
Chapter 86

"Past, just past," Tsunade seethed with anger at Onoki's shameless behavior, but before she could retort further, Jiraiya swiftly interjected.

"Tsuchikage-sama, in that case, you should have no problem with us claiming ownership of the Five-Tails from now on, right? After all, we captured it during the war, and as a spoil of war, it rightfully belongs to Konoha. If you want it back, you're welcome to try. And let's not forget your own efforts to acquire our Jinchuriki over the years. It wasn't for lack of trying on your part, but rather your inability to match our strength. Therefore, as of now, all the bijuu we hold belong to Konoha, and there will be no further negotiation on that matter. If you have anything else to discuss, we can continue," Jiraiya asserted, his voice carrying a tone of authority and confidence.

Tsunade's anger simmered beneath the surface as she watched Jiraiya deftly steer the conversation, effectively shutting down Onoki's attempts to challenge their position. She knew that Jiraiya's words had struck a nerve with the Tsuchikage and even the Raikage, highlighting the futility of any further arguments regarding the bijuu. It was a bold move, but one that underscored Konoha's unwavering determination to assert its dominance in the negotiations.


As the tension hung thick in the air, Tsunade observed the subtle shift in Onoki's demeanor. His expression hardened, betraying a mixture of frustration and resignation. It was clear that Jiraiya's words had struck a chord, exposing the vulnerabilities in Iwagakure's position.

Onoki's jaw clenched as he struggled to maintain his composure. He knew that challenging Konoha's claim to the bijuu would only lead to further deadlock in the negotiations. With a heavy sigh, he relented, realizing the futility of continuing the argument.

The meeting continued well into the night, with neither the Raikage nor the Tsuchikage making any decisions. Both left, informing that they would send their responses soon. Late at night, the Leaf team returned to their main camp. Currently, the command tent housed only Tsunade, Shizune, and Jiraiya.

The meeting dragged on late into the night, with neither the Raikage nor the Tsuchikage making any decisions. Both left, promising to send their responses soon. By the time the Leaf team returned to their main camp, only Tsunade, Shizune, and Jiraiya remained in the command tent.

Jiraiya couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "Tsunade, who was that man? How was he able to use the Hiraishin technique? Is he the fuinjutsu grandmaster who has been helping Konoha, the one who improved the seal on Naruto?"

Tsunade sighed heavily, realizing it was time to reveal some truths. With a gesture, she summoned Kazuki, who flickered into view beside her. The boy had reverted to his true form, now eight years old and slightly taller than when Jiraiya had last seen him.

Jiraiya's shock was palpable. "Wait, Tsunade, you don't mean... How? No, it's impossible."

"How old are you, kid? This isn't some kind of joke, is it? A little child as a fuinjutsu grandmaster?" Jiraiya struggled to comprehend the revelation, despite having witnessed Kazuki's use of the Hiraishin technique.

Kazuki couldn't help but sulk, feigning sadness. "Why is it always like this? Why can't someone believe that a child can achieve these feats?"

Tsunade couldn't suppress her laughter. "Kazuki, you're quite something. You should have seen Onoki's face at the end of the meeting. He looked like he wanted to swallow you alive. Tell me, are you interested in that old fence-sitter's granddaughter? Why else would you lay your hands on her? Just the fuinjutsu trap was more than enough to threaten him." Tsunade teased Kazuki about his motives for kidnapping the young girl, her demeanor lightening the heavy atmosphere of the tent.

Jiraiya was taken aback by the stark difference in Tsunade's behavior when she was with Kazuki. It was as if she had reverted to her old self in his presence, displaying a warmth and familiarity that he hadn't seen in her dealings with others.

"Sensei, I'm just eight this year. You should be much more worried about your love life than trying to play matchmaker for me. At this rate, no one would want to marry you, and you'll end up as a grandma. I heard a rumor that even Shizune Neesan has found someone..." Before Kazuki could finish, Shizune moved like lightning, covering Kazuki's mouth to stop him from spouting more nonsense.

