
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
58 Chs

Chapter 14

Time began to follow its course of Action after the recent sealing of Naruto and Gabriel, a fact that is only known to God and his Archangels with the exception of the New Gabriel who was moved to the Seraphim rank as a precaution since her change in personality and appearance was recent. And furthermore, neither God nor the other Archangels needed Gabriel to remember herself if she found out about the secret that they kept for her own good, since even if Gabriel did not know or see her, her actions on the battlefield and so on He began to generate the most similar thing to Fear in all his Angel brothers, either because of his way of dismissing his enemies or how Imposing he looked, above them and nothing good happened when Lucifer looked above everyone.

That being the fact that the Archangels themselves had discussed this with her father at some point and after many conversations and events was what pushed God to make the decision to treat his powerful and Apathetic daughter for her own good, hoping Let him calm down or reconsider so that when he releases her from his seal he can unite with his brothers and this time, without them fearing him.

The Inclusion of the New Gabriel was very well received by all the Angels because of how sweet and Innocent he is, almost like a "child" which makes God happy and I also hope that this will partly end the questions about Naruto, since there is great part of his children who do not stop asking about "Him" but with This War and Gabriel's apparent change, God hopes that the questions will decrease and these events will distract them, since he does not want his children to do something crazy if they They find out that their older brother is sealed, since many love him and would be willing to seek to free him against their Order and no, he does not want more of his children to fall, least of all Naruto.

God sighed sadly to hide this from his children but it was for his own good and that of Naruto and Gabriel herself.

These being the small events that happened in El Cielo only being known by a few but even how El cielo changed to happiness with The recent change of his sister was not the same in The battlefield as many were able to realize in the following days even God Himself.

And it was that the Angels were winning the War against the Demons and Fallen Angels and "Iban" is the appropriate word for the current situation because suddenly with the days the War that was thought to end took an abrupt and unexpected turn and became more active, literally more alive on the side of the three sides, this time not leaning in favor of any of the three great factions as the " Monster " was no longer in the field, the one who told them with his sole presence that he had not felt in Fight because they were weak, this being nothing more than Gabriel Herself, the sealed one who in reality with her mere presence was extinguishing the flame of Struggle in the hearts of Many, but her Apparent disappearance seemed to give them all strength again and nothing to fear.

Being that several enemy Leaders saw it like this.

Lucifer couldn't help but thank his father in The Moment that he realized that fact, since his Useless " Maou " also didn't want to be close to his " little sister " who seemed more of a demon than them, it doesn't matter, the fact that If Gabriel disappeared, he lightened the issue of dealing with her, since he could deal with her, but who would fight against his father, who is more of a monster than Gabriel, no one, so it was a win for him.

Being that the majority in the field felt the same relief as Lucifer by no longer having to listen.

"Let me free you from your sins."

"It's Useless, just let me purify your sinful Soul."



"I will take you to the Light."

Those who were lucky enough to escape from the hands of Gabriel had those words printed in their heads, being that on the part of the Demons, they had something to point out as more Evil than them and of terror, since being purified with the Intense Light of Gabriel was more than a horrifying and painful death and She believed that it was good for them, that Madwoman did not realize that her form was worse than dying by a Spear or attack by Hay because some were Fearful of her and She was also stupidly powerful without a doubt .

The disappearance of Gabriel being the relief of many who did not realize that she is in the field fighting like a normal Angel with her normal full armor where the sealed Gabriel did not use armor or anything like that, only her toga that she wore normally and still Without having armor and being at a "disadvantage", no one ever wanted to try their luck with Her since The only one who would do so was already fighting against God.

Beelzebub and Asmodeus tried at some point only for one to lose part of the skin on half of his face and the other one of his eyes only to be saved by a fallen angel of all in the field, a foolish and reckless fallen angel who She was distracted by something that They took advantage of to Escape while they heard the screams of the Fallen One who was purified in the most brutal way that They could not believe they saw from an "Angel".

Not even her 8 pairs of Wings which both Demons possessed were enough for Her because they respect Lucifer who maybe and if he can defeat Her but They, No.

These small events being the ones that changed the course of the War between the Three Great Factions as the Exponent of Terror was no longer among the brothers.

But while The War between Factions continued to be only known by The Supernatural World, going to the Human World it continued its Normal course but focusing on the Last Protected and who currently has Naruto's fate in her hands being no one other than Artoria, The Current "Queen" of Great Britain.

The beautiful "Queen" has changed with the passing of the days, something that her court noticed when she was. In addition to being how she usually would be, she became a little colder than usual, and cruel? Was the word... yes , although not with her Allies for the Relief of many, since the Queen seemed to take it out on the few barbarians who do not want to give up in their fight but are learning from seeing the cruel way in which "The" Current King of Great Britain She tries, sending soldiers to her Villages, Settlements and even her own bases with Her in front where before she did not go out to set foot on an Enemy base. Now she makes her Enemies flee from their own bases by her Titanic Army, since Clandestine Crime had decreased to a Scary level of Almost Nonexistent.

