
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

Zaelum · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
292 Chs

Chapter 147

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Surviving feels great.

And feeling like you still have eight lives left feels even better!

Additionally, after activating Guardian's Angel, sacrificing that particular artifact trait wasn't too critical, so it wasn't a big loss.

Now, eight of the puppets are in Kyomu's hands. As for the other two, they were blown somewhere by the directed blast wave from the explosion and have not been found after searching the entire battlefield.

Brushing off the dark ash from his Dragon Armor, Kyomu put it on again, even considering using more of Ichikishimahime's shed scales to craft a complete set of defensive armor in the future.

Dressed and ready, Kyomu then turned his attention to Guardian's Angel.

With the 'As You Wish' artifact trait sacrificed, Guardian's Angel could no longer freely change its own weight without affecting Kyomu.

"These eight puppets should nourish you; after all, they are artifact-level puppets, which should somewhat compensate for the loss."

Kyomu gathered the eight puppets and placed Guardian's Angel on top. This was a feast designed to strengthen his faithful blade, which was already showing signs of increased power after absorbing the puppets. He never skimps on those who serve him well, be they allies or old comrades.

"Someone come." He then began to make arrangements, "I won't show myself for the next few days. The Sand ninjas will undoubtedly launch probing attacks, and I need you all to hold the line, no matter what."

"Don't worry, Captain, unless we're completely wiped out, we won't retreat a single step."

Kyomu nodded silently, his heart heavy.

He didn't want it this way, but if he didn't act so, Rasa might retreat back to the Land of Rivers or even to the Land of Wind to regroup.

Indeed, the Sand ninjas had suffered heavy losses, and Kyomu and Tsunade's plan was apparent—they were setting a clear trap.

A competent commander would naturally retreat to preserve their forces for a better opportunity later.

The Sand ninjas weren't short on time; it was the Leaf Village that was pressed.

"But I can't just show myself; if you, Rasa, can sit still, then that would be a real problem."

The next day.

On the third day of the battle for Kikyō, Tsunade, leading two thousand Leaf ninjas, had entered the Land of Rain.

Pretending to join the battle but actually waiting for Kyomu's command to encircle and annihilate the Sand ninjas.

On the Sand ninja side, Rasa faced a dilemma.

Before Chiyo's attempt at a mutually assured destruction, she had adamantly instructed that if she failed, Rasa should immediately retreat back to the Land of Wind.

However, Rasa received information that Kyomu, although he survived, was severely injured and no longer had the strength to fight.

Considering the 13,500 cubic meters of explosive tags that exploded, it was miraculous that Kyomu survived. If he were unharmed, it would be considered one of the greatest anomalies in the ninja world.

But Rasa was uncertain.

Kyomu had become mythologized, with opinions about him diverging. Some sincerely called him the Immortal Warrior of the Leaf, while others fittingly referred to him as the Miracle of the Leaf.

Because Kyomu always managed to make the impossible possible, from the moment he stepped onto the battlefield until now, he never stopped creating miracles.

Rasa, mulling over a potential scheme by Kyomu, slapped the table decisively, "Whether you're really injured or pretending, I just need to test the waters to see the reality!"

With a decision made, Rasa immediately arranged for a thousand Sand ninjas to launch a major attack on Kikyō.

After a day of fierce fighting, the Leaf ninjas at Kikyō Castle suffered heavy losses, with casualties over thirty percent, and Kyomu did not show himself.

The next day, Rasa increased his forces, bringing the number of Sand ninja troops to two thousand. Kikyō nearly fell, and it was only a distant slash from Kyomu that temporarily scared off the Sand ninja offensive.

Yes, it was just a scare.

Kyomu didn't show himself; just a slash of light was enough to make two thousand Sand ninjas too frightened to advance, forcing them to retreat disgracefully.

"I knew it, Kyomu, you're seriously injured and close to death, all this is just a façade!"

Rasa felt sure of his judgment, "The slash was indeed powerful, reminiscent of your peak, but in such a perilous situation, why would you, who cares so deeply for your comrades, only swing once and stop?"

He glanced at another piece of intelligence in his hand, "And Tsunade's troop movements are too sloppy, I can see through your plans at a glance!

I don't yet have a large army at my doorstep, and Tsunade is planning to cut off my retreat from the Land of Rain into the Land of Rivers, such an obvious bluff, do you really think I can't see through it?

