
Chapter 52: Legacy of the Uzumaki

Nawaki secured the special scroll and examined the seal on his arm.

Meanwhile, Yugito Nii was still grappling with the changes happening to her.

Out of curiosity, she bit her thumb, and her eyes widened in disbelief at the rapid regeneration. Not even with the Two-Tails' power had she experienced such a rapid healing process.

'What has been sealed inside me?' she wondered, shocked.

Tsunade observed this. To claim she wasn't surprised would be untrue, as her expression showed her astonishment. However, she quickly regained composure, aware of Nawaki's information about the gray lizard's power.

"I know you're curious about what's been sealed inside you," Nawaki said, "but don't expect an answer anytime soon unless you're willing to be bound to my clan."

"… What do you plan to do with me?" Yugito Nii, noticing Mito's absence and hearing Nawaki speak, asked him directly.

"Your name is Yugito Nii, right?" Nawaki asked in return.

"Yes, that's correct," she confirmed with a nod.

"From now on, you'll live with my clan for a while," Nawaki stated. "After a few months, you'll be released and free to do as you wish, whether that's returning to Cloud Village or something else."

"... Okay." Yugito Nii realized she had no other option but to agree. Despite her youth and the fear of being in an unfamiliar place, she resolved not to let those emotions show.



Later that evening, after dinner, Nawaki retired to his room as the sky darkened.

Instead of directly entering the hunting dimension, he began meditating using the energy circulation technique.

Over time, he and Tsunade had refined this technique. The energy flow absorbed from the orbs was entering his body at an accelerated rate compared to before.

After several hours of meditation, Nawaki suddenly opened his eyes.

'My strength seems to have increased again...'

He had come to understand the concept of power stages. Each time he transitioned from one stage to another, his power experienced a significant boost.

Opening and closing his hands, Nawaki realized he could now create up to 650 shadow clones without being overwhelmed.

Creating 50 shadow clones, altering their appearances, and activating Dark Mist mode, the clones vanished.

He possessed a large number of orbs, more than enough for both him and Tsunade to use.

Despite being just a few days into the first map, he still had orbs from the second map.

The absorption of these orbs was slower, even with the improved energy circulation technique.

With no more divine art orbs from the second map left, Nawaki used the red orbs for meditation.

The next day arrived. Nawaki opened his eyes and clasped his hands, feeling rejuvenated from the previous night's meditation session.

This marked another step in his constant improvement.

He smiled, turning his attention to Tsunade, who appeared contemplative.

"Good morning," Tsunade said as she opened her eyes, smiling. A green aura was reabsorbed into her body.

"Good morning, Sis," Nawaki replied, standing up and stretching. "I have to leave soon, shall we shower together?"

"Fufu. Nawaki, do you want me to scrub your back?" Tsunade chuckled as she rose.



Near Leaf Village, a group was being led by the Third Raikage.

"Danzo!!" The Third Raikage, upon realizing he was nearing his destination, erupted in blue lightning across his body.

Despite extensive searching, he had failed to rescue both the Eight-Tails and the Two-Tails.

This loss was a grave dishonor for him. As the Raikage, the failure weighed heavily on him, leaving him feeling too ashamed to face his ancestors.

His only lead was Danzo, whom he firmly believed to be the culprit. Regardless of what others might say, he was convinced of Danzo's guilt.

The situation seemed meticulously planned, but Danzo made a critical error by allowing one of his men, killed by the Eight-Tails, to be left behind. Without that mistake, suspicion alone wouldn't have been enough to accuse Danzo.

Consequently, both the Raikage and his advisor were convinced of Danzo's involvement.

Upon reaching the entrance of Leaf Village, the Raikage showed no intention of stopping or following entry protocols, as his visit was not a friendly one.

The Third Hokage was well aware of the possibility that the Raikage might personally come to the Leaf Village after the loss of two tailed beasts. He instructed his people not to hinder the Raikage's advance and to escort him to his office.

"Good!" The Raikage, indifferent to the possibility of a trap, was intent on causing destruction. However, he restrained himself upon sensing Mito's watchful presence.

Mito might not have objected to the Raikage confronting the Hokage, but she wouldn't tolerate an uncontrolled rampage in the village.

"Mito..." The Raikage caught a glimpse of her atop a building from a distance.

"Raikage," knowing his temperament, the ninjas accompanying him were anxious, fearing he might lose control and attack the village.

Taking a deep breath, the Raikage reassured them, "Don't worry, we'll listen to what they have to say first."

Some time later, the Raikage reached the Hokage's office.

With his arms crossed and a glare in his eyes, he scrutinized the Third Hokage, who sat behind the desk, appearing partly guilty and helpless.

The Third Hokage began, "Raikage, I regret to inform you that… Danzo has fled. I'm deeply sorry about what happened. I discovered this a few hours ago and attempted to capture him, but he had already escaped, betraying the Leaf Village and becoming a deserter."

Even now, the Third Hokage found the situation peculiar. He was aware of Danzo's audacity, but this level of betrayal was beyond what he believed Danzo capable of. Nonetheless, disavowing Danzo and branding him a traitor was the best course of action to protect the Leaf Village.

Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, seemed to hold this belief.

"Hokage...! Are you joking?" The Raikage, unable to control his anger, slammed his fists, crackling with blue lightning, into the Hokage's desk, destroying it.

The Hokage stood up and sighed at the sight of the ruined desk. Simultaneously, several Anbu members appeared, encircling the Raikage and his entourage.

