
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
58 Chs

Chapter 47

Human world.

The entirety of the human World continues its course normally, with humans coming and going on a normal day like any Other for Them who are unaware of the Existence of the Supernatural World in its entirety and what is currently happening in it.

Humans could be seen coming and going calmly, some going to work and others sharing with friends in coffee shops, laughter coming and going, others being worried about the next day, about problems at work, about the news and the recent surge. of Food in The Market something normal.

A relatively normal day like any other for humans but everyone had noticed the strange change in the Sky, recently there was a normal Sun that soon began to be hidden by gray clouds that appeared and slightly darkened as if giving signs that a strong storm would come. rain which made many accelerate their activities so that the rain would not harm their activities that they had outdoors but there was a strange feeling in the air that slightly shook all humans in general who ignored it thinking that it was only for them individually. a bad feeling that they related to their own families and problems they have but suddenly...


The imposing sound of what was most similar to a trumpet rang for the ears of everyone in the world. Every living being in the world heard the sound that echoed in the background, which paralyzed all activities and caught everyone's attention.

The humans stopped their steps, He who drives stopped, He Who speaks remained silent, He who feeds stopped doing so.

Some saw each other as if they were trying to ask the other with their gaze if they were hearing the same thing as him, but without being able to formulate the question with their own mouths.

Humans possessing Secret gear and with knowledge about the Supernatural World are still curious about what is happening and what was that horrifying and somewhat terrifying sound that they heard clearly similar to a trumpet and where it came from.

Hidden Supernatural Beings Among Humans They are still curious about what is happening, since apparently humans heard the same thing as them.


A girl of no more than 8 years old shook her stunned Mother by pulling her skirt, as she had stopped halfway on the way back to her house.

The Mother soon recovered and took her daughter in her arms, looking around like the others. They are still, looking at each other with doubts and curiosity but without moving forward.

"Mommy, what's wrong?"

The girl asked curiously to her Mother who turned and saw her daughter with a small tight smile.

"I don't know, honey, but don't worry, Mom is here."

The Woman responded softly to her daughter, looking around and how Other Mothers calm their children and more people leave the premises curious about what is happening and...


Again the Imposing sound of a trumpet being blown returned that attacked the Ears of all living beings that Now they heard it clearly without any doubt and it was not the Imagination of Some as they thought.

All humans literally froze, there was no doubt, they had heard something... something unknown, The sound of a... Trumpet... coming from... Heaven.

Fear and horror soon began to fill the hearts of many humans together, including those who are believers, and some began to fall to their knees around the world as if they knew something.

The members of the Khaos Brigade had abandoned the interior of their bases around the world to look like everyone else at what was happening outside and wondered about the sound of that trumpet that was literally heard above them, although they were initially surprised to see the sky literally. Dark because of the clouds, a somewhat terrifying image and even more so with the slight cold that the wind brings.

Many Supernatural Beings around the human World who live in this and not in their own dimension still looked at the Sky with curiosity having heard the sound of that Trumpet for the second time.

Rizevim and Euclid looked out from the windows of their castle at the Dark Sky, curious about everything and including sound that was literally heard above them.

The Aztec Faction along with their Leader, like everyone else, looked at the Sky with curiosity, although Quetzalcoatl and Kukulkan felt something Strange in all of this, something Supernatural and they were not the only ones around the World who felt the same.

Many deny it, Others do not want to believe it, Others believe that it is Alien life but all humans who have ever touched a Bible or indirectly heard something about it, know it... there is no doubt... It is Judgment Day !, that they did not Wait... there was no date, Notice or Something for Them to know... there was never a connection that Affirmed His Existence or that God Exists or Existed, Some believed in Him, Others did not, Some did not give Him Importance believing that when they died everything would continue its Normal course, Nobody Expected It.

The gray clouds became more Intense and darker as the minutes passed around the entire World, there was no Sun, no Moon, nothing... just dark clouds of Bad Omen with a Terrifying cold wind, but still the clouds, humans did not stop looking at it as if they were waiting for something, there was no human being, nor supernatural in the human world that was not currently looking at the sky, the blind man was cured and looks at the sky, the deaf recovered his hearing and looks at the sky, The disabled man was healed and looked at the sky but none of that was seen or surprised by humans in general, their attention is on whatever is in the sky and they simply cannot stop looking.


The third sound of the trumpet was heard strongly echoing when suddenly a flash of Light came out from among the clouds and this expanded and imposed itself before the Dark clouds in a great Light.