Aragami Kyomu, oh Aragami Kyomu, your strategies are full of holes in my eyes!"

Rasa was convinced of his analysis, for everything fit the pattern of a bluff intended to force him to retreat.

"What the enemy wants me to do most, I must absolutely not do," was Rasa's logic.

He was on the second layer.

Kyomu wasn't deeply versed in the art of war, but he had dabbled in Sun Tzu's Art of War enough to know a thing or two.

This time, Kyomu was playing on the third layer.

Fake within fake, real within real, Rasa was somewhat dizzy with the twists.

But Rasa didn't gamble everything recklessly.

"One more day of testing!"

On the third day, the same two thousand Sand ninjas attacked fiercely again. Kikyō Castle was lost, and the Leaf ninjas, not quite reduced to one-tenth, were close to that number.

Still, it was just one slash.

The Sand ninja troops once again retreated from the feast within their grasp, and the name of Kyomu sank deep into their hearts.

"Sharper than yesterday, but I can tell you're just hanging on by a thread!"

Rasa was completely convinced that Kyomu was mortally wounded, everything else was just a cover-up.

And even if it were fake, including Kyomu, there were fewer than sixty Leaf ninjas left inside Kikyō.

What could sixty people do against the onslaught of a Sand ninja army?

Just by taking Kikyō and securing it firmly within the borders of the Land of Fire, Rasa could then ask the Rock ninjas for cooperation when Tsunade's forces encircled them.

Some benefits could be conceded, even more could be offered, but securing Kikyō was worth it because it represented the gateway to the western border of the Land of Fire.

Just by breaking through here, even without advancing further, one-fifth of the Land of Fire's territory could be firmly controlled by the Sand ninjas.

The allure of such benefits was compelling.

"All troops, march!" Rasa led the charge, "Follow me and take down Kikyō Castle, and open the western gate of the Land of Fire!"


Inside the Land of Rivers.

Tsunade led the charge, flanked by Kakashi, Obito, Guy, Rin, and the rest of the First Ninja Squad of the Leaf, followed by the main force.

"Faster! Faster! Even faster!"

This was the seventh time Tsunade had urged speed, deeply worried that Kyomu couldn't hold out. She was really concerned.

She even cursed herself internally, wondering why she couldn't have waited to give Kyomu that pendant after the battle.

But regardless, time was the key to victory or defeat, and Tsunade had to lead her troops to the designated location before the scheduled time.

Meanwhile, as Tsunade's forces rushed, Kyomu and the remaining fifty-three Leaf ninjas quietly hid behind the walls.

That they had survived in such numbers was thanks to the passive skill.

Kyomu had been unusually ruthless, hiding out for three days just to bait Rasa into this trap.

Aside from his own self-reproach, none of the remaining Leaf ninjas complained, not even harboring a whisper of grievance in their hearts.

Chiyo's prior attempt at mutual destruction had proven Kyomu's willingness to risk his life.

Regardless of whether he had a hidden card or not, he had chosen this path, and that was the outcome. Therefore, those who followed Kyomu saw no reason why they shouldn't fight to the death.

Sometimes, it's not that the team is difficult to lead, but that you haven't done enough.

"Gentlemen, this is the final battle," Kyomu declared, gripping Yoei tightly.

After devouring the eight puppets, Yoei had grown stronger and had inherited some of the abilities of the puppets.

The Three Treasures Absorption, a powerful integrated offensive and defensive sealing technique, had become one of Yoei's abilities.

However, after absorbing many things, Yoei always transformed into the form that Kyomu most desired.

Rather than saying it had acquired the 'Three Treasures Absorption' ability, it was more accurate to say that had developed a defensive 'Sealing Force Field.'

Once the Sealing Force Field was deployed, as long as the chakra Kyomu input was greater than the total chakra of the incoming attack, Yoei could achieve a form of absolute defense.

This meant that the stronger Kyomu was, the stronger the Sealing Force Field would be, effectively addressing a slight vulnerability that Kyomu had recently revealed.

Well-prepared for both offense and defense.

"Do we have the confidence?"

"Yes!" the remaining Leaf ninjas responded energetically, "We swear to follow Lord to death!"

These men had completely dedicated themselves, viewing Kyomu almost as a deity.

