
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
58 Chs

Chapter 29

Human world - Japan - Kuoh Academy - hallways.

In These you could see a certain Chestnut walking through the lonely corridors of the Academy towards the exit of Esta, having already finished the Classes and Activities of the day in his Club where the New and beautiful Advisor of Azazel-sensei, The Angel Penemue Fall gave him a list of things he should do to improve his strategies and forms of attacks and not just improvise at the moment of any battle he might have in the future, being the current Sekiryuutei and "pillar" of the Alliance he must be prepared for everything.

Issei could have contemplated and daydreamed about the Cadre's large and beautiful breasts that rival those of his president Rias if it weren't for Rias Herself, His president since they returned from the Underworld does not stop daydreaming and blushes out of nowhere to her Annoyance, since she knows that it is not because of Him, she feels that she is missing something here and then there are Asia and and it makes you a little sad.

Akeno, Akeno has been acting strange and rarely seen in The Occult Club but when she arrives, she no longer calls him her Kohai nor actively seeks out his side either.

Issei stopped in the middle of the hallway and clicked his teeth, he doesn't know what's wrong with the Girls, he hasn't seen Irina and Kiba either, Lastly, he acts as if nothing was happening.

"Because nothing happens, Partner, I've seen what you think and feel and I tell you that nothing Bad happens. These thoughts and feelings you are having are due to the fact that you no longer feel the center of attention like before."

Draig told his bearer forcefully and with the honest truth about how he had been feeling lately.

Issei frowned slightly and responded to his partner.

Issei[ What are you saying Draig? I... I'm not like this because I don't have attention, I only care about the Girls and how...

Draig[ They act... I know, I don't see anything strange, they just treat you like a normal companion of the nobility like The Knight Boy... they are Girls, They also have things to do and now that you have free time you should be Training ... White is still out there and He is strong and...

Issei[ I know... I know... it's just... it feels strange, you know... The president nor any of the Girls have slept with me since we came back and... I don't know Draig... I feel strange and sad ... - I tell my partner how I really feel, with doubts, sadness and annoyance.

Draig denied, The actions of the Gremorys may be affecting his partner a little by not having his attention but again that is not the end of the world... They have not pushed him away, nor treated him badly or anything like that... He believes that they only need some space and time with everything that is happening, mainly the Gremory Girl, since she is family of the Leader of the Demons and they are worried about the consequences that there may be with their Alliance and Supernatural World for this son of God who appeared

Draig [ don't worry, Partner, I'm sure everything is fine and will return to normal, when The Lucifer Boy speaks with This Angel who has the Supernatural World mixed up as the Fall told us ].... - He told his partner who frowned. He frowned deeply, it was this "Angel" that appeared that is bothering him a little in his life and no longer allows him to feel his president's breasts because of this being like Sirzechs-sama because of the Alliance and so on, he just waits for everything to be resolved quickly to be at peace with his girls again.

Draig in The Inside of Issei's Mind denied, his partner is only bothered by trivial things like the Gremorys' breasts without knowing that This new Player could Affect both The Supernatural World and The Human... son of God... and firstborn no less.

Draig [ At least he hasn't been interested in getting to know My companion like the Other Leaders ]... - The Dragon thought, since his companion was good at attracting the Attention of the Leaders of Other Factions.

Issei returned and resumed his way to the exit to return to his house... alone, since Rias and Penemue stayed at The Club, Kiba left... Akeno doesn't know where she is... Asia and Xenovia don't and neither does Gasper. He is too shy to leave his room yet.

Kyoto - Yokai Faction - Main Temple .

Going inside this Ancient Japanese Style Temple you can see the Leader of the Yokai Faction in her Office, a beautiful blonde woman with a voluptuous and gifted figure, long and beautiful yellow hair matching her eyes, she wears a beautiful Kimono yellow with a brown aori with yellow details, this beautiful woman being a 9-tailed Kyubi, named Yasaka, who is the one who manages the entire Yokai Faction as one of the most powerful Kitsune-type Yokais in existence.

Being that the beautiful Yokai is accompanied by someone who is a few meters away from her sitting in an armchair, none other than the beautiful Tamamo no Mae, another Kitsune type Yokai well recognized in her own Faction for being a lethal Assassin under Him. Yasaka commands and her power is said to be comparable if not superior to that of the Yokai Leader.