The humans began to fall to their knees feeling that they had lost the strength in their legs but without stopping to look at the Sky, not even the " Atheists " could take their eyes off of it while Tears came out of their eyes because they knew what They did.

Humans with knowledge of the Supernatural World did not fall to their knees like ordinary humans did, although something in them wanted to push them to do so, which they ignored, but that did not mean that they were not surprised and shocked by what was happening, just like Supernatural beings. around the world who see the sky light up.

Many "Gods" of their different Factions still witness The fact, since for Some Strange reason it is as if Heaven were only a small part of the entire World and everyone was together to see the Same thing even if They are on the Other Side of the World, Heaven simply prevailed.

Sun Wukong [ Heaven is truly a scary thing now ]... - thought the Monkey-type Yokai, looking like everyone else at the sky and is a little worried about the same thing, I never hope that the sky would simply prevail over everything in the supernatural world. and now this.


An Imposing and strong voice sounded from Among the Light, clearly sounding feminine but no less Terrifying and dominant, and the weak Souls without a doubt did so, fulfilling their Order, little knowing that they were already on their knees like the living beings of the Kingdom. Animal they did being that they stopped moving while looking at the sky, they had also understood the order.

Suddenly the flash of Light from between the clouds began to slowly diminish when suddenly a platform similar to that of a totally white temple began to slowly appear for The Eye followed by a shining divine Throne that seemed to be made of pure Gold and in The There is Someone sitting with several Beings around his feet.

Everyone's eyes literally stopped blinking due to Anxiety, Fear, Disbelief and panic... massive panic of what they see... even the believers are scared, they had expected the arrival of the Lord one day but one thing was to wait for it with beliefs. and Another was to witness it with their own eyes. The fear of what has never been seen before is simply primitive of them.

Literally out of nowhere, suddenly the great divine throne was seen completely, sitting on it there was an Imposing and divine giant of Light larger than anything that existed there in the entire history of humanity followed by... beings... .beings... true Angels with their white Wings spread followed by Others who have more Wings, they wear white togas but there is a Light that covers the face of everyone, including God's...

The surprise, Shock, Disbelief and Euphoria that all the beings of the World are going through is simply Unreal and not to mention the Supernatural beings that are looking at it, the Angels have Exposed themselves, no... God... truly God It has been Exposed and in such an Imposing, High and Unattainable way... its form simply gives the Image of the Unattainable...

The Underworld is no different in surprise, since They are also watching everything, Like all parts of the Supernatural World, the barbarity that Los Angeles and their own Faction are doing by Exposing themselves to humanity.

Tannin[ It's like seeing Great Red -sama ]... - thought The Dragon watching the Imposing One being seated on The Throne, something in Him wants to Impel him to kneel and it is no different in his people who see everything up to Tiamat from their cave in the forest of the familiars to her annoyance and curiosity about how she can see that "God" from inside her cave.

They are a real disappointment, my Creation!

An imposing and dominant voice was now truly masculine and his first words truly struck the hearts of all humans around the world.

Sirzechs from his castle gnashed his teeth in pure Hatred.

Ajuka and Fallbium wonder how that bastard Angel does that, it literally seems like he is in the Underworld itself but it feels like they don't or don't know, they never heard that the Sky Faction could have these abilities and also they don't feel any Magical power In Them, It's frustrating.

Their Acts, Actions and beliefs Disappoint Me... all they have done since they stepped on the earth is Cause harm to Themselves and Others, commit Atrocious Acts in their own words, harm the earth, the Animals and believe themselves a gift "Mine", that over time their ways will improve... since "they are human" and humans are there to learn from their mistakes, try to correct them and move forward so as not to make the same mistakes... unworthy!

God roared when lightning exploded in the sky to the fear and panic of the humans but strangely this did not affect the human children who simply had their eyes not see what was really happening and only looked at their parents with curiosity.

Mephistopheles [ talking about something Terrifying ]... - thought The devil literally witnessing the Father of the Bible in Heaven, Has the hour of Judgment arrived ? I never expect this to be true, since there are literally many Factions that surpassed Heaven before in all aspects as if to impose and command but now...

What differentiates them from Demons? Nothing... they are just as sinful as They... they believe that they make Errors, they Repent and go to Church. Everything will be fine? No... it will not be because I am not He forgave them, A Sinner is a sinner and nothing will change that!

Humans who have truly committed some Unforgivable or Atrocious Act before and have repented becoming believers of the Lord, Now they truly began to repent of their past and what they did in moments of Stupidity, It is clear that salvation is not for They don't care about their past.

