
Chapter 14 - Regret.

Looking at the huge monster that looked like a mountain in the distance, Yuusuke experienced a shock like he had never experienced before. On the battlefield, he had seen huge summoning beasts several times, but none of them could compare to the size of this monster in front of him. Even though he was some distance away, Yuusuke still felt the powerful overwhelming power that this giant was emitting.

"So the reason why Danzo chose to stay here was because of this." Seeing the giant golem, Yusuke was finally able to fully verify the correctness of his theory he deduced when Obito appeared in front of him.

Without thinking any more, Yusuke rushed at full speed towards the place where the huge golem was. Although, according to the original story, Yahiko was most likely already dead at this point, Yusuke still hoped for a miracle.

Yahiko, Nagato, Konan, Yuusuke really liked these three characters. Their dreams were very simple, but unfortunately the people in power had other plans. Although Danzo and Hanzō caused Yahiko's death, the true villain was actually Obito, who apparently carried out Madara Uchiha's plan.

It didn't take long for him to reach the place where the Outer Path Demon Statue was. Climbing up to the high ground, Yusuke saw nine ghostly purple dragons moving quickly across the valley. The targets of these phantoms were Hidden Rain and Root shinobi, anyone, without exception, instantly died as soon as a purple dragon phantom swept through their body.

Soon, Yuusuke's eyes landed on Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko, who was lying on the ground. His chest didn't heave and his eyes were closed, obviously Yahiko was dead. Seeing this, Yuusuke sighed, there was no need to intervene in the battle at the moment, so he hid away and silently watched the battle in the valley.

Shinobi Rain and Root frantically attacked the ghostly dragons, but it was all in vain. Neither ninjutsu nor physical attacks did the slightest harm to them. At the same time, when the phantoms passed through the shinobi's body, they pulled out an ephemeral soul-like body. Having lost his soul, a shinobi, regardless of his strength, instantly died.

At that moment, Nagato had a ferocious expression as he directed the ghostly purple dragons, causing them to reap lives. To a greater extent, he pursued Danzo and Hanzō, the latter tried with all their might to interrupt his summoning technique, they attacked Nagato himself countless times, but the statue of the outer path, like an invincible guardian, protected him.

Danzo used all his means, in the end, he ordered Fuu to try to take over Nagato's mind, unfortunately, this order turned out to be a disastrous mistake. Not only was Yamanaka unable to penetrate Nagato's soul due to the protection of the Rinnegan, but he also suffered from a strong recoil, falling into a faint, bleeding from seven holes.

The battlefield was in chaos, Hidden Rain and Root were taking heavy casualties, most of the shinobi were already dead. Danzo and Hanzō were Kage-level shinobi who were close to death several times when they were nearly touched by a purple dragon phantom. Some time later, Hanzō and Danzo exchanged glances and decided to retreat immediately. Judging from the current situation, they weren't Nagato's opponents, if the battle continued, sooner or later they would both die.

As if understanding their intentions, Nagato focused all nine purple dragon phantoms on the two of them. Alas, although Danzo and Hanzō were not his opponents in a head-on collision, they were extremely skilled shinobi, retreat was not a problem for them.

After the Hidden Rain and Root people left, Nagato remained vigilant for a while, not wanting to be caught off guard. Right now, his appearance was rather pitiful, with more than a dozen black rods pierced into his back, originating in the body of a giant golem. In addition, due to the excessive use of the Rinnegan's powers, Nagato's legs were severely crippled, making it impossible for the youth to move independently, at the same time, his body also became like a thin sheet, his cheeks were severely sunken, like those of a person who had been malnourished for a long time. The hands were also not spared the fate of being maimed, it seemed the Rinnegan wanted to drain all the life force from his master.

Slightly catching his breath, Nagato canceled the statue's summoning, causing it to disappear, leaving behind a huge cloud of white smoke. However, even after the statue was withdrawn, the black rods piercing his back remained, breaking off from the statue.

Two teenagers with lifeless eyes, full of despair, were left under a heavy downpour. Konan tore her gaze away from Yahiko and looked at the exhausted Nagato with red eyes. Gathering all her will into a fist, she wrapped Yahiko's corpse in a paper sarcophagus, like a mummy. She then helped Nagato, whose strength was running out, stand up and rushed towards the hidden cave.