Both beautiful Yokais seem to be discussing something very important among themselves because of their worried and serious looks with which they look at each other.

Yasaka sighed.

Yasaka: It is very worrying What you are telling me Mae-chan... - She commented to her Friend with a touch of seriousness filtering into her voice, while she brings one of her soft hands to her Mento in a way to think about Something.

Tamamo sighed anyway.

Tamamo: well... It is a little bit like that but it's true... - The beautiful pink haired woman stated to her Friend and Leader who seems to be in her thoughts.

Yasaka contemplated what was discussed before, before turning to see Tamamo and telling him about Something that has her Intigrada.

Yasaka: Tell me, how can you tell me all this? Inform me, I'm not saying that it's bad and I don't appreciate it, but rather that He only lets you come and return while you give us information?... - I ask her with curiosity. Friend, I don't distrust Her but this is very Strange, The fact that this Naruto has not analyzed the Time Intervals in which Tamamo Escapes and returns to that Mansion and her side, that would be suspicious even for Her, so Here it must be there be something.

Tamamo gave a slightly hollow smile, as he crossed his legs, settling himself better while looking Yasaka directly in the eyes.

Tamamo: Oh, but He knows it, I'm sure, he smiles..., he just doesn't give it any importance, he knows it and still he accepts me when I return... his whole group accepts me and you may think it's very confident and that... but when you meet him you will understand... He is more dangerous than he appears... What I am telling you and informing you is simply so that when he comes you will treat him well and he will not see the Yokais badly. .. - She said calmly to her Friend and Yasaka nodded, She could see the good thing about Creating New Relationships with another Faction, she was even discussing it with Azazel and Maou Leviathan but This Naruto...

Yasaka: I understand that, only... You tell me that Heaven is now an Imposing Fortress, that He created New Angels and revived some Dead... it is simply Shocking and surprising To digest that... it was Impossible before I don't even think that someone could do those miracles but now with what you tell me, I just don't know how to take it, revive the Dead literally, Powerful and that has been since the earth was created... just "Waoo" and what it runs through The Supernatural World About Him... - She told her friend why she feels somewhat dazed and asks random questions and Tamamo nodded, understanding her surprise and disbelief, since what has her most shocked is completely reviving a dead person. years and not like the Demons do.

Tamamo: and I'm not lying to you... I saw it with my own Eyes... I created so many Angels that filled Heaven with These... I remodeled Heaven Itself and now that Place is anything but weak... it was simply surprising to see it done What he did in front of My Eyes, why did I tell you? It wouldn't be good for us as an Enemy, much less Him... - He said with some seriousness in his voice and Yasaka nodded in Understanding.

Yasaka: but what do you think he's looking for from us? The Yokai Faction and could he turn against us? You know, Killer of 4 Gods... - He told him his doubt and Tamamo denied it.

Tamamo: He is simply curious and will come for that... Is he against us? I don't think so, if none of his companions have any problem with us and yes, I know about the Gods... I was a witness and told you. I say it... They were not rivals... I have never seen someone dominate Others so easily... and even less Zeus, you know they said that the Greeks were terrifying and powerful Monsters but apparently, they don't compare to Naruto... - He told her seriously.

Yasaka: I see, Naruto, Eh... - the Yokai commented, That is the name of the one currently causing a stir throughout the Supernatural World, the New God and a powerful One who is not afraid of Murder although it has not yet been explained why in Generally, only She knows because Tamamo tells her what happened.

Tamamo: Yes and the Other,...he sighed...don't look him in the Eyes or ask him to take off the Upper part of his toga that he always wears to show you his face, even if it is a formality... - He told him remembering that.

Yasaka: why?... - I ask him curiously while raising one of his beautiful eyebrows in doubt.

Tamamo averted her gaze with a slight pink tint shining on her cheeks.

Tamamo: you... you can lose... He is... too... beautiful without comparison and he almost put me in Heat... his mere presence and you with your Years of sexual frustration... yasaka She shook... you might try to assault him... - She commented in a low voice but Yasaka still listened to her and blushed slightly, wondering what her friend saw that impressed her so much and his presence made her jealous? That alone could make an Alpha and it's been centuries since a single Alpha Angel has been seen?

