
Naruto GS

A reincarnation where a boy exchanges all of his knowledge for overwhelming power. Why do I need to know things if I can just ignore them. (I do not own the picture. I just colored it.)

Lion_Lin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Lunch Time

"All of you failed," Kakashi said as he looked at Naruto, Tendou and Sakura.

"All of you suck at teamwork. Although you have overwhelming power you don't seem to care about others." Kakashi said as he pointed at Tendou.

"Oops. Busted." Tendou replied.

"And Sakura. You only cared about your task and refused to help while Naruto was attacking me. I wanted to see what would you do after getting the bell that you didn't check up on the injured Naruto. Even after accomplishing your goal." Kakashi said.

"No. I am only...." Sakura wanted to refute but she was speechless.

"And you, you only focused on your personal feelings and blindly rushed towards someone who is far out of your league," Kakashi said as he looked at Naruto.

"The goal of the task is to get the bells but the true motive behind the test was to see your teamwork," Kakashi said.

"So according to that criteria, all of you failed," Kakashi said.

"No way." Sakura fell down on her knee.

"But since you somewhat accomplished the goal I will give you a second chance. After the lunch period, you will try the test again. But this time I will only use one bell." Kakashi said.

"This time, Instead of trying to pass the test yourself try to help each other so that among all of you, at least one of you can pass," Kakashi said.

"Now here is the lunch for you guys," Kakashi said as he gave two lunch boxes to Tendou and Sakura.

"Hey, there are only two boxes," Naruto asked.

"Don't give anything to Naruto. He is the only one who didn't manage to get the bell so you can think of it as some sort of punishment." Kakashi said as he turned his back.

"If I found out you give food to Naruto I will fail you. No matter how talented you are. Got it." He said as he looked at Tendou.

"Ohhh. Scary." Tendou said while giving a smile.

He then left the three.

Of course, it was a test and if they gave their lunch to Naruto all of them would automatically pass but the three didn't know about Kakashi's thoughts.

"Hey. Why are you wearing that thing on your eyes?" Sakura said as she sat down to start eating her lunch.

"This. Well, sometimes things that are beautiful need to be covered up. Otherwise, they will become cheap and will lose their ability." Tendou said while smiling.

"..." Naruto and Sakura were speechless because of Tendou's words.

The Arrogance of Tendou is not something that can be described in words if he truly believes what he just said.

"Hahahaha. The looks on your face." Tendou said as he burst out laughing.

"Grrrrrrrrr." A loud noise was heard from Naruto's stomach.

"Here. You can have this." Tendou said as he gave his lunch box to Naruto.

"Huh?" Sakura and Naruto were shocked.

From the way he behaves, he feels like a madman who wants to watch the world burn but the action that he just did seems to be selfless.

"Oh right, you are still tied up. Should I untie you or feed you myself." Tendou asked.

"You. You are not seriously going to feed him right? Kakashi sensei said that he would fail anyone who feeds Naruto." Sakura said in shock.

"Oh, you want to feed him yourself? I have been moved by your thoughtfulness." Tendou said as a few drops of water started to come out of the headband that covered his eyes.

"Sakura-chan." Naruto also seemed to be moved.

"You can have my lunch if you want but There is no way in hell I am going to feed you. And Why the hell are you crying?" Sakura yelled at the two.

"You found out I was using water style? As expected of my teammate. You are really amazing." Tendou said.

"Damn you. I thought you were really crying." Naruto started to make a fuss when he heard what Tendou said.

"So what is your choice?" Tendou asked.

"Just untie me. I will eat it myself." Naruto said.

"Feed you? If you say so." Tendou said as he picked up some rice and meat from the lunch box and forcefully put them into Naruto's mouth.

"Hey. What is the deal? I said I will eat by myself." Naruto said as he yelled at Tendou.

"I see so you want to eat Vegetables too. What a good boy, wanting to eat healthy." Tendou said.

"Those twos are weirdos," Sakura said while smiling as she looked at Tendou and Naruto.

"You bastard," Naruto yelled at Tendou.

"Should I tell them that they all passed my test or should I wait until Naruto is able to finish his meal?" Kakashi who was hiding not very far away from the place where Tendou and the others were said to himself.

"This year I have such great students. I will tell them after I have my own lunch." Kakashi said as he left the three alone.