
Obake Clan

As they traversed the dense forest, guided by the monster leader, Yujiro couldn't help but nod at the exceptional navigation skills of these creatures.

Their swift and efficient movement through the challenging terrain spoke volumes about their capabilities.

Upon reaching a brief halt, the monster leader, with his massive and intimidating presence, turned toward Yujiro.

His demeanor was a mix of respect and submission. In a deep, resonant voice, he expressed his gratitude.

"Thank you for following us, Yujiro-dono," the monster leader began. "Our patriarch should be able to provide answers regarding your request."

The words hung in the air, and Yujiro nodded, acknowledging the monster leader's willingness to cooperate.

With a sense of curiosity and anticipation, he followed the pack of monsters deeper into the forest, heading toward the secluded clan compound.

For the monster leader, the unfolding events had taken a startling and unexpected turn.

What had started as their search for the missing son had led them to an encounter with Yujiro, a towering figure of immense power.

This twist of fate had ultimately resulted in them guiding him to their secluded clan compound. Their misfortune had somehow transformed into a potentially total subjugation of their clan.

It was almost comical how things had played out. The monsters' "bad luck," as the leader saw it, had brought them into direct contact with a being of unparalleled strength.

They merely spent two days into their search for the monster leader's missing son when they encountered Yujiro.

But now, this twist of fate had led to their involvement in a situation far beyond what they had initially anticipated.

Despite the surprise and challenges they faced, the journey had been surprisingly swift.

The monsters' impressive traveling speed, coupled with their strength that was on par with Tokubetsu Jonin and normal Jonin, allowed them to traverse the terrain rapidly.

The monster leader himself, boasting Elite Jonin-level abilities, had been instrumental in guiding them efficiently through the forest to their clan's hidden mountain compound.

As they proceeded through the forest, the pack of monsters couldn't help but murmur among themselves, voicing their astonishment at the unexpected turn of events.

"Who would have thought we'd encounter such a powerful man?"

"The patriarch will need to decide what to do about this."

"I hope our leader made the right decision."

Meanwhile, the leader's eyes remained focused ahead, a mix of hope and anxiety flickering in them as he guided Yujiro towards their clan's compound.

The path they walked was a labyrinthine journey through a dense, ancient forest.

A heavy canopy of foliage cast intricate patterns of shadows on the ground as the monstrous pack and their imposing guest advanced.

Twisted roots protruded from the earth like gnarled fingers, Yujiro observed the unspoiled wilderness surrounding them.

The very air carried an aura of secrecy, as if the forest itself kept its secrets hidden away from prying eyes.

As they journeyed further, the compound came into view, nestled within the heart of the nearby mountain.

Its architecture was distinctly rustic, blending seamlessly with the surrounding environment, rendering it nearly invisible to anyone who might chance upon it.

The use of earthy tones and natural materials helped to maintain its concealment, creating the illusion that the structure was an extension of the mountainside.

This environment showed the clan's enduring commitment to isolation and secrecy. It was clear that they valued their solitude and the protection it provided.

Yujiro could feel a palpable sense of exclusivity and self-preservation that enveloped the area.

The compound, veiled in the mountain's embrace, was a sanctuary where their mysteries and way of life remained hidden from the outside world.


Yujiro strode carelessly into the clan compound, a veritable giant whose presence was as imposing as a mountain. His towering figure exuded an overbearing aura, leaving an indelible impression that he was not to be trifled with.

The sheer intensity of his presence was enough to command attention, as he emitted his natural presence, an aura that spoke of a lifetime of battles and he did all of this without utilizing any chakra.

It was as if the weight of his history, the countless battles he had fought and won, bore down upon him, and he wore it like a crown.

The pack of monsters, with their leader at the forefront, followed closely behind him, aware of the awe and shock that Yujiro's mere presence could inspire.

As he entered the village, a group of gnarled, old monsters surged forward, their sunken eyes were filled with defiance and aggression.

The eldest among them, their experience etched into every line on their weathered faces, appeared as though they might tear Yujiro apart.

These venerable protectors of their clan were ready to defend their territory against an intruder, their primal instincts rising to the fore. The challenge in their gaze was unmistakable.

The monster leader, , produced beads of sweat, desperate to prevent a needless confrontation that could prove disastrous for their clan.

His monstrous body trembled with the weight of responsibility. This was an unprecedented situation, and he cursed the old foggies silently for making it more challenging than it needed to be.

Running toward the group of agitated elders, he shouted, "Stand back, all of you! We have an esteemed guest!"

Inwardly, he grumbled, 'I knew that a foreign aura would make these old foggies restless!'

He continued, determined to de-escalate the situation, warning them that they needed to stand down if they wished to ensure the safety of their clan.

The old foggies, still agitated, showed signs of relenting, albeit begrudgingly. They may be old and stubborn, but they were not fools, and they recognized the potential danger of their defiance.

Meanwhile, Yujiro stood in the midst of the now somewhat subdued group of elderly monsters, a hideous grin playing on his lips.

He was seemingly entertained by their useless acts of defiance, understanding the need for these guardians to protect their home and honor, even if their methods were a bit theatrical for his taste.

