-How dare you treat your work like that! At this rate, you will be fired so that you can be at work by lunchtime today! Otherwise you will be fired!

I looked at him and the way he screamed... it was annoying

It was the work of that mascara

I don't like her

So I don't care.

I closed the door in front of him as he was still yelling about something.

Perhaps if it were my past self, I would have punched him already

Although I'm tempted to do it

But it doesn't matter

I need to get stronger and go back to what I liked

The Thrill of Battle

I liked it Excitement

And at the same time I could make money from it

It was perfect

Taking some food with me, I walked towards the forest as usual, but


A crowd of people gathered nearby

The house of this body was almost at the center

And as I remember there is something like a square there

Why not?

I decided to take a break from my training and walked towards the crowd of people


The Third Hokage made his speech and also offered condolences to those killed during the war.

And also that he transfers the post of Hokage to Namikaze Minato

The people rejoiced and Namikaze Minato himself accepted the title of Hokage with a smile.


Returning to the forest, Touji began his daily training again.

At the moment he was already fit and the muscles were visible, but not so clearly and not so massive

The growth of his physical strength is enormous compared to the previous world.

He believes that within a month or two of constant training he will be back to his peak.


Judging by this world

He will be able to surpass his peak

Although it will be more difficult than regaining your peak

He feels like he's on steroids

As if they were helping him get back what he had

So if he is right then after reaching his peak his growth will slow down greatly


End of chapter

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