Tsunade, initially annoyed by her student's mention of her love life, became surprised as she heard Kazuki mention Shizune, and the way Shizune reacted made Tsunade realize that these were not mere rumors; there might be some truth behind the matter. Tsunade eyed Shizune, who was now holding Kazuki, curious about how Shizune was able to keep such an interesting matter a secret from her.

Jiraiya, standing to the side, couldn't help but become nostalgic as he saw the harmonious scene unfold before him. There was a time when even he had such blissful times, back when Minato and Kushina were still alive.

Kazuki, breaking free from Shizune's grip, turned to Jiraiya, who was reminiscing. "Jiraiya Sama, aren't you single? Why don't you marry my Sensei? I'm sure she wouldn't mind if it's you," Kazuki blurted out, knowing how much Jiraiya cherished Tsunade, though he kept his distance out of respect for her decision.

The moment Kazuki finished his statement, the temperature within the tent dropped a few degrees. "Jiraiyaaaaaa!!! Did you put Kazuki up to this?" Tsunade's voice was filled with fury as she began accumulating chakra in her fist, and Kazuki knew what was going to happen next.

"Eh? What!" Poor Jiraiya, who had no idea what exactly was happening, had to suffer the next few minutes of a good beating because of Kazuki's words.

After a few minutes of carnage, Tsunade released all her pent-up frustration while Shizune treated the legendary Toad Sage.

"Kazuki, Katsusyu-sama asked me to let you know that she would like you to make a trip to Shikkotsu Forest at the earliest." Tsunade remembered that during Kazuki's absence, the nature beast was being nurtured in Shikkotsu Forest. Lady Katsuyu wanted Tsunade to sign a pact with the nature beast, turning her into a vessel for it. Lady Katsuyu didn't want to take any chances, so she wanted Kazuki, the fuinjutsu grandmaster, to personally oversee the process of sealing the nature beast within Tsunade.


"Well, Sensei, I haven't had much time to study the sealing technique for the nature beasts that Lady Katsuyu gave me. I will work on it once we get back to the village. But by the way, Sensei, have you decided what exactly to do with the bijuu?" Kazuki asked, curious about Tsunade's decision.



Ichiraku, Konohagakure


Naruto, along with Shikamaru,Choji, Tenten, and Ino, were seated at a table, eagerly awaiting their order of noodles, when the conversation from a nearby table caught their attention.

"Finally, the war seems to be over. The Tsuchikage and Raikage have already started the negotiation of surrender with our Konoha," one of the customers claimed, relaying information he received from a shinobi.

"Wait, you just said terms of surrender. I thought it was a negotiation of a ceasefire, just like the last war," the other man questioned.

"What nonsense are you spouting? Our Konoha entirely crushed all three major villages in an open battle. Just yesterday, the Kirigakure envoy team signed a treaty, and they have also declared their complete surrender." The first man boasted proudly of Konoha's victory.

"Wow, that's awesome! In that case, the trade routes will soon be opened, right? And what about the other two villages? Especially Iwagakure, didn't they wriggle out of taking any responsibility in the last war?" the second voice inquired.

"You don't have to worry about that. Tsunade-sama, along with Jiraiya-sama, has completely crushed the opposing party. News is spreading that the Yondaime is still alive, and he personally made a move to subdue the entire Iwagakure alone. Rumors say that he faced the entire Iwagakure army of more than thirty thousand shinobi and pushed them back. Even the Tsuchikage had to retreat in front of the Yondaime as he was helpless in front of our Yondaime Hokage," the conversation continued, filling the air with talk of war.


The scene at the table with the three kids was tense as they listened carefully to every word spoken around them. Naruto wore a mix of happiness and confusion on his face upon hearing the news of the Yondaime being alive. He wanted to run to old Grandpa Hokage to confirm the rumors, but he knew Hiruzen was busy with wartime duties, and the little Nara also held him back from acting impulsively. Shikamaru, the only one among the kids who had deduced Naruto's relation to Minato, remained quiet, while the others remained oblivious.