The priests, believers of the Churches in the word of the Lord, were surprised by the decision and words of the Lord, He is supposed to be kind and the one who forgives everything... He is... Light, right?

Presidents, politicians and influential figures of the world began to feel the weight of their actions with great force, nothing they have now looks so attractive to them, much less the things they did to achieve it and survive in this world damaged by humanity. and... and now they find out that their acts... their acts and actions that they used to get where they are... fill their pockets and so on... they condemned them, they condemned themselves... and... . and...

Tears were not lacking along with Helplessness and fear of the unknown, their unknown future.

No Repentance is enough, The World... A beautiful and beautiful Place, damaged by You for Your Greed and sin, there being enough in The World for everyone... Unworthy!, at some point did I say that the earth belongs to humans? ?, I never said it... but you believed that yes, taking and saying it belongs to me and my Family This piece of land... taking away their Place from Others if they do not pay the price as owners... The World is Mine , only Mine and no one else's... The air you breathe, The Water you drink, your own life is Mine or was until you succumbed to sin!

God commented to all the people who began to cry and Others to repent, blaming the Demons among Others, they wanted to return to the Lord's side, they would do anything for that.

There is no one to blame for your actions... DON'T BE FOOLISH! The only ones to blame are you and there is no part that it is the fault of Lucifer or his Demons, since "Lucifer" has been dead for centuries... He never related with humanity, your Actions are your own and your stories Invented... Yourselves Acted as Demons of your own will, without the need to live or coexist with These!

I counter The thought of Thousands who are simply in Denial, they thought that knowing God would be The Best day of humanity, of celebration and more, but not of What is happening, They are being judged and no, one by one, if not all at the same time, all of humanity for its Billions of Errors throughout its life, both its own and those of ancestors and families.

Supernatural beings simply remain in a State of Shock... It is... God and the Bible... Impossible.

Draig, who watches everything from the arm of his bearer, gulped, This is truly historic, he never believed that he would witness such an Event, much less on the same day when only a few hours ago, he saw the firstborn of God Break in before the Leaders of the Underworld and claim his daughters with balls, hell, this guy has more balls than even him and with what he's doing... it's simply shocking because he didn't have a carrier this dominant and imposing.

You as sinners are going to be purified... I will cleanse my World... You are not going to Die and go to Heaven or Eden as it was Written or Hell, As soon as you all die you will go to Limbo to suffer the greatest and most unimaginable punishments for you. They will not die by their own Hands, nor will it end in case they want to End everything now... No, I have a Better way of treating Sinners and My Angels Here Will Help Me!.

God said when he was Assaulted by Many supplications and requests for mercy.

Silence ! .

He ordered when every living being remained silent and the supplications stopped, changing to heartbreaking cries and that they are not in Limbo.

I have already decreed that you will be purified in My Way and what will happen to you back... So This is My Only help and advice, seek to survive as long as you can because there will be no mercy!

It was the last thing that all humans and supernatural beings heard when the Lord/God disappeared along with his Angels and the gray clouds were left behind covering the sky.

Many began to regret their ways, Actions and more but there was something that shook them. Many when they regained their senses, their children, their children and babies around the earth suddenly disappeared.

¡No, no, Nooooooooo...

Some Mothers screamed with the greatest despair when they began to look for their children, some having them in their arms and others at their sides, but they simply disappeared, they are no longer there.

A Girl looked at her Grandfather kneeling in the middle of the living room of her house crying.

" It seems that God does not forgive ...

The girl whispered, wiping her own Tears all over.

Heaven - Main Castle - Throne Room .

Naruto stood up from his Throne calmly ready to go see his Family, he had brought them with everything and Mansion to Eden before starting what a few minutes ago that ended with humans, The worst creation.


The doors to the Throne Room were suddenly opened before Naruto arrived at these by an upset Gabriel?

Naruto: Yes?... - He asked curiously when his little sister arrived in front of him, pouting slightly.

Gabriel: You allowed me to blow " The Trumpets of the End " but nothing happened... - He said, pouting, it bothered Naruto who smiled under his toga because of that.

Naruto moved one of his hands to his little sister's Cheek and caressed it gently with He is supporting his Cheek Better to feel the soft touch of his brother's hand, leaving behind her pout of Inflated Cheeks that makes her look Cute.

Naruto smiled softly.

Naruto: I know, I didn't allow the Catastrophes to happen because I want to see Something and I hope for something before we take that step... - He responded softly to his sister who paid attention to his words.

