
Chapter no.34 Winds of Change: The Pursuit of Mastery

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"Well, first of all because the more experience you have with the element and the further along with the exercise you are, the easier it'll be to use the jutsu and the more powerful they'll be." Kakashi explained as he casually flipped a page of his book. "That aside, once you master the element, you'll be able to create your own, unique jutsu."

Naruto's expression lit up at hearing that he could make his own, original techniques after mastering his element. Beyond his Sexy Jutsu, he hadn't really considered making his own, original techniques, but now that his sensei mentioned it, he couldn't believe he'd never thought about it before. It was a totally awesome idea!

And with the Rinnegan, the possibilities were endless! Kakashi had used his Sharingan to copy a thousand techniques, but with his dojutsu, he would top that by creating a thousand techniques! And he'd use them all to finally put Sasuke in his place. Then Sakura would stop fawning over the jerk and the old man Hokage would see his power. He could see it now, the day where the old man said, 'Naruto, I never dreamed you would become so strong. You are truly the only one worthy of being my successor.' And then he'd finally receive the respect and recognition he always dreamed of.

The other two standing in the clearing sweat-dropped as Naruto stood there with his hands clasped together, wearing a wide grin and chuckling as he daydreamed.

After a few moments, Naruto's mind returned to the real world. He had the dignity to look embarrassed, rubbing his head and smiling sheepishly as he apologized.

"The dream's over, Naruto?" Kakashi asked, his one visible eye glinting with a mix of amusement and curiosity underneath the lazy sway of his shaggy, silver hair. His arms were folded in a nonchalant manner, the slant of his body mirroring his casual demeanor.

Naruto blinked, then in a characteristically brash manner, decided to bypass the awkward moment altogether. "Yeah, it is." He asserted, the sound of his voice rippling with newfound determination. Naruto's hands became animated, miming a firm punch into his open left palm, fingers balled into a resolute fist. "Forget about years," he declared, the sun hitting his brilliant azure eyes, making them sparkle with an unshakeable resolve. "I'll have both these elements mastered by the end of this year."

Kakashi regarded Naruto with a small smirk, his eye crinkling at the corners with veiled admiration. Despite the intense training Naruto had been going through, his spirit had not wavered in the slightest. The older man shook his head gently, musing to himself how Naruto might be able to pull it off, especially with the help of his shadow clones to hasten the learning process.

"Kakashi sensei," Naruto interrupted his thoughts, a hungry curiosity gleaming in his gaze. "Got any tips before I get started?"

"The only advice I can give you," Kakashi began, leveling Naruto with a serious gaze, "is to remember that when manipulating fire natured chakra, envision it like two flames coming together creating a giant flame." He paused, allowing Naruto to digest the information, "The rest is a matter of experience."

"Got it." Naruto confirmed, processing the information with a thoughtful frown. "So, what can I do with the wind element in particular since I have completed the wind manipulation training? Any good jutsu you can think of?"

Kakashi's gaze drifted upwards, meeting the clear azure sky. "Sorry, I'm afraid I don't really know that many wind jutsu either. The wind element is quite rare outside of the Land of Wind, and a lot of the wind techniques I've seen don't require hand signs, so I couldn't copy them."

Feeling a surge of disappointment, Naruto's shoulders drooped. "Just one?"

With a regretful nod, Kakashi confirmed. "Afraid so, but I know a guy who's quite skilled in the wind element who might be able to help you. And you could always head to the library and pick out some jutsu scrolls, right?"

"Yeah." Naruto agreed, releasing a sigh. "Well, what can you tell me? Can you give me some examples of what kind of techniques are out there?"

Kakashi began to expound on the versatility of the wind element, using sweeping hand gestures and crafting elaborate mental images to get the point across. His descriptions piqued Naruto's curiosity, causing the boy's enthusiasm to flare up once again. "Could I create tornadoes? Or maybe make walls of wind to block attacks?"

Kakashi looked thoughtful, musing on the possibilities of Naruto's question. "Depends. If you mean full-sized tornadoes, those would be S-class, or in some cases, forbidden jutsu." Kakashi's tone was serious now, expressing the gravity of such a formidable technique.

Naruto blinked, the mention of forbidden jutsu stirring a buzz of excitement and apprehension within him. The trip back to their training area continued with more discussions about elements, Naruto's curiosity piqued with every shared tidbit about the elusive wind element.

Meanwhile, Sakura watched them from a short distance away, her emerald eyes tracing the animated interaction between her teacher and teammate. She sighed lightly, her lips curling into a faint smile as she listened to their conversation, the knowledge pouring from Kakashi seeming nearly infinite.

"Ok, we're burning daylight, here." Kakashi's voice was easy, breaking through the conversation as he pivoted towards Sakura. His eye twinkled with a renewed vigor as he continued, "Sakura, let's get back to training." Then, his gaze dropped onto Naruto, the hint of a mysterious smile tugging at his concealed lips. "And I've got something special in mind for you today. Come on."

After saying a swift goodbye to Sakura, Naruto trailed after Kakashi, his steps echoing his eager curiosity. The sunlight cascaded down, illuminating the duo as they ventured further towards the heart of their training grounds.