Choji was the first to break the silence. "Guys, do you really think the rumors are true? You know, the one about Yondaime being alive. My father used to always tell me that he was one of the strongest shinobi Konoha ever had."


As Naruto's mind buzzed with excitement over the news of his father being alive, he fought the urge to leap up and sprint to the Hokage Tower. However, he knew Shikamaru wouldn't stop him without a good reason, and he also respected his friend's cautious nature. Instead, he decided to probe the other kids at the table about what they knew about the Fourth Hokage.

"Tenten, what did Kazuki Niisan tell you about the Fourth Hokage?" Naruto asked eagerly, his eyes wide with anticipation.


Tenten's face lit up with excitement as she launched into her tale. "Oh, Naruto! Kazuki Niisan said our Yondaime Sama was incredible! He was the fastest shinobi ever, so quick that no one could match his speed. And you know what? Kazuki Niisan promised to train me to be a kunoichi as strong as the Yondaime Sama, maybe even stronger!" she exclaimed proudly.


Naruto's lips formed a pout at the mention of surpassing his father, but he quickly masked his disappointment. After all, the others didn't know about his connection to the Yondaime, and he trusted that Kazuki Niisan and Ero Senin would reveal his identity before he started the Ninja Academy. There was still time; he had to be patient.


Ino chimed in, eager to contribute to the conversation. "I heard that the Fourth Hokage was a master of fuinjutsu, Naruto. He used seals to teleport and trap enemies. Imagine how cool that must have been!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.


Naruto's heart swelled with pride at the mention of his father's mastery of fuinjutsu. He had always admired the intricate art of sealing, or at least was forced to, because when he thought of skipping a fuinjutsu lesson, Tenten would chase him around with a stick and be beaten up. Even Shikamaru and Choji were not spared from this special treatement. Tenten worshipped Kazuki Niisan, so his words were law to Tenten , and the thought of his father wielding such power filled him with awe, and now he felt especially grateful for Tenten for forcing him to learn fuinjutsu every day.


Meanwhile, Shikamaru sat back in his chair, observing the conversation with a thoughtful expression. He knew Naruto's excitement all too well but remained cautious. After all, rumors could be misleading, and he didn't want his friend to get his hopes up too high. However, seeing Naruto's eager expression, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of excitement himself. Maybe, just maybe, the rumors were true, and Naruto's father truly was alive.


Just as Teuchi approached their table with a large tray of steaming ramen bowls, the children's lively discussion caught his attention. He couldn't help but smile at the curiosity shining in their eyes as he set the tray down.


"Well, it looks like you kids are having quite an interesting conversation," Teuchi remarked, noticing the eager anticipation radiating from each of them.


Shikamaru, usually reserved, seized the opportunity and turned to Teuchi with a newfound brightness in his eyes. "Teuchi-san, you've been in Konoha for quite some time, right? Have you ever had the chance to meet the Yondaime Hokage? Did he ever visit your ramen shop?" he inquired, hoping to assist his friend Naruto in unraveling the mystery surrounding his father.

Naruto's gaze intensified as he listened intently, and the rest of the children eagerly awaited Teuchi's response, as if hanging on his every word.


Teuchi observed the children for a moment, particularly focusing on Naruto, before deciding to indulge their curiosity. With a warm smile, he took a seat at the vacant spot at their table, gesturing for the children to start enjoying their ramen before he began to share his insights.

As he spoke, Teuchi recounted tales of Minato Namikaze, painting a vivid picture of the legendary shinobi. Naruto's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as Teuchi mentioned the red-haired kunoichi who frequented the ramen shop, stirring memories of his mother that Jiraiya had shared with him. Hearing these intimate details filled Naruto's heart with warmth and longing for the parents he never got the chance to know.


The children listened with rapt attention, savoring every morsel of information about the Yondaime Hokage, their imaginations sparked by Teuchi's stories. In that moment, the ramen shop buzzed with the joy of youthful curiosity and the warmth of shared memories, creating a scene that would linger in their hearts for years to come.

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