Great Britain could not have had a better time since the population could leave this country and not fear danger from the outside as several enemy territories were consumed by the Kingdom or rather taken by conquest of the "King" to further expand the territory and improve the quality of life. life.

Artoria was the one who made the big change under the watchful eye of Merlin, who was happy for the prosperity of the Kingdom and everyone until something happened that shocked him a little.

Merlin could be seen standing on the side of Artoria's Throne with her sitting on Himself having finished discussing the small change that The Wizard made to Artoria days ago, when he turned her into a pseudo-man.

Save the King!

Artoria diverted her attention when one of her guards opened the large doors of the Throne room and two more guards passed by carrying a bloody " Lancelot ", something that made Artoria raise an eyebrow because she knew how they defeated him and what was happening when her sister Morgana and his " Wife Guinevere ", came into the Room.

"My Queen is...

Artoria ignored Lancelot and looked at her sister who was smiling at her curiously.

Artoria: What's happening Morgana and why is Guinevere crying?... - She asked her sister curiously before noticing how her Wife was sending glances at Lancelot and Lonio before her sister approached her and whispered to her what had happened. in your ear.

Merlin was worried about his Friend and Lancelot, while The Last One was subdued by The Guardian... no, those are chains? ... Morgana ... hardly notices them in Him, no wonder she couldn't move at will, She has improved.

Artoria:I understand... - she said calmly when her sister stood on her free side.

Artoria looked with a cold gaze at the couple.

Lancelot: MY QUEEN, SHE DOESN'T...


Artoria ordered making him silent.

Artoria: I thought you understood your role Guinevere but it seems that not and even less the consequences... I apologize Lancelot... Morgana... burn it... - He ordered the Last, making the eyes of everyone in the room open except for the from Morgana who smiled amused.

Morgana: with pleasure... - he said and began to recite his happy spell to carry out his sister's order, with Merlin going to take a step forward and Object against it only for Artoria's hand to make him remain silent and go back, She was not up to nonsense.





Artoria ordered and watched without emotion as her "loyal" knight was burned to death by one of her sister's spells. He did it with his "Wife" knowing about the consequences no matter how much Friendship they had. That could represent a problem for him. and Naruto told him to do what is best for his Kingdom until his time is over and he does not want that when he is free and sees the stories of his Kingdom he finds himself with this fact that could foolishly stain his name and reputation, it could even trigger a war internal if others knew.


Lancelot continued screaming in the middle of the fire while Guinevere watches in horror at the cruel act.


After a few seconds, the traitor knight fell to the ground, something that didn't faze Artoria but Merlin, she simply got rid of a loyal knight without letting him object like that because...

"No one will talk about what happened here and it will only be said that he died in the middle of a fight against the barbarians or do I have to cut out tongues?"

Artoria asked the Last, looking with her cold gaze at everyone in the room who remained silent until Merlin who had not seen such an act other than ruthless in Her, in other kings yes, but not in Artoria.

Artoria: well... take him out of here and throw him away, now my wife and I have a lot to discuss... - said the Last with his icy eyes resting on his frightened "Wife".

That time Artoria actually shook Merlin who thought that she would murder or worse burn her friend alive but he forgave her knowing that she had barely kissed the deceased Lancelot when Morgana discovered them and did not hesitate to inform Artoria.

Merlin felt that there was something wrong with Morgana but he did not comment on it, it was not the time to place himself on the bad side of New Artoria, who was more cruel than normal with any enemy, almost as if she only wanted the best of her to be seen, conquering and doing. prosper Britain in her Reign while hiding what she initially does to make The Kingdom prosper.

Time continued normally in Artoria's Reign until she learned of her daughter with Morgana, Mordred .

A little 5-year-old blonde girl who, from the first day she met her, looked at her with pure love, almost similar to Morgana's, which she used for her benefit. At one point, she thought about rejecting her because of her appearance. of coming to the World and all that before noticing the slight essence that the little girl gave off and looking into her eyes intently for a few minutes I noticed that deep in those pretty green eyes there were some small almost imperceptible golden dots... without a doubt she had inherited that of Naruto and for that reason alone Artoria decided to have her by her side for more than the happiness of the little girl and Morgana who would not lose her head.

Merlin was relieved that this Madness of Morgana hadn't escalated to something worse for some reason.

Artoria with the passage of time instructed her daughter in the art of the Sword and Magic that she had inherited from Morgana where the little girl learned quickly to make her "father" proud, something that Artoria was in charge of teaching her... Her and Morgana They could be her Mother but her father's name is "Naruto" and the little girl began to learn about her father through her Mother's mouth, loving the fact that her father is an Angel and She can help her Mother in her Mission to save him in a future.

Mordred had thought as she grew up about taking her throne as heir but found it better to follow her Mothers in their mission, she did not want to distance herself from them since she decided to leave aside her coronation, since when she reached her required age it would happen. a disaster in which Artoria, Morgana and Guinevere would die, since they planned it that way, since they have lived long enough... and Mordred decided to include herself in the plan.

Time passed and like any other dynasty the Pendragon fell in a single day to the pain of many but time goes on.

