
Naruto: Mizukage

If you were sent to the Shinobi world years before the founding of the Five Great Shinobi Villages who wouldn't want to the Kage of their respective land. Watch as our MC changes the fate of the Village Hidden in the Mist. Alternate Universe maybe.

OhMyGod · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs

Chapter 22: Konoha?

Ritsu had just finished selecting the talented individuals who would at least reach the special Jonin.

The Karatachi clan had around two hundred members with around sixty members were shinobi, the rest were women and children. Although of those thirty members only twenty of them remain, the other ten had unfortunately died. Only ten qualified

The cursed subordinates numbered almost three hundred though only around a sixth of them are shinobi, the rest were women and children. Only eleven qualified. 

The Endo Clan numbered around two hundred members; those with the Kekkei Genkai numbered a fifth of the clan. Only thirteen qualified.

The Roran clan numbered five hundred, of those only two hundred showed varying talent in Fuinjutsu, and a quarter of the total number the clan had were direct descendants. The rest of the people had way too diluted blood to be considered direct descendants. Only nineteen people qualified.

This didn't include those who had the talent of a Chunin or Genin as Ritsu wanted this specific group of people to be the pillar supporting the future of Kirigakure. 

The people chosen were at least eight years old to twenty-five years.

These people needed to get as much experience more so that the others after with their talent they would be pulling ahead from the crowd.

These people would lay a foundation so they could help secure the Ritsu's position as the Mizukage.

And in the future for Kirigakure they will train the next generation.


Ritsu was currently in front of a Clan compound besides Kaz.

When Ritsu first sent Kaz out to look for the Hatake it only took him a month to find the Hatake Clan. Ritsu was busy at the time so Kaz turned his focus in searching for the Gekko Clan and the Iburi Clan, luckily Kaz found out that the Iburi were not too far from the location of the Hatake.

They resided in a mountain range just northwest of their location.

There were plenty of caves in mountain ranges so the Iburi must reside in them after all there condition doesn't allow them to live anywhere else.

Ritsu was currently outside of the Hatake compound gates waiting to meet the current Clan head of the Hatake Clan, the three guards had asked them to identify themselves.

Afterwards the guards asked for their purpose for visiting the Hatake clan which was to meet the clan head for a proposition before one of them went into the compound to inform their clan head.

It didn't take long for the shinobi guard to return, "The clan head is willing to meet you, follow me."

As Kaz and Ritsu followed the Hatake Shinobi into the compound Ritsu took in his surroundings.

The Clan members all had the iconic silver hair that Kakashi had, though there were a few outliers that had different colored hairs.

Activating his inspection he could see the common affinity the clan had was Lightning and they had an affinity for the sword. 

They seemed to live off the land, as there were many small plots of arable land besides the houses.

The people seemed relaxed as they enjoyed their time farming and practicing their sword.

With the amount of people in the Clan, Ritsu guessed they had around four hundred people, maybe more.

They arrived at what he presumed to be the meeting house.

As they went inside they saw an elder at least in their sixties.

Ritsu could tell he used to be a shinobi, presumably the previous Clan head.

Quite a rare sight to see a sixty year old shinobi.

At the forefront of the elder shinobi was what they assumed to be the current Clan head.

The man was middle aged, broad build, scars all over his hands with a few on his face, black eyes, and a straight back.

[Jinsei Hatake - Kage

Age: 33

Affiliation: Clan head of the Hatake Clan

Loyalty: 100 Hatake Clan, Senju 25, Konoha 25

Kekkei Genkai: None

Bloodline: 89%

Talent: Kenjutsu S, Reaction S, Primal Instinct S, Lightning A, Wind C, Earth D, 

Summary: An elite of the Elite, only a handful of people are qualified to be a Kage, while being an outstanding leader. This man has fought countless battles and faced many adversity in his life, yet came out on top each and every time. A true shounen protagonist.]

'This won't go as planned' thought Ritsu as he took a step forward and bowed in greeting.

