
Chapter 44 : Human Puppets, bombing transvestites and rescuing a kage! (2)

Deidara and Sasori continued their trek across the hot desert of Suna, Deidara looked over at Sasori and had to wonder how the man could not be bothered by this stifling heat. Looking out over the desert Deidara decided to make conversation, "so those people Orochimaru tricked are up ahead yeah?" Deidara asked. When Sasori didn't answer Deidara looked out across the dunes, "it seems that for some reason he leaked our information and turned into a traitor yeah."

"We don't have a choice it seems," Sasori said after a long moment of silence, "I don't know what he's like after using that jutsu either." Sasori spoke, referring to the body possession jutsu the snake Sennin had made. The puppet user looked at Deidara who had grabbed a bag from his pouch, "will you be alright with just that bag, our opponent is a Jinchurikki after all?"

"I wouldn't worry about me," Deidara said as he unzipped a pouch on his waist and stuck his hand in. "My jutsu are all artistic, so I came up with my favorite, number 18 yeah. Because our opponent is the one tails yeah," Deidara brought his hand out of the pouch to show that the bottom of his hand had a mouth on it.

As they continued walking they eventually came upon the gates of Suna, along the walls were several dozen guards who were currently staring at the two figures that were coming their way in surprise. Before any of the shinobi had a chance to react Yuura who had come up just moments ago killed them by activating several traps. Walking to the front of the gate Yuura got down on one knee as he bowed to the two of them as they walked up.

Sasori and Deidra walked up to the bowed down figure, "Well done," Sasori said in his gruff voice, "do you remember me?"

"Yes sir! Of course Sasori-Sama!" Yuura said still in a kneeling position.

"Good, since your memories have returned you are my faithful servant," Sasori stated pleased to see that his slave seal had done it's work properly.

"Alright." Deidara said, "If you'd forgotten I might have had to use my jutsu… yeah." Deidara looked at the mouth on his left hand as it finished chewing the clay he had it eat, "alright then here we go." the mouth coughed up some clay and Deidara began to mold it into a bird, "Sasori your husband should watch too yeah," Deidara said in a teasing voice. He threw the bird into the air and held his hands in a hand sign, there was a puff of smoke and when it cleared the little bird that Deidara had molded was now twice as large as Deidara himself. Jumping on the bird Deidara threw off his hat and grinned as he looked back at Sasori, "What do you think of my artistic modeling yeah?" Deidara asked Sasori as he flew into the air not giving the man a chance to speak.

The Ichibi Jinchurikki had a date with his art.


Naruto sighed as he looked out over the desert, everything looked the same for miles and miles. All that he could see were sand dunes and more sand dunes, now he knew why Jiraiya had never taken him to Suna. I wonder how Gaara could stand this desert, and this heat… putting his hood up Naruto started walking out into the desert. As he walked he found himself glad that he had started taking some bounty hunter work, otherwise it would have been much harder to escape from Ero-sensei. After his meeting with Konan, Jiraiya had asked where Naruto had gone off to. In order to make an excuse Naruto had claimed he had done some bounty hunter work, this seemed to convince Jiraiya and he had actually started to give the blond bounties as a form of training. Whenever Naruto was out catching a bounty he would usually be able to visit or teleport one of the four girls who had come into his life, that way he could for the most part avoid Jiraiya's constant lecherous comments. It was also a good alibi for what he was about to do, since when accepting a bounty Naruto would often disappear for about a week or two. Naruto sighed again as he looked out over the desert and thanked Kami that his cloak hid him from the sun.

Still this heat is stifling…


Gaara sat in his office after having just finished the last bit of paperwork, a part of him wondered why other Kage's like Tsunade always complained about having too much paperwork to do. Of course because Gaara could not sleep he was able to get all of his paper work finished faster, still he mused that it would be easier for them to just do the work rather than complain and throw it off. As he continued on with his musings Gaara looked out of the window behind his desk and frowned when he spotted a giant white bird flying outside.


Deidara grinned as he looked down at the village where the one tails was supposed to be, moving the hair out of his eye he revealed that he was wearing a viewing lens and camera. He pressed a button on the side and began to count the number of ninja on the roofs, once he got a good lock on all three sky guards he made three small clay spiders. "This villages artistic design isn't too shabby," he said with a large grin, "it will definitely be worth ruining, yeah." Deidara threw the spiders and made a hand seal, there was a small puff of smoke and the three spiders landed near the three guards. The spiders jumped onto the guards and Deidara made another hand sign as he channeled some chakra into his creations, "Art is a bang!" the three clay spiders exploded on guards, they were small explosions but each one was enough to kill the guards they were attached to.

Deidara made his clay bird dive down as he jumped off and landed on the roof of the Kazekage tower, "infiltration successful." Deidara smirked only for his eyes to widen as he looked up, standing in front of him was Gaara garbed in his maroon robe and one strap over the shoulder flak jacket. Before Deidara could even speak a wave of sand came at him from the left. Deidara jumped into the air just as the sand crashed into where he had been standing, landing on his bird he looked at Gaara who began to wave his arms as if guiding an orchestra.

The sand began to move towards Deidra as Gaara jumped on it, the mad bomber looked at Gaara and smirked. "Ho if it isn't the Ichibi Jinchurikki yeah, how did you know I was attacking?" he asked.

"In this desert," Gaara said in his monotone voice, "no bird like that exists."

"Heh, seems like all my sneaking was in failure yeah," Deidara said with a grin, "but whatever, at least now I don't need to look for you yeah."

Gaara said nothing as he raised his hands, Deidara began to prepare some clay bomb birds for his attack. Just a little ways outside the gates of Suna a large wave of sand shot into the air, there was hundreds of tons of sand from the desert that Gaara could control and all of it headed for Deidara. The sand turned into huge claws that soon made a grab at Deidara in an attempt to crush him, Deidara's bird weaved in between the attacks as he rummaged through his bag. Pulling out his hands he made several more clay birds, these ones of a more sleek design then some of his other work as he threw them at Gaara. A hand seal later and there was a burst of smoke the birds grew a little bit and came to life as they flew around the sand and headed straight towards the young Kazekage, seeing them coming Gaara manipulated the sand around him into a shield to protect himself from the explosion.

A small eye appeared just outside of the dome of sand that Gaara was in and locked onto Deidra who was looking at the sand with a smirk, "it's like the eggshell protects the inner contents." Deidara didn't get the chance to say anything else as sand began to encircle him, compressing itself in the hopes of crushing him. Just as the sand fully compressed into a sphere Deidara shot out, however the sand latched onto his arm as he was falling down.

"Sabakyu Kyu!" Gaara said as he made his hand into a fist, Deidara's eyes widened in pain as he felt his arm being crushed. As Deidara fell he made an owl with his uncrushed hand, making a hand sign the owl grew and Deidara landed on it as he got away from the sand, though it was not enough to save the rest of his arm.

The blond bomber grimaced as he looked at the stump where his arm had been, "You're good yeah," Deidara said as his remaining arm went into his pouch and began to gather clay. The bomber realized that he only had a little bit of clay left, he looked over at Gaara and tried to analyze his opponent and find a weakness. Looking at the sand Gaara was on he realized that it was most likely specially made sand that he carried in his gourd, realizing that that was where he got his ultimate defense sand Deidara devised a plan. Molding his clay he made one of his most powerful explosives, Deidara smirked as he readied his strategy.