When they reached the cave, Konan carefully placed Yahiko's body and gently lowered Nagato to the ground, then sat down, leaning against the cold wall of the cave, and wept bitterly. Her heart clenched painfully as tears streamed nonstop from her eyes. Even yesterday everything was so beautiful, Yahiko stood in front of them with a wide smile and a look fixed on the future. But reality turned out to be cruel, and now Yahiko was just a cold corpse, and all his dreams and future no longer existed.

"I was wrong, Yahiko was wrong, the whole world was wrong! Nagato slammed his fist on the ground with force, blood immediately flowing from his fist, but at the moment he didn't care. "There is no such thing as the world, there is no such thing as the world, there is no such thing as the world." At first, Nagato shouted hysterically, and then his voice became quieter and quieter, as if he was mumbling to himself.

Suddenly, from the direction of the entrance to the cave, there was a sound of light footsteps. The footsteps were getting closer and closer, it was obvious that someone was slowly approaching them. It seemed to the two of them that whoever came to them at that time would definitely turn out to be a bad person.

Nagato tried to stand up, but because his legs were badly damaged and his strength and chakra were depleted, he collapsed back to the ground, gasping and coughing. Konan, who hadn't lost much strength in the last battle, immediately got up and stood in front of Nagato, warily looking towards the cave entrance.

The blurry figure got closer and clearer until it finally stopped ten meters from Nagato and Konan. The intruder turned out to be a fifteen, sixteen-year-old teenager with black hair and beautiful features, dressed in the uniform of a Hidden Leaf shinobi, with a wound on his right shoulder and gore.

Yusuke calmly looked at the two unfortunate people in front of him. Nagato crouched on the ground, coughing heavily, in his eyes the young man saw madness, in the eyes of Konan, who looked at him warily, the young man saw a mixture of emotions of sadness and determination. There was no need to guess to understand what exactly she was ready to show determination.

So this is how it feels to see the legendary eyes of reincarnation up close, if it was a fair fight, he wouldn't be in that state, Yusuke thought while looking at the purple eyes with black circles.

Noticing Yuusuke's gaze fixed on Nagato, Konan immediately tensed up. She has already lost one of the two people most dear to her, and now she intends to do whatever is necessary, even to give her life to save the second. Making up her mind, Konan quickly folded her hand seals and fired three paper shuriken at Yuusuke.

The reaction of the young man was not long in coming, a katana appeared in his hand, enveloped in crimson flames. Yuusuke made a simple swing towards the three paper shuriken, instantly destroying them with the terrifying heat of the flame.

Konan's paper style is unique in Yuusuke's eyes, not many shinobi are capable of creating ninjutsu, let alone their own style. The fact that Konan, due to her love of origami, created a style based on her favorite hobby, it spoke for itself about her incredible talent.

Seeing how easily Yuusuke dealt with her attack, Konan's face showed despair. One look was enough for her to understand that she was not able to cope with the teenager standing in front of her. At this time, Yuusuke tightened his grip on the hilt of the katana and pointed it at Nagato, noticing this, Konan immediately stood in his way, and Nagato struggled to his feet, wanting to pull Konan back, but he did not have the strength to even raise his hand.

"I think you need my eyes, promise to let her go and I agree to do whatever you want," Nagato said breathlessly in a hoarse voice. Conan didn't say anything when she heard his words, she just closed her eyes and stubbornly remained standing in front of him.

Yusuke didn't say anything, but in fact his mind was swinging between killing and pardoning, not knowing how to make a decision. If Yahiko had been alive and Nagato's mind had not been corrupted, he would never have made things difficult for them. But it was clear that Nagato's mind was already perverted, and in the future he could become a very dangerous enemy, and letting him go would leave a big problem for himself and the village.

Three of them didn't move and no one spoke. Silence reigned in the dimly lit cave, except for the occasional sound of water dripping from the rock wall. It seemed that time had stopped.

After a long time, Yuusuke broke the silence with a sigh. At this point, he had already made up his mind. And now that he had made up his mind, Yusuke didn't hesitate any longer. With a flash of murderous intent in his eyes, the katana blade sliced ​​through the air, easily separating the head from the torso.

"No-e-e-e-e-t!!!" Seeing this scene, Nagato's eyes widened.

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