In a world teetering on the brink of chaos, where shadows loom and legends are born… Three heroes stand ready to confront the darkness. Naruto Uzumaki, the indomitable spirit of Konoha, Garm the noble wolf of Iron and Ash the mysterious frog of myoboku. Together, they embark on a perilous journey far beyond the boundaries of their village, ancient tales and relentless adversaries. As the destiny of the world hangs in shifting balance, these steadfast comrades must challenge a malevolent force threatening to consume all that they hold dear. Bound by an unbreakable bond and an unwavering resolve… They stand as the final hope for their world, and beyond. beyond the distant horizon lies an evil capable of reshaping the very fabric of reality. Prepare for an epic saga of valor, honour, adventure, love, joy and tragedy. This is… Naruto: Raging Whirlpool. Naruto isn't mine, pokemon isn't mine the images on the book cover isn't mine. I might take inspiration from other works of anime or use other people's art and and so on credit goes to them I only take credit for my work and ideas only. I will be using generated AI art, credit to Ai and the companies behind it. I am new at writing fiction so you'll see improvements in my writing as I go. constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated. I have been editing my earlier chapters in hopes of improving its quality. this is my first book, I've improved a bit so if you see the quality decrease all of a sudden it's because I didn't fix that chapter yet.