
The Greatest Uzumaki

I never got to meet any ROBS, but i can say for sure that whoever reincarnated me into this world..... YOURE THE BEST! i mean really, im an Uzumaki, AND im a mob character? my day couldnt of gotten any better. Im sure you're wondering why im completely fine with being a mob character. Well to start it off, im an orphan, why? i was lucky enough to be put in around the time of the 4th hokage's reign. Thats right, im currently as old as minato and kushina way before they had even thought of having baby naruto.

According to my memories my name is Rengoku Uzumaki and ive been wandering around the world ever since uzushiogakures destruction, must've been able to get away thanks to my parents. It seems that my parents had entrusted me with some type of masking jutsu so as to avoid suspicion of being an uzumaki. Thankfully its worked until now. Another thing is my power le- i mean, my chakra. My chakra is ridiculously large even my uzumaki standards despite me not having anyone to compare with im sure that i have enough chakra to rival someone even like hashirama. Im really a monster.

Photographic/eidetic memory? check, monstrous talent? well if its anything like my chakra pool im guessing that this is going to be the case. The original never had these perks, the poor sob. Conveniently, im also outside the gates of konoha.

Guard: State your purpose in the village.

Rengoku: My name is Rengoku Uzumaki, i heard that one of my distant relatives Kushina Uzumaki was in this village so i came to confirm the rumors.

Rengoku looked at the guard with a harmless smile on his face, hoping that his nice guy act would get through to the guard.

Guard: Im going to need you to wait here until we can inform the Lord Hokage.

With that being said the guard stands there watching while another guard next to him seemingly disappears out of sight from his spot. 'That must be the shunshin technique, that'll be a good one to record to memory until i can test it out'

~10 minutes later~

A certain yellow haired man: So it was true, an Uzumaki really did turn up at the village gates. My name is Minato Namikaze i am also known as the Fourth Hokage. Its a pleasure to meet you mister uzumaki.

Oh man. He is definitely sizing me up, i can just feel his eyes probing every part of my body. No homo. With a laugh Rengoku turned around and gave Minato several pats on the shoulder "HAHAHAHA no need for Formalities Lord Hokage, please call me Ren"

~Minato POV~

This man, He's dangerous. I can feel nothing from him at all but it also feels as if i am standing in front of someone much more powerful than me, and yet.... why does he remind me so much of master Jiraiya?. "If thats the case then please, call me Minato. Its a pleasure to meet one of Kushina's distant relatives especially after the situation with Uzushiogakure."

~Normal POV~

"So it is true then? Kushina-hime had been here after all. Truth be told i had never interacted much with her but having been all around the ninja world i wanted to at least find someone from the clan" Not a lie, but also not the complete truth. Sorry i have to be a little deceptive like this minato. "Lets take this to the hokage mansion where it'll be more comfortable" said Minato with a smile on his face.

~Hokage Mansion~

"So you said you had been all around the ninja world?" Minato asked Ren who was currently sitting in front of his desk "I have, i was only a child when what happened with the clan happened and having to flee i had nowhere else to go. Hearing the princess was here was part of the reason i came to konoha however wanting to settle down also had a role in it." This time it was Rengoku who spoke.

"Well you are of course welcome to stay in the village as a ninja permanently. Im sure Kushina would love to have one of her clanmates here with her" Minato smiled

"Thank you for your hospitality, i hope to be of use for the village Lord fo-i mean, Minato. However what rank will i be given?" This is what ive really been waiting for, i need a high rank in order to access Konoha's records. "Although it breaks all procedures 'and i'll probably never hear the end of it from the council' im going to out you in the records as an official leaf jounin" Minato says with a somewhat exhausted expression.

YES!" Thank you for placing your trust in me, i promise to live up to your expectations."

"Haha, no need for all this, we are after all relatives at the end of the day. come by tomorrow for your official Jounin ID and we can get started with perhaps a mission or two" Minato stands and puts his hand out "Will do boss man" Ren smiles and shakes Minato's hand before leaving.

~Streets of Konoha an hour later~

Well update, ive gotten clothing, a new apartment, and even secured a way to get into Konoha's library later tonight. How did i do all of this so fast? well really it wasnt all that hard considering the vacant slots after the war, and well clothes are clothes. I must say, i may just be the most handsome man in all of naruto. A nice face that yes even rivals the gods like said in xianxia novels, i stand at 6'1 with short red hair, green eyes, and under these clothes i have compact muscles that make this outfit maybe a little tight but soon that'll change.

I managed to find an outfit basically the same as madara's when he isnt wearing the old warring states armor, the only difference being i wear the green konoha jounin flak jacket above the all black outfit. One hand gloved, one hand not gloved for purposes not yet known.

Anyways, im currently wandering the bustling streets of konoha looking for someone. Yep, im looking for dear old cousin Kushina herself. I can sense her too, seems as if im actually a sensory ninja at my roots. Well anyways it seems as if ive arrived at my destination. A ramen shop of course.

As soon as i walked into the ramen shop im greeted with long flowing beautiful red hair the same as mine or so im assuming, hello there. "Its a pleasure to finally meet you, Kushina-hime"

The red haired beauty slowly turned around "Haaaah!?!" Although there was definitely an irritated tone in her voice it was quickly changed to a look of surprise when she saw Ren and his red hair, the same as hers. "Who... are you?"

"My name is Rengoku Uzumaki. I recently joined the village after i came to find out that the uzumaki princess was still living and in the leaf village. Ive been around quite a lot since the fall of our village." Rengoku smiled and gave her a small wave of his hand to greet her.

"ANOTHER UZUMAKI? REALLY? i mean your red hair really gives it away but seriously i thought i was the only one left." Kushina goes on to inspect every corner of Ren and rambles with a large smile on her face.

This girl, its clear to see who naruto got his personality from.