Nonetheless, seeing the situation somewhat under control, the monster leader turned to a young monster who had been observing the scene and whispered a few instructions.

The monster leader leaned down slightly to have a quiet conversation with the young monster. Their words were hushed, exchanged beneath the weighty atmosphere of the clan compound.

"Go quickly," he urged. "Inform the patriarch that an esteemed guest has arrived. His name is Hanma Yujiro. Stress the urgency."

The young monster nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of anticipation and nervousness. He understood the importance of this task, that he was entrusted with delivering a message that could shape the fate of their clan.

With a determined nod, he dashed away, his agile form swiftly maneuvering through the village streets, scurried away to carry out the task assigned to him.

His mission was clear: to notify their patriarch of the arrival of an esteemed guest. The patriarch was to come to the gate and meet with this enigmatic figure known as Hanma Yujiro.

As he moved towards the heart of the compound, his voice carried a sense of urgency, shouting for the patriarch to make his way to the gate without delay.

The young monster's message was clear: the fate of their clan rested on this meeting with Hanma Yujiro.

The course of their clan's history was about to change, and the patriarch's wisdom would be crucial in navigating the uncertain waters ahead.


The young monster swiftly reached the inner sanctum of the clan, where the patriarch resided. Their leader was a wizened creature with age-old eyes that held wisdom carved by decades of existence.

The young messenger panted heavily but managed to convey his urgent message, "Patriarch, an esteemed guest has arrived at the gate. His name is Hanma Yujiro, and it's a matter of great importance."

The patriarch's gaze sharpened at the mention of such a distinguished name.

It was a name that held tremendous weight, not just in their secluded clan but throughout the Hidden Clans that few had the privilege of knowing.

Stories and rumors had reached their ears, the Hidden Clans, about a man with fiery crimson hair and chakra that rivaled the power of the gods themselves.

He was known to have fought toe to toe with two other individuals, collectively heralded as the Shinobi Gods.

Although their clan had produced formidable individuals over the centuries, anomalies and prodigies like this trio were exceedingly rare, appearing once every few centuries.

The last prodigy of such caliber had been during the Dynasty Era, a time when an enigmatic figure, cloaked in lightning, had risen to subdue countless kings and kingdoms.

He had been hailed as the Emperor of Kings, but his reign was tragically cut short by his untimely demise.

For the majority of the secluded clans scattered across the world, obtaining vital information was a matter of utmost importance.

Many had established connections with the black market, delving into the underworld and embracing the darker aspects of their world.

This underbelly of society allowed them to acquire critical information that could safeguard their respective clan's future.

In the current landscape, one piece of information had been circulating widely through these clandestine channels — it was about a man by the name of Hanma Yujiro.

The patriarch's curiosity was thoroughly piqued by the mention of this name, a name that signified both power and mystery.

He was eager to learn more about the esteemed guest who had arrived at their gate, as well as the purpose of this unprecedented visit.

With a nod to the young monster, he gave his consent for the messenger to continue sharing the details.

The young messenger continued, his voice trembling slightly with the weight of his words. "The situation at the gate is tense, patriarch."

"The old monsters gathered there are eager to rip this intruder apart if they perceive any threat."

The patriarch pondered this information for a moment, his brows furrowed in thought. It was a delicate situation that required his immediate attention.

He understood the gravity of what was transpiring outside the compound's gates.

He had heard numerous tales of Yujiro's immense strength, his unyielding reputation as the Ogre, and the overwhelming political power he might possessed.

In a calm yet authoritative voice, the patriarch acknowledged, "I shall come at once."

Then, he barked his orders to his loyal guards, "Please keep an eye on our esteemed elders and ensure that the utmost respect and caution are maintained among the members during my talks with him."

With those words, he rose from his resting place, every inch the wise and formidable leader that his clan revered.

He prepared to leave the inner sanctum, ready to face the formidable Hanma Yujiro and discover the purpose behind this unexpected visit.

After a few minutes, the patriarch finally arrived at the gate, his imposing form radiating authority.

He cast a steely glare over his clan members who had gathered there, making it abundantly clear that he would handle the situation.

With a commanding voice, he barked his orders, "All clan members, return to your respective houses and await further instructions."

In an orchestrated movement, the monsters dispersed, heading toward their homes to follow their patriarch's orders.

The clan's elders, however, stood their ground, showing their unwavering dedication to protect their clan.

The patriarch nodded to the elders and whispered a solemn directive, "Secure the perimeters and protect the younglings if a conflict should arise. Ensure the safety of our younglings!"

Then, he turned his full attention to the formidable figure before him, the enigmatic guest who had arrived unannounced.

The patriarch met eyes with Yujiro and introduced himself, his tone a blend of respect and dignity, "Welcome to our Obake Clan, Yujiro-dono! I am the reigning patriarch, and my name is Jagan Obake. It is an honor to make your acquaintance."


A/N: Okay, just for the sake of you guys, I'll clarify one thing. Yes, this is Jugo's Clan, hehehe.

On that note, I want to ask something about the chapters release, do you guys prefer 7 chaps on the weekend, or daily release? 


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