

Rare people, tends to have rare opportunities like the Kaito Uzumaki, Enjoy the fanfic

99_DRAGONS · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

Demise of Danzo (I)

Shisui and Itachi have started to work on things.

Since Shisui is a Jonin captain of the team, he had significant frame among the Jonin and Chunin, he is also a man feared as Shushin no Shisui, after Lord Fourth, he is framed as the fastest man in the Hidden leaf.

Shisui made contracts with trustable core members of the Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, Aburame, Inuzuka and Hyuga Clan.

It barely took 2 months to make all the contract perfect, after all Shisui was a rising star, even the Hyuga clan accepted it.

Shisui explained all the misdoings of Danzo and several plans he took for the seat of the Hokage to the each core members.

While Shisui was doing these stuffs,

Itachi Uchiha Joined the Foundation from Team Ro, as a special mission to watch over Danzo for Hiruzen.

Itachi avoided the cursed seal mark with the sharingan, he made believe all of them with Genjutsu.

Since he made people believe that he have the curse mark, he gained the access to all the Kinjutsu of each clans.

Itachi was shocked to the core.

Itachi thoughts "All Uchiha skills in the library is here?, It might be the case for all other clans as well ?"

In the root, people wont change the masks, mask's and code names are identity in the foundation.

Three months later,

Itachi was able to become a genuine root member of the foundation, everyone was able to believe him.

Every tool in the Root believe that their Danzo sama will become the Hokage soon.

Itachi made Fugaku to convince the police force to act easy for the next 6 months.

The reputation of the police increased tremendously, it was shocking for Hiruzen, Danzo, Koharu and Homara.

There are no complains in past three months about the police force.

Danzo thoughts "Tch, I promised Orochimaru to give 30 Sharingan's soon, but I think it will delay"

Koharu "I think leaf is at peace, since Uchiha is changing"

Danzo "No, Uchiha are always a problem"

Hiruzen "Tch, Danzo you will never change the perception of the Uchiha, you were always cold to our late friend Kagami too"

Homara and Koharu nodded in acceptance.

Itachi's work was perfect as always.

Itachi gave detail report on the all the Root member a copy to Hiruzen and Shisui.

Shisui gave all the members the hot information of the newly founded team known as Seven Leaf Stars.

The objective of the Seven Leaf stars is to take down Danzo and free the long leach which is sucking Konoha's resources with out shame

Santa Yamanaka

Ensui Nara

Dōtō Akimichi

Kō Hyūga

Gaku Inuzuka

Muta Aburame

Shisui Uchiha

They form the seven leaf stars, they are just waiting for the correct time to ambush the root to take all the clan jutsu and expose Danzo Shimura to all the clans in the Konoha.

Soon, if the other villages come to know about Danzo, he will lose to them too.

But the work is so risk, none of this are known to their clan or Hokage, if done any mistake, they might be labeled as traitors of the leaf.

In a mission while returning to Konoha,

Shisui "Ko, did you decided to tell your clan head?"

Ko "Not, yet since I am from branch family, I have submit the proof first."

Shisui "Dont worry, I even got the list of all the root members form one of friend who is working in root"

Ko "who is that?"

Shisui "Uchiha Itachi, the son of the Uchiha clan head"

Ko "Wow, you have the son of your clan head working for you"

Shisui "Well, in my clan everything is power, if you are powerful than one, he will be given special treatment than the one who is lower than you"

Ko began to envy Uchiha clan, since the Hyuga clan is always about domination of Head branch, in the Uchiha there is a open environment, for clan members to grow.

Ko "Well, if i am reborn, next time I want to be in the Uchiha clan"

(Contract Kami Truck Kun)

Shisui chuckled showing his bright sun character.

Everyone who followed Shisui was able to be more comfortable,

Well, he is so fast, currently the strongest of the uchiha clan and the youngest Jonin of the history.

Ko "So, when we will ambush the Root?"

Shisui's tone and demeanor changed "It will be soon, I leave it in the hands of Itachi, he said root is always in the training grounds, they have instant back up, we need to ambush and steal in a night were, all the Root Shinobi are busy in work"

Ko "We have to wait till then"

Shisui "And what about rumors team, is it operational everyday?"

Ko "they are performing their best to make shadow clones to spread most of it"

Shisui "Nice, Just wait Danzo, I will slay you soon, for the sake of Hidden leaf" Mangekyou sharingan.


Who do you want as the (Rokudaime) Sixth Hokage? ~~~~ POLL

Uchiha Shisui

Uchiha Itachi