Moreover, those who had survived to this point had skills no less than that of a Special Jonin. About half were Jonin, and three were elite Jonin from the Leaf's top ninja ranks.


Kyomu drew his blade and, with a single hand, bit his finger and slammed it onto the ground.

Summoning Technique: Ichikishimahime!

"Ichikishimahime-sama!" Aragami Kyomu and the Leaf ninjas greeted in unison.

"You all look pretty rough," Ichikishimahime commented bluntly, though she was ready to assist, "There are plenty of Sand ninjas, enough for me to have some fun."

She didn't immediately transform into her true form; instead, Ichikishimahime floated by Kyomu's side in her loli form as they climbed the wall together.

"Rasa, you still have time to retreat!" Kyomu shouted, "In fifteen minutes, you'll be surrounded. If you want to escape then, you'll have to leave behind most of your men and all your supplies."

Listening to Kyomu's bold claims, Rasa dismissed them outright, not taking a single word seriously.

"With just under sixty of you, you dare talk of surrounding us?" Rasa scoffed, "You have quite the appetite!"

With a single hand slam, Rasa decisively gave the order, "All troops, attack!"

In an instant, the Sand ninjas advanced, forming their battlefield composite ninjutsu, and launched a barrage at Aragami Kyomu and his group.

"Shall we make our move now?" Ichikishimahime asked excitedly, "Little Kyomu, I can hardly wait."

'Is she longing to be my mount?'

Aragami Kyomu casually swung his blade forward twice. With the passive skill enhancement and the additional buff, his normal attacks were now like ultimate moves!

Unsurprisingly, the incoming battlefield composite ninjutsu, whether it was Wind Release, Fire Release, Water Release, or any other style, were all split in midair and exploded.

"Little Kyomu, you've grown so much stronger in just a few days?"

Ichikishimahime rarely showed it, but her cute, astonished expression was unique to her loli form, "This doesn't make sense…"

"Maybe, I too am eager to become the ornament on Ichikishimahime's dragon horn, to fight side by side with you."

"If that's the case, it's not bad," Ichikishimahime nodded, "At least it won't tarnish my reputation, and I can also wield the thunder I summon."

Ichikishimahime pushed Kyomu slightly, "Come on, I can't wait any longer!"

"Just a bit longer." Kyomu was timing it, waiting for Tsunade, who still needed...

In the distance, dust was billowing.

Tsunade's forces arrived ten minutes ahead of schedule; this was the result of her and her troops pushing themselves to the limit.

"No need to wait any longer." Just as Ichikishimahime was about to erupt, Kyomu suddenly spoke up, "Ichikishimahime, the time has come, carry me to the sky!"

"Damn it, you're just an ornament on the horn of this dragon!" Ichikishimahime glared at Kyomu fiercely as she transformed into her massive white dragon form, "I'm not a mount, and if there's a next time, I'll swallow you whole!"

"Ichikishimahime-sama, please!"

After a deep look at Kyomu, Ichikishimahime said nothing more. Regardless of how one might argue, Kyomu was standing on her head, making it hard to differentiate.


With a loud snort accompanied by a heavy huff, the skies suddenly churned.

The sky darkened, and rolling thunder brewed within the storm clouds.

Kyomu pointed his toe and landed between Ichikishimahime's two dragon horns, each as tall as a person.

Beneath my feet is my dragon mount!

Above my head is my dragon horn ornament!

Both the man and the dragon thought the same thing silently, then like a dragon diving into the sea, they soared into the sky, plunging into the clouds above.

"Gentlemen, listen to the dragon's chant!"


Ichikishimahime cooperated by emitting a long, low roar, somewhat different from a dragon's chant, but it carried a similar essence.

"Gentlemen, watch as I alone break through a thousand enemies!"


Thunder roared in the sky, and the white dragon, clad in a layer of electric armor, soared among the clouds with Kyomu at its head, resembling a dragon knight.

I am the true dragon rider, how could I possibly lose this battle!

"Rasa, today I will show you how less than sixty people can indeed surround you!"

Kyomu raised Yoei, and the electricity around the white dragon converged, forming a celestial-splitting bolt of lightning that streaked across the sky.

"Watch me alone!"

Kyomu swung downward.

"Break through a thousand enemies!" 

For a moment, the world went silent, the only sights a man, a dragon, and a bolt of lightning, shining across the heavens.

(End of Chapter)