New dynasties rose and others fell under the watchful eye of Artoria, Mordred, Guinevere and Morgana with the latter having a spell of ecstasy on their bodies so as not to age except for Artoria and Mordred who are Immortals by the work of Naruto, both had Essence of the same in them although Mordred inherited it from Artoria's Side only having a small problem in her which was staying with her Adolescent Appearance where she needed to develop more but she did not complain.

The Pendragon Quartet continued to tour the World over time, learning from it in its different times as well as saving treasures for the future, since well they were not stupid enough not to have anything else in their hands besides the Pendragon fortune that Morgana had recovered before his Fall plan.

Artoria calmly looked at the changes in the World, waiting for the clues that Naruto left her, being that these would be revealed to her over time, but how much has passed? 100? 200 years since she wandered the World with her daughter and sister. and Friend... Being that she does not know where Merlin went to have that he knew that They were alive but they decided to end their own Reign after a while.

The Pendragon looked at the different changes in the world calmly, knowing that something was never missing and it was the War. This was what Naruto told her. It doesn't matter how much good she does when she is gone, everything will be the same again. Humans are stupid. .

Artoria denied being at all interested in human wars, since she did not intervene in any of these or in any event until she arrived in France, a more modern land.

The pendragon arrived with her hood that completely covers her, having Excaliburn on her waist, she arrived only to see a curious Event, A young woman tied to a log in the middle of the square with guards around her and Expectants plus a... Old man with a cane who yells.

Artoria was going to walk away until she heard the Young Girl.

"It doesn't matter, I know Father is true and He is suffering."




Mordred and the others approached Artoria's side, looking curiously at the Scene.

I'll take it I know Father E...


The father who looked like the executioner screamed when he felt a sudden pain and everything was dark for him who felt his head touch the ground and it was because he had lost it.

The screams did not take long but Artoria did not take them into account, only having the objective of taking the believing teenager.


Mordred quickly recovered from his surprise at his Mother's call.

Artoria: Kill them... - She ordered while She quickly cut off the nearby guards who could not get close to Her while the fearful Crowd fled, typical human reflex, very good at seeing an Injustice but when it is their side that is going to suffer it. The first thing they do is run.


Mordred did not wait and took out her Sword that she carries on her Back under her hood and rushed forward, carelessly cutting down all those close to Her and who were fleeing, Her Mother's Order and she did not Specific that she could not Kill so they are all Enemies.

The beautiful blonde who is tied to a log could only watch the scene in surprise. Are they rescuing her? That her...

"Silly girl, you have a lot of faith that your father would help you or support you when He is locked up and cannot hear you, your sacrifice will be meaningless."

Artoria told him, beginning to untie the apparent heretic.

"And...I, what do you mean that pa...

Artoria: The father that you believe in and you think you listen to is locked up and can't listen to you... you're a believer, right?.. - I asked her and the blonde nodded, earning a slight smile from Artoria under her hood.

Artoria: come on... we have a lot to talk about... - She said and nodded to Morgana when the group disappeared from the place.

After saving the Young Maiden, Artoria learned her name Jeanne d'arc , a more than a believer in the lord and a French heroine who took up arms after deciding to want to stop the wars so she would no longer have to listen to the pitiful cries of "God." something that Artoria pointed out as wrong, since her God is Locked Up.

Jeanne was curious about her words before Artoria began to explain certain facts and who she is in addition to being Immortal by the work of the true God, and the young maiden was captivated by that and begged to join her group and help with the liberation from the "Lord" which Artoria I accept because of how devout the maiden is and that is what she needs, Blind Loyalists.

Morgana still placed the maiden's body in ecstasy so that she would not age nor her body atrophy, since she could perform said spell as long as she had power and since she was not using it for anything stupid, she has a lot to live for herself and the others for several more years. until the so-called "Naruto" is free and helps him with his Immortality problem.

The Now group of 5 continued watching The Passage of Time to Jeanne's slight pain but this was replaced by her own words that once, The Lord is free, everything will be alright.

Mordred was amused looking at the maiden, praying every day and all the time to her father in her name along with Guinevere who did not have much to do and wanting to be Jeanne's friend joined her in her prayers for delight and happiness. of the maiden

Time continued to pass until the group learned about the supernatural world, which surprised them but made them more cautious about it, since Naruto did not report anything to Artoria through El Style, so he must not have known much about this strange world either.

The group began to Study said world but without creating any relationship with anyone in this World, since they did not want to look so flashy at the moment in the face of the unknown, they were not stupid.

So with concern and without attracting attention, they entered this world, learning about the different races and war that existed in the Underworld, or rather the second war between the biblical factions, a topic that was now very striking in the supernatural world, much to Artoria's curiosity.

Artoria sighed.

Artoria [ Strange... I feel like you're close Naruto ]... - the Pendragon thought calmly, letting the course of time continue without intervening much in it.










Well, why don't the Angels ask about the New Gabriel? They won't judge his father for that and about Naruto, he is his dearest brother.

When I write time passes, it's not days, it's years.

Morgana's semi-Immortal spell is one that puts her body to sleep and what is normal, but leaves her consciousness awake so that They can manipulate it, that is, They do not need to eat, drink or sleep, because their body is asleep or frozen.