
Naruto: Monkey Sage

Transmigrated into the body of Asuma, He gained a system to help him protect himself and maybe anyone who will become dear to him.

truepowerscaler1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Chunin arc 2

"Kurenai~" Asuma walked behind Kurenai and he embraced her waist from behind, he leaned down and his chin rested on her shoulders, through out this past weeks he has been trying to get closer to Kurenai, and it worked.

"Asuma, stop it..." Kurenai blushed as she felt the eyes of her fellow jonin on her, she wished she could hide in a hole, but before she can be even more embarrassed, the hokage spoke.

"okay everyone, since every team and every participant is here, i hereby declare the chunin exams continuation!" Hiruzen looked down at the students, his eyes squinted as he felt the strength of each student's chakra.

as the chunin exam started, the genins of each team took turns to pick a number randomly in the box, a few minutes passes and the picking is over.

"alright, number 1 and number 2, please get on the stage please!" Hayate the new proctor of the exam said.

"Asuma sensei, i am number 1" Choji who was eating suddenly stopped and he looked at Asuma in excitement, Asuma nodded and he gave him a pat on his shoulder.

"i don't expect failure" Asuma said as Choji jumped down with a confident smirk, the opponent of Choji was a guy with bandages around his head, Dosu.

"hehehe~, i am gonna crush you, you fat ass" Dosu smirked as he looked at Choji with disdain, his fist clenched.

"ready?, start!"


everyone " ....." 

"the arena!" everyone even the jonin sensei's looked at the arena in shock, Dosu was on the ground barely breathing as the fist of Choji landed next to his head, his fist was black and it had a layer of earth on it.

a huge 10 meter crater was created with cracks expanding out into the whole arena, the whole audience even Kakashi and guy was bewildered.

"the winner... is Akimichi Choji!" Hayate looked at the Choji before he declared the winner with a smirk.

"Yeahhhhh!" Suddenly the whole audience came back to sense as they heard an excited shout from a girl, it was Ino jumping up and down from excitement, she was happy for Choji as he is her friend since they were 2 years old.

"Asuma... what did you feed to that kid?" Kurenai looked up at Asuma with shock and curiosity in her eyes, she never saw a genin with such strength before, excerpt maybe the fourth hokage and Itachi.

"well that is gonna cost you~" Asuma smirked as he leaned down towards her, Kurenai pouted before looking away in anger.


Choji jumped up onto the stands and he walked back to team 10, he was congratulated by shikamaru and Ino as well as Asuma.

"good job Choji, but you still need to keep training until you can protect yourself from anyone" Asuma smiled as he ruffled the hair of Choji, Choji smiled with embarrassment, mean while Ino was jealous and Shikamaru was lazy.

Kurenai smiled as she watched Asuma deal with his students, he looks like he would be good to his kids.

"what?..." Asuma asked as he caught Kurenai looking at him with a smile, Kurenai quickly shrugged and went back to watching her team.

Asuma shrugged before he just continued waiting for the next match while the arena was fixed by earth jutsu.

[ team 7 ]

"damn it!, now even that fat so is stronger then me!"

" if i can't even beat someone like this, then how am i gonna achieve my revenge!" Sasuke's eyes gleamed with hatred and before he knew it, his eyes turned red with 2 magatama in each eye, due to his hatred being collected for all these years, he finally managed to do it.

"Sasuke!, your eyes..." Kakashi looked at Sasuke his favorite student with worry, his eyes were glowing bright red and he had 2 magatama in each eye, Sasuke calmed down as he felt his eyes sting for a little before stopping, he suddenly smirked as he touched his eyes.

"hehehehe~, Itachi.... you just wait for me" Sasuke muttered as his sharingan closed, his chakra and physical strength and endurance has increased in strength and quantity by a large amount, causing him to feel bloated for a few seconds.

"Sasuke?..." Naruto and Sakura looked at Sasuke in worry and confusion, especially Naruto as he can feel the negative emotions from Sasuke.

"alright everybody, the next round begins now!" Hiruzen stood up and said it loud to gain the attention of everyone, once that was done he sat down again next to the Kazekage.

"number 3 and 4, on stage please!"

"hmph, it's my turn wish me luck!" Tenten smirked as she loked at the excited guy and lee and the neutral Neji, she jumped down and she looked at her Opponent.

"Tenten vs Temari of the sand, Ready?, start!" Hayate jumped back as the match started and Tenten sprung to action, her scroll was unleashed and instantly a bunch of sharp kunai flew at Temariu at a fast speed.


"huh?" Temari looked at the kunai flying towards her with disdain, she unsheathed her Fan and it was on 1 star, she swung her fan and a huge wind was created.


Tenten watched in panic as her weapons was blown away, instantly she knew she was done for as her main weakness was her opponent.


Temari sprinted towards Tenten and she swung her closed fan towards the Surprised Tenten.


her fan connected with a staff and Tenten was pushed back due to her strength, she jumped back and threw a kunai at Temari.

"this again?, you are annoying!" Temari looked at the attack and gritted her teeth, she opened her fan fully to 3 stars and she swung the fan with full power.


the audience suddenly shielded there face as fierce wind flew towards them, Tenten was flung back into the arena wall and she gasped as the wind was knocked out of her lungs.

"hmph!" Temari snorted as she saw Tenten trying to get up from the ground, she walked to her and she hit her with her fan, knocking her out and puting her on her fan.

"weakling..." Temari muttered as she threw Tenten down.

"Tenten!" Lee jumped down from the stand and he ran to tenten's side, he was worried and he waited for the medical team to come.

"looks like she is a little bit too weak" Asuma winced as he saw the look on guy and neji's face, they were disappointed but also not surprised, seems like they knew she was not strong, for someone who was already out for a year from the academy.

"winner is Temari of the sand!"


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