'His affiliation has the Senju and Konoha…. Of course, the Senju, or particularly Hashirama must have already gone all around to the neighboring clans and talked about his dream.

Though it seems talks have just started or the man in front of me didn't take Hashirama's words seriously.'

Jinsei nodded at Ritsu's brief greeting.

'I am going from recruiting, to possibly poaching, or adding dissent.'

"I am Ritsu, the heir of the Karatachi Clan from the Land of Water."

"Very well, I am Jinsei, the acting Clan head of the Hatakes. It is a pleasure to meet you, heir of the Karatachi Clan, now may I ask the reason for your visit?"

Ritsu stayed silent trying to think how to articulate his words so that he can use them to achieve his goal.

"Well for one I am here to know your opinion on the unifications on the major elemental lands."

Jinsei let out a tired sigh.

"We the Hatake have no interest in the unification of the elemental lands. It is impossible and can't be done. If that's all that you have to say then you may see yourself at the door."

The disrespect that Jinsei had shown to his young master caused Kaz to instinctively reach for his sword, but before he could do so his heart tightened.


Kaz turned to look at Ritsu whose eyes were telling him, 'Calm down.'

"Well you might not be interested in the unification of the elemental land, others are, which is your clan's best interest to know of those individuals."

"Is that a threat? Are you one of those individuals my clan needs to know of." Jinsei asked as he released an aura of wildness. 

Causing both Ritsu and Kaz's palms to sweat and their instinct to heighten to an insane degree.

'So this is what it feels like to be on the opposite end.' 

Jinsei was ready to get up and leave, after seeing Ritsu's reaction to his aura but settled back down after the elder beside him raised his hand.

Ritsu realizing that he failed to give a proper reaction he admonished himself, luckily the elder gave him another chance to speak,

"Hashirama Senju must have already come to talk about you in the prospect of forming a big village, one that includes all the clans in the Land of Fire."

Jinsei stayed silent at his words, showing no reaction to confirm Ritsu's words, after all this was supposedly kept confidential only amongst the clan leader allied with the Senju Clan.

Ritsu smirked at Jinsei, "Well you see, that's quite a big dream, in fact it sounds naive."

Jinsei showed a slight frown for a second but Ritsu was attentive enough to catch it.

"Although you say you aren't interested, Someone of your standing has no choice to pay attention to the matter," 

'After all you have a slight affiliation to the Senju and Konoha showing your interest.'

"As a leader it's in your best interest because you have a responsibility to keep your clan members safe."

Jinsei finally broke character and showed a tired expression evidently showing that he has been troubled by such a matter.

Jinsei looked at the chil— young man in front of him, his expression and demeanor was completely different to that bubbleland fool, Hashirama yet…..

"You're right I have interest in this matter, in fact I've lost sleep over it. That man Hashirama is absurdly strong, so he will be able to do it. In fact I believe in his strength and our stance will be to join them." 'Although we won't have a choice in the matter.'

"But you do have a choice." Ritsu's words caught Jinsei's attention

Ritsu smiled at Jinsei, "You're clan has no ambitions, you guys only pursue the way of the sword and living of the land you guys own. Besides your fighting strength there's nothing good about you guys.

In this vast land of the Land of Fire, we have the Inuzuka, known for their taijutsu combat prowess and their ninken dogs.

The Aburame with the different insects they can control, providing versatility.

The Hyuga with their Byakugan. The Akimichi, Yamanka, and the Nara Clan all possess unique jutsus.

The Hagoromo Clan and their unique jutsu involving frogs.

The Kurama Clan have their unique Genjutsu. The Sarutobi with their members averaging three affinities out of the five elements.

The Senju with their vast vitality. The Uchiha and their Sharigan. I'm sure there are a few more clans in the Land of Fire but they aren't worth mentioning."

"That's all the more reason to join Hashirama's side."

"It is correct to join the side with the most fighting power, as those with the bigger fist will always have the final say, but have you ever thought where the Hatake Clan lies in the bigger picture?