Gabriel raised an eyebrow in curiosity even under his Ribbon.

Gabriel: Do you expect something from dirty and sinful humanity?... - He asked his brother curiously, who nodded gently.

Naruto: I am Incomplete and I want to recover what I am missing... - He told her the point of why the Extermination did not happen quickly as she expected.

Gabriel: Incomplete? In what way, brother?... - I ask him, narrowing his gaze, trying to see what his beloved older brother is missing so she can recover him or look for him and...

Naruto brought his free hand to his Head and pointed one of his fingers at it, much to Gabriel's curiosity.

Naruto: I do not lack power, nor do I have problems with the domains, when Sinners die the circumstances do not matter, My domains that they manage will return to me... but I am missing something here... he pointed to his head... that they do not have , but I will recover sooner or later to complete myself and This is only a step towards that... Now all that remains is to Wait... - He told Gabriel who nodded slowly without questioning his brother.

Gabriel: I understand brother... - He said softly, giving him a nice smile, if his dear brother needs and expects something with all this, she will not bother him, nor question him, even if he wants the extermination of humans and other races, his brother is more Important and the fact that He is well, is also important.

Naruto smiled in response as he moved closer to his sister and tenderly captured her lips much to Gabriel's surprise and curiosity at the contact.

Naruto backed away slowly after the chaste kiss but did not move far away, nor did he remove his hand from his sister's cheek.

Naruto: Does it bother you?... - I ask softly.

Gabriel seemed to come out of his mild surprise and shook his head before imitating Naruto's action. She liked the soft pressure of her lips against her brother's. It's something strange but pleasant.

Gabriel: This... is fun but strange... but I'm not uncomfortable doing it with you brother... - He told him with a nice smile.

Naruto: I understand... - he said when they both got so close that their noses touched each other to the laughter of both who were not bothered by the proximity of the Other, even though they could feel the Other's breath mixing with their own.

The powerful gold collided with the intense gray when both brothers gently joined their lips again with true curiosity to understand, being that although Naruto has experience he simply does not understand much of physical intimidation and the same is on the part of Gabriel, who only allows the proximity of Naruto.

Naruto brought his hands to his sister's soft, wide, bare hips due to the shape of her suit and pressed her against him with Gabriel surrounding his brother's neck with his arms, while he began to imitate the movements of his mouth and lips. brother.

Outside the Castle - Keep .

In the highest and highest tower of the Castle, Lucifer can be seen sitting comfortably in this, having stopped looking at his brothers when they began to become affectionate although they may know the word but not interpret it, both Naruto and Gabriel are too Innocent from what She noticed, even with what they do and others can interpret as cruel and ruthless even evil, They do not have even a Thorn of evil in Them... they are simply Them.

Lucifer [ and that is what makes them dangerous, Someone who does not see Good or Evil and is Innocent... can commit the most Aberrant and Inhuman Acts without any doubt ]... - the devil thought with a sigh, since She is in the Hands of those two and truly wondered what humans can have with Them that Naruto and Gabriel simply cannot recover to Start their genocidal Massacre in which She Hopes to help to quench their bloodlust.

Lucifer, he didn't see anything Bad in Naruto, Just as Monster as he remembers him and Gabriel is the Same... those two could literally fuck up all of Existence but they don't, curious?, or they need a Push from that Innocent Crazy Woman who doesn't either She knows she's crazy.

Lucifer contemplated the Original Lilith, She is Crazy and Bad but in a way as if it were natural for Her and She did not realize that... Monsters are simply what surround Naruto but it is also Something good and Interesting, since Once again the biblical Faction is placed in front of everyone as it should be, they are the Creators of the fucking World, "How are they going to be weaker than Other fools out there."

Lucifer: well... I just have to stay close to Gabriel, send me down... the fun is just about to begin... - the devil smiled, stopping contemplating in her mind, that is simply not for Her, but for Him. bring Darkness and Evil to the World that they know The meaning of what A Demon truly is.










"Well, let's start with what's coming."

"Naruto literally appeared in the sky in view of the entire world... not just in one place or city, the sky expanded for every eye to the Underworld."

"Naruto did not use his divinity as they saw or humans simply would not have been able to think like other beings... He searches and hopes for something... in the future they will know what.

As you saw, he did not forgive older adults... They know what they did in their youth. The fact that they are older does not change anything, in the eyes of Naruto and Gabriel, they are all sinners.

Well, just wait to see how what you've done affects everyone.