Yasaka:...cough...wow... I will take your words into account and I would like you not to remind me of those issues about my past, but still, it fills me with curiosity to be able to meet this Naruto and see what kind of person he is. It's... Try to tell me before I come, I'll prepare something at least and don't worry, I'll tell Amaterasu-sama just in case you have any doubts and I know that She is also curious about This New Player... - She told her Friend that He nodded silently, at least I'll let him know and hope Yasaka knows how to control herself so she won't be embarrassed if she jumps at Naruto as soon as she sees him, much less in front of her group.

Yasaka[Naruto... Interesting and apparently, Mae-chan, has already found a possible partner, no one before made her react to her Instincts]... - thought the Yokai, looking askance at her Friend who is slightly blushing and seems This is in her thoughts making This Naruto make her more curious about how he makes her Friend behave.


A childish voice continued in the background as someone approached.

Heaven - Castle - Throne Room.

In this you can see Naruto sitting on his Throne calmly having Lilith sitting on his lap while Lilith leans her body against Naruto's who surrounds her with his arms around her Abdomen.

Naruto can feel Lilith's soft, spongy butt press against his part.

Lilith smiled as she felt her partner's soft breathing on her neck, and Naruto discarded the top of her toga when he said goodbye to Michael and Altera, much to Lilith's delight at seeing his beautiful face.

Lilith: Now what's next, Beloved?... - She asked curiously to Naruto who thought about it for a moment.

Naruto: well, I thought about bringing Lucifer and punishing him... - He told him what he currently has in mind.

Lilith frowned slightly on her beautiful face at the mention of Naruto's twin and younger brother, the one who separated them both from their children and corrupted others to create that sinful race against the will of their children.

Lilith thought for a second before an Evil smile marred her beautiful face.

Lilith: I know what we can do with The Beloved... - She told him before turning around still in his lap and went to Naruto's Ear while she began to whisper what she thought.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Naruto: A girl?... hmn... I understand... Him?... Oh,... - I contemplate when Lilith stops whispering what she thought in his ear while she walks away and looks at those so Naruto's beautiful golden eyes that made contact with Lilith's violet ones.

Lilith smiled.

Lilith: Tell me, Beloved, don't you think it's a good Punishment?... you will damage his sin of Pride and in the process cause him pain for taking away our children in some way... - She told him and Naruto sighed before nodding, he didn't see Nothing Bad about that, He was thinking of giving him a different punishment but apparently his would not be as painful as the one that Lilith proposed and it is Interesting.

Naruto: well... - he said while raising his Left Hand and clicking his fingers in a slight squeak.

Lilith diverted her attention to the front several Steps below the Throne where the Magic happens, and a small dome of Light appeared.

In various parts of the World three Lucifers suddenly became frozen.

Naruto: wow... - I commented with curiosity.

Lilith: What's wrong, Beloved?... - She asked him curiously, diverting her attention to her Beloved.

Naruto: his dark Energy does not separate from Him, Apparently he is one with Her and if he separated her, I will erase her Soul... so I will leave them together and let them mutate... don't worry, she will be a girl and she will have her memories... I am disintegrating its traces that remain on Terra so that it is completely formed... - He told his Beloved who smiled and nodded happily to hear that, This Lucifer is going to suffer.

The process continued for about two minutes for Naruto to reform part of his power that was corrupted, since if he fills it with Light, it will eliminate it, literally burning it to the Soul and without a Soul, there will no longer be a resurrection process.

Naruto: done... - he said when The Dome of Light literally spit out a naked body before disappearing.

Naruto and Lilith observed a healthy female body a few meters away from them, a pretty girl completely naked, long black hair, big breasts, wide waists and her skin color slightly tanned.

Lilith licked her lips and smiled Evilly, Oh, This is going to be Interesting and it will erase the smile she saw on Him when she first met him on Terra.

Naruto raised an eyebrow curious about the slightly dark Aura that Lilith releases.

" Also ...

The couple focused on the Girl who was apparently waking up before suddenly standing up showing them all her modesty in all its glory.

"What? Am I alive?... How?... I...

" Hello... Lucifer ...

The hairs on Lilith's neck rose before the Imposing voice of her Beloved.

And not to mention the still dazed Girl who stood rigid and seemed to catch the voice and looked with her now beautiful eyes of a different color in the direction the voice came from and gasped.

"Oh, hell..N..o...no, no, no...

The Girl shook her head as she stepped back with a look of horror now spreading across her beautiful face as she looked at the Imposing person sitting on that Throne.

Naruto smiled.

Naruto: yes...

