
Yagura Karatachi

Word Count: 1237

[A:N]: A longer chapter this time, of if you guys have any ideas, leave them in the comments... and tell me how I did with the fight.


As Yasu finishes his Ice Cream, he thinks to himself. 'What should I do? While it is enjoyable living as a civilian and eating different foods, it just seems kind of... bland, I want some excitement...'

Suddenly, the thought hits him. 'Maybe I can go to Kirigakure? I could screw over Obito by removing the Genjutsu on Yagura.'

"Lets do it!" Says Yasu, as he uses his Authority to make himself invisible and vanish. '[Conceal][Teleport]'


-In Kirigakure-

As Yasu suddenly appears inside an alley in Kirigakure, he looks around and thinks. 'Wow this place really is a land of mist.'

Then Yasu starts walking out of the alley and into the street, as passerby just walk around oblivious that Yasu is among them.

'Hmmm first order of business, lets remove the Genjutsu on Yagura... wait, i have another idea, I will remove the Genjutsu on him, but I will also make him make me an elder... heh playing as an elder should give me some entertainment for now.' Thinks Yasu, as he grins at himself at the thought.

Then, Yasu walks into the Mizukage tower and just walks right through the door.

'Its so cool how overpowered I really am, I cant imagine any of this happening back on earth..' Thinks Yasu, as he reaches the Mizukage's room and opens the door, at the same time isolating the space in a separate pocket of space so his Anbu cant interfere.

"Why hello, Yagura." Says Yasu, as he reveals himself.

"Who are you?!" Yells Yagura, as he jumps from his desk and observes Yasu closely.

"My name is Yasu." Says Yasu, as he just stares at Yagura in the eyes.

"Why are you here? How did you get in without alerting anyone?" Says Yagura, as he watches Yasu for any sudden moves, while also attempting to contact the outside world but failing.

"I am just here to dispel that Genjutsu that has been placed on you, and maybe test out my power a little." Says Yasu, as he gives a grin.

"Genjutsu? I am a jinchuriki, I cant be placed in a Genjutsu." Says Yagura, as he gets ready for a fight.

"While it might be unbelievable, you are 100% in a Genjutsu, but dont worry, I will help." Says Yasu, as he starts walking towards Yagura.

"Water Release: Rising Water Slicer" Yells Yagura, as he preforms a Ninjutsu.

"Do you think that will do anything?" Asks Yasu, as he just lifts his hand and dispels the Ninjutsu using only his body.

'What?!' Thinks Yagura surprised. 'Who is this man? I have never heard of anyone this powerful matching his description.'

"Water Release: Stormy Blockade!" Mutters Yagura, As he tries to surround Yasu in water.

"Again, why such weak Jutsu? You should use tailed beast mode." Says Yasu, as be punches towards Yagura and launches him through the building and into the village.

After Yagura crashes into some building's, he gets up and looks around and notices the lack of people. 

'Where is everyone?' Thinks Yagura, as he sees Yasu land a few feet away from him.

"You really should keep your mind off the fight, and if your wondering why the village is empty, i simply created a separate space for us to have our fight, so you can go all out without worrying Yagura." Says Yasu, as he looks Yagura in the eyes.

Hearing he can go all out, Yagura immediately starts going into Tailed Beast mode.

"AHHHHH!" Yells Yagura, as he enters Tailed Beast mode.

After he enters Tailed Beast mode, he instantly launches himself at Yasu and swings a claw at him.

"There we go! That is the spirit!" Yells Yasu, as he starts a psychical fight with Yagura.

When the claw hits Yasu, Yasu punches Yagura in the head and instantly caused blood to go flying, as Yagura was sent flying uncontrollably.

'Even tailed beast mode does not work on him... who is he?' Wonders Yagura.

Suddenly something seemed to snap in Yagura's mind, and he completely loses control.

"RAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Screams Yagura, as he starts mindlessly attacking Yasu.

When Yagura reached Yasu, Yasu says. "You poor thing... this is what I meant when I said I would remove the Genjutsu." After Yasu says that, he hits Yagura with even more force and instantly causes Yagura to fly to the other side of the village, completely destroying half of the village.

After Yagura Stabilizes himself, he starts gathering a huge amount of Chakra towards his mouth.

"Tailed Beast Ball?" Wonders Yasu. "Lets see how my body deals with this... although I already know it wont do anything so why am I even waiting?"

After Yagura finishes making the Tailed Beast Ball, he launches it at Yasu and as Yasu saw it approach, he thinks to himself.

'So weak... well what was I expecting, if any beast would provide any amount of fun it would be Kuruma.' Thinks Yasu, as he catches the Tailed Beast Ball with his hand, and crushes it.

"Well, Yagura this fight ends here." Says Yasu, as he teleports in front of Yagura and instantly causes Yagura to exit Tailed Beast Mode.

"Now lets remove that Genjutsu..." Mutters Yasu, as he uses his authority to completely remove any mental effects.

"How..?" Mutters Yagura as he wakes up.

"You are now freed of that Genjutsu, Yagura." Says Yasu, as he waits for Yagura to get up.

After Yagura hears this, he freezes for a second, then starts tearing up.

"I did all that...?" Asks Yagura. "How could I do such a thing..?" 

"You were controlled, its not your fault, Yagura, what you should worry about next is fixing the mess you made while under that Genjutsu." Says Yasu.

"Your right... Thank you, Yasu, for saving me." Says Yagura, as he looks at Yasu with gratitude. "Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

"Well yes actually, could you make me an Elder?" Asks Yasu.

"An Elder...? Why would you want to be an Elder?" Asks Yagura, as he looks at Yasu with a confused expression.

"I'm just bored and want something to do in all honesty, and being an Elder seems Intresting, besides, Isnt this little compared to me helping you?" Says Yasu.

"That is true... but the position of Elder has a lot of power, I am not sure if I can just..." Says Yagura, with a worryied look on his face.

"No worry's, I can promise I wont do anything that will harm Kirigakure, besides, if I really wanted to do anything, would I need to have this conversation with you?" Says Yasu, as he looks at Yagura.

"That is true... alright, I will give you the position of Elder, when we get back I will immediately call for a meeting with all the village higher ups to explain the situation." Says Yagura.

"Alright." Says Yasu, as he teleports himself and Yagura back into the Mizukage room.

"I will go for now, I will be there for the meeting dont worry." Says Yasu, as he uses his power to bring them out of the pocket space.

"Mizukage-sama!" Yells one of the ninja in the room.

As Yagura looks around he can see a lot of ninja around the room with surprised looks on their faces.

'I forgot to stop time....' Thinks Yasu.

"Mizukage-sama, where were you? And who is that next to you?" Asks another ninja.

'This is going to be Intresting.' Thinks Yasu, as he smiles.

A longer chapter

SYNAXcreators' thoughts