It is true that the Hatake Clan have a higher than average combat strength in their shinobi but you guys don't possess anything unique, there are many sword clans throughout the shinobi world. Even more so in the Land of Fire.

A congregation of a bunch of geniuses when all put together, they all look the same."

Jinsei felt insulted by Ritsu's words yet he couldn't deny them as it was true, 'what did the Hatake possess that would ensure their authority within the Land of Fire?

He couldn't use strength as it would probably be forbidden to have infighting at such a level?

'Especially since that naive Hashirama wouldn't allow infighting.'

Politics? His people enjoyed swinging their swords, farm, or simply relaxing, himself included!'

Jinsei turned to look at his father for perhaps a reaction. He may be Clan head but his father is the most experienced.

Yet when he looked his father simply had his eyes closed, his body language saying, 'This does not concern me. It is your choice.'

Jinsei once again looked at Ritsu, a young man was in front him, short, but his demeanor showed a leader better than what Hashirama showed him.

"I have just one question that I hope you can answer: what will be the position of the Hatake Clan if we join you."

"The position of the Hatake Clan in Kirigakure is to be my sword, A sword that I will entrust my life to never break, to never dull, and to wipe all enemies in front of me.

A sword I will carry for the rest of my life caring and polishing it so that it may be ready for my future endeavors."

"I have heard your response, but I will still need time to discuss it with the rest of my clan."

"I understand your position. It is a major decision that concerns your clan's future. I just hope that in the future we won't meet on opposite sides. Farewell for now."

Once they exchanged pleasantries Ritsu and Kaz left.

Leaving Jinsei and his father behind in the Hatake's meeting house.


"It is not my choice, my era is long gone. A new era is emerging and you will be the one who will lead our clan into it."

Jinsei nodded at his father's words, "Why did you give him a second chance to speak?"

Jinsei's father sighed, "Your senses are as dull as ever, for a split second when you released your aura I felt an overflowing amount of chakra congregating at the boy's hands." 

"That's it?" Jinsei questions, as he doubted that being the only reason his father gave Ritsu another chance.

"The amount of chakra in his hands was enough for a couple dozen jutsu yet his chakra reserves remained full."

Jinsei, although shocked, heard his father's words as his father was the best sensor in their clan and made a decision.

"I will be sending an emissary to Hashirama."

"You've made your decision?"

"No, I am simply requesting a meeting. I would like to ask Hashirama some questions."

Jinsei's father smiled nodding at his son's decision, 'I too would have done the same.'


Kaz and Ritsu were already traveling heading towards their next destination. 

The Iburi Clan, Ritsu wasn't too sure how he would solve their problem but there was nothing Fuinjutsu couldn't do.

"Young master, I think we should kill them. If they don't accept your proposal then Hashirama will be aware of us forming a village just like them."

"Don't worry as long as Hashirama is alive there won't be any conflicts between the Villages."

"Young master, are you saying that more than one Village will be formed?"

"That is right you didn't think that me and Hashirama would be the only ones right? Hashirama actions will spur the rest of the world to form their own villages. Creating the Five major villages and a bunch of small ones."

Kaz couldn't believe that the world he knew where one clan would fight one another, would change to congregations of clans fighting another congregation of clans.

If the fights between clans led to a town or two being destroyed then what would be the consequences of fights between groups of clans.

Whole elemental lands being destroyed, Kaz shuddered at the thought of it.

'But how does the young master know?' Kaz eyed the back of Ritsu as Ritsu was more forward of the two.

'It doesn't matter, my siblings are treated better than we were in the Yua Clan, my techniques were all handed down to me by Ritsu, 

my body has undergone a transformation, my senses have improved, so has my health and any hidden injuries I have suffered over time.

All because of him,'Kaz thought as he watched Ritsu's back.

Kaz silently vowed, determination evident in his eyes. 'No matter where you go, I, Kaz, will follow you even to the depths of the pure land,'