"No, I'm not joking. I wish I could say I captured Danzo in time, but that's not the case," the Hokage stated, remaining composed under the Raikage's intense scrutiny.

Though not as youthful as he was a decade ago, still in his early 40s, the Hokage retained considerable strength.

His chakra was calm and smooth, yet undeniably powerful.

Acknowledging this, the Raikage, while contemplating Mito's presence, managed to somewhat control his temper.

"Give me the Nine-Tails in return; it's the least you can do!" the Raikage demanded.

"Raikage, are you insane?!" The Hokage, usually composed, lost his temper at such an outrageous demand.

"Insane? Perhaps, but your elder, Danzo, stole two Bijus from my village. How do you plan to compensate for this?" The Raikage was adamant in his stance.

It was at that precise moment that Mito entered the office.

Her gaze was serene, yet the aura she emanated exerted more pressure than both the Hokage and the Raikage combined.

"Oh, you want to take the Nine-Tails from me?" Mito inquired, her smile not quite reaching her eyes.

Despite her calm demeanor, the Raikage felt a chill run down his spine. 'How can she still be so formidable?' he wondered.

He observed the change in Mito's appearance but wasn't particularly impressed, knowing that an Uzumaki could maintain their looks with some skill. However, the density of her power was reminiscent of her peak.

Although he was much younger at the time, the Raikage still vividly remembered witnessing Mito in war. Her prowess was nothing short of monstrous.

If Hashirama was revered as the God of Shinobi, then Mito could certainly be regarded as the Goddess of Shinobi.

"By the way, do you recognize her?" Mito prompted someone to enter the Hokage's office.

It was Hana, or rather, Nawaki disguised as her.

Nawaki's plan was to make the Cloud Village realize they were aware of their actions, including rescuing Hana. However, they couldn't tie the Cloud Village to Yugito Nii's kidnapping and the theft of Kohaku no Jōhei with the Eight-Tails due to a lack of evidence.

"Hana..." One of the Laboratory's overseeing ninjas recognized her the moment she appeared.

"Oh, it seems you recognize her; that simplifies things," Mito said, still smiling. "Tell me, Raikage, how do you plan to compensate Tobirama's daughter for the suffering inflicted on her over these years?"

The Raikage was speechless, staring at Hana in shock.

They had been searching for Hana and were unaware of who had aided her escape from the Cloud Village. Seeing her with Mito explained their inability to locate her.

"Not responding?" Mito chuckled. "Fufufu. Raikage, whether you believe it or not, this is the karma you've brought upon yourself. Although I don't approve of Danzo, I must acknowledge his success in making a fool of you."

"Mito...!" The Raikage shuddered, struggling immensely to maintain his composure.

Like his son, he was hot-headed and prone to losing control quickly. But Mito's unsettling smile was what truly intimidated him; it seemed as if she was unfazed by the possibility of an attack.

'She must have prepared something...' The Raikage thought, aware that there was no ninja more skilled than Mito at setting traps if she so desired.

With her vast knowledge of sealing jutsu and incredible talent, Mito made them feel as if they were treading on eggshells.

"Hana, do you know them?" Mito asked gently.

'Hana' responded with a stoic expression, "Yes, they are the bad men who locked me up for as long as I can remember; in a filthy place, treating me worse than a dog while conducting all kinds of experiments on me."

The Hokage, observing the unfolding events, didn't fully grasp what was happening but sensed it was advantageous for them.

Hiruzen looked at Mito with a sense of gratitude. Dealing with the Raikage would have been challenging without her presence.

"She's lying, I have no idea..."

Before the man who earlier identified Hana could finish his denial, chains erupted from the ground, piercing his feet and body, ravaging him from the inside out.

"I suggest you refrain from playing the fool, if you're wise enough," Mito warned, her ever-present smile still on her face. "We are not children, and there's no need for such senseless lies. I'm aware of your deeds and seek no apologies!"

Shortly thereafter, her chakra began to surge as her eyes transformed into those of the Kyuubi, red and sinister with black slits.

"Mito-sama, please calm down!" The Raikage tensed with anger at the sight of his companion being annihilated by Mito. He understood that even with his renowned defensive capabilities, Mito could easily seal him if she chose to.

This was the source of her terror. Once ensnared by her, no matter the strength of the victim, they almost certainly faced sealing at her hands.

Perhaps it was because of this that the Raikage, incredibly, managed to restrain himself from attacking.

'That old hag is as formidable as she was in her prime!' the Raikage thought with a mix of awe and regret.

It wasn't surprising that Mito could control the Kyuubi's power, but the fact that she maintained her unnerving smile even with her beast-like eyes was enough to instill fear in him, something he hadn't felt in years.

"Father," Kira A murmured, gazing at Mito in astonishment.

He had known she was powerful, but the extent of her strength was beyond his expectations. He hadn't fully realized it until witnessing one of their own torn apart by the red chains that erupted from the ground.

The chains retracted, weaving around Mito's back.

Blood sprayed in all directions, sparing only a few, including Mito and Hana, from being splattered. Organs and bones lay scattered on the floor amidst a pool of blood.

"Well, now can we talk like civilized people?" Mito said, returning to normal as she withdrew the chains and her eyes softened into a gentle smile.

The Hokage looked at Mito in shock. He knew she was capable of decisive action, but he hadn't anticipated her demonstrating such force in front of the Raikage.

'You're the least civilized here!' thought the Cloud ninja accompanying the Raikage, though they dared not voice their thoughts in Mito's presence.