"NO.. No... no... you don't...

Naruto: I warned you, didn't I, little sister... - He said with slight mockery to Lucifer's horror, his brother never joked and how come now... Wait... little sister?

Lucifer looked at her hands and suddenly at her breasts in horror and touched her face... "Soft."

The horror broke through with fear and before he could try to flee, several golden chains appeared out of nowhere capturing his arms and legs.

Lucifer: no... no, Naruto, wait... what's happening?... brother and...

Naruto interrupted her.

Naruto: don't act stupid, I gave you part of the memories from my confinement and release... you remember what you did, right?... - I asked him and Lucifer clenched his teeth in fear and panic, I would be calmer, calmer, If the one in front of him or her wasn't the apathetic monster of his older brother... he can feel his own power and everything, but he doesn't even compare to trying to do anything.

A long time!

A long time!

Lucifer could feel his Heart beating with Fear, a lot of Fear... what could Naruto do to the One who corrupted his children... could he have done harm there, caused Massacres, wars, raped virgins and so on with a smile on his face , but He didn't deserve This... no, someone else will punish him, but not Him... He doesn't like it, Naruto does scare him and...

" Shisss ... why so scared...

Lucifer heard in her Ear and gasped frozen without being able to move when she noticed her brother in front of Him, She or whatever it was, she didn't feel him or see him move.

Lucifer slowly glanced sideways at her side and was immersed in a pair of golden eyes that practically swallowed her.

Lilith from her Place smiled with Malice.

Human world - England - Pendragon Mansion.

In this you can see Naruto's daughters watching television calmly, since Satan had left her to be in Heaven and learn more about her father's creation in Heaven, just like the others with some exceptions like them who returned to heaven. Mansion, Irene and Tamamo who went out somewhere and Himari, Kuroka and Shirone who went out shopping.

So Hanna, Belial and Mordred are the Only Ones in the Mansion along with Some Maids.

The Trio is enjoying their Girls' or Sisters' Day while they watch a horror movie, and Mordred explains several things to his sisters who are just becoming familiar with modernity.

Mordred: that's fake blood and...

The Trio suddenly looked in one direction.

Belial: hmn... Apparently we have visitors... - I tell his sisters.

Hanna: there are 2... - she commented while putting more fries in her mouth.

Mordred: Yes... it seems like they will stay... Let's wait a while and Ambush them, They don't know that we know that They are in our territory... - She told her sisters who saw each other and nodded calmly.

Two corrupted Auras had entered their territory.

Far from the Mansion .

Among the Trees in the Distance you could see a couple of Demons looking at the Great Mansion in the Distance, these being none other than Grayfia and Okita Souji who had found the address of Artoria Pendragon, one of the strangers who received That Angel , This being no less than The Leader of the richest Family in the entire United Kingdom.

Grayfia: I feel 9 slight signatures... six semi-human and three other Angels?... This seems to be their base... - commented the beautiful silver-haired woman while Souji nodded, feeling the same.

Souji: we have the camouflage and Aura suppression seals... we stayed tonight to count how many there are and tomorrow we send the first report to Sirzechs-sama who ordered us to collect as much information as we could about this group without be discovered... - He commented to his companion and she nodded silently observing the terrain. It is gigantic. These Pendragons do have a good capital but little security. Some simple meshes with wires are not going to stop them.

Grayfia: well, let's clean the area without attracting attention, this is a good point of view... - I commented to Souji and he nodded, forcing his gaze to the Mansion, he doesn't need wineglasses because of his demonic gaze and it seems that none of the residents is near a window, fine.

The couple began to prepare for camping without knowing that they had already been discovered by the great level of perception of the Trio who now watches a movie calmly without worrying about them escaping from the place, since they will not be able to do something that they do not know.









Naruto is not stupid, nor does he let himself be guided by Lilith. He only followed her advice because it was Both of their children who suffered.

Well about Lucifer... He is a Demon, evil incarnate and all but fearing Naruto?... it's simple Naruto is like a trauma for Him from the beginning... Naruto was the first to cause him pain, hurt him and seem more Tall than Him... Naruto never showed him sympathy or concern when he caused him pain... he didn't show him any Emotion or anything that played with his psyche.

Naruto's Apathy in his Training in which only Lucifer was injured and so on plays a role in why he fears him and you just revived and the first thing you see is who you are afraid of, even I felt Lucifer's fear.