
Chapter 5: Team 0

< 15/7/33 | 3 years after Hashiramas death >


Today was the day that Eichi, Mikoto and Ryo graduaded from the academy and became official genin rank shinobi at the age of 10. Their rank however was in no way an accurate description of their current level.

Eichi continued to hone his swordskills. His kinjutsu had reached the same level as his father, who was considered among the best in Konoha. He was still unable to hear Zangetsus voice but sometimes when he was completly emerged in his swordpractice he'd be able to hear it. Whispers. He couldn't understand what they were saying but he knew, he knew that he was closer and closer to activating his shikai!

He didn't just focus on kinjutsu however, Tobirama even after becoming Hokage still did his best to make sure his four students wouldn't skip training. Thanks to his training regime, Eichi was able to achieve a level of control over his chakra that not even an experienced chonin possessed.

It turns out Eichis Chakra had both a lightning and earth nature.

In the past two years with the help of Tobirama, he developed a unique fighting style for himself. He would clad his sword and body in lightning chakra making both his speed and reflexes increase exponentially. With this he created his own version of Bleachs Shunpo.

Eichi had speed and lethality thanks to his Lightning Release but lacked defensiv abilities. He had an idea in mind but for it to work he had to learn to use ninjutsus not with handsigns but with the movement of his legs. He wanted to implement a style where he'd be able to conjure ninjutsus constantly by just running across the battlefield. It was difficult, he had to figure it out by himself, to reinvent the wheel in a different way. But in the end he did it.

Now by turning a certain way he was able to use {Earth Style : Mud Wall}, by sidestepping in different patterns he could conjure different earth constructs with the intention to shield him or even to be used as an attack.


Ryo as a member of the senju clan became proficient in the use of every release. Tobirama tried especially hard with him. As one of the last Senjus alive he had to make sure Ryo could pass on his knowledge to the next generations. Both he and Nawaki, Tsunades little brother, were the last male heirs of the senjus. And as such they had to carry their knowledge to make sure it wouldn't be lost and forgotten.

Not only his proficiency in ninjutsus grew, his mastery over haki had reached a bottleneck. He was able to use armament haki 100% of the time now. And his observation haki could feel even the tiniest insect in a radius of a hundred meters around him. There were still some people that he was unable to detect at the moment, for example Tobirama himself was difficult to locate when he didn't want to be found. He felt like he reached his limit to what he can do with the basic types of haki but he had no idea on how to unlock the advanced versions of it.

Eichi had told Tobirama to pressure Ryo on one of their many traininv sessions, he said that sometimes when Ryo was extremely under pressure, he would release a strange ability.

As a result of fighting non stop, constantly being tossed around without being able to retaliate, Ryo snapped and was able to activate his conqueror's haki surprising the clueless Tobirama.

His haki wasn't the only power he managed to control. He was finally able to control his transformation, even if he could only enter the full dragon form for now. His dragon form was nowhere near the gigantic figure it was with kaido. His form barely 3 meters long but strong and long enough for either one adult or both Eichi and Ryo to ride on him.

They were the only ones that knew about his dragon transformation and it would stay that way for now.

Danzo started showing some strange behaviour lately. The boys knew what kind of person he was and therefor avoided him like the pest. They would have to find a way to get rid of him soon.


Mikoto was the one with the most progress among the three. That was inevitable. While the other two had to gradually unlock their gifted powers, he just simply had to witness powerful jutsus. His arsenal of jutsus had grown in the past 5 years.

Before Hashiramas death he decided to 'teach' Mikoto all his techniques. Even Tobirama had started showing him all kinds of ninjutsus he created.

That wasn't all however, he regularly meditaded in order to raise his chakra reserves. While his ability was indeed a cheat, it also cost him enormous amounts of chakra. Especially since he had tendencies to just throw a lot of powerful ninjutsus at his oponents wasting a lot of his chakra.

Mikoto was sure about one thing, he had to become the next jinchuriki. He was quite optimistic that he would be able to tame the angry fox somehow.

The physical tort- I mean training that Tobirama forced on Mikoto did wonders. His situational and tactical awarness were still awful but at least he had the reflexes to dodge ambushes and the strength and stamina to be able to hold his own in a melee fight now.

Following Hashiramas death, Tsunade decided to study and train under Mito. She would teach her both in combat and in healing techniques.


The three boys were sitting in a classroom waiting for their jounin team leader. They didn't know who their leader would be but they were excited nonetheless. They knew Tobirama wouldn't just send them anybody.

Ryo suddenly raised an eyebrow, a little smirk on his face: "He's coming, and he feels powerful."

At their friends comment, who proved to have sensational sensor abilities thanks to his observation haki, the trio became excited. They had trained so hard and so long but they had no way to prove themselves. But now they could finally start going on missions and explore this exciting new world.

The door opened and a young man entered the room. He had the trademark black hair and black eyes common for the Uchiha clan. He looked rather young but none of the three thought he was weak, something was telling them to not underestimate this young shinobi.

"Hello boys, my name is Kagami Uchiha and I'll be your team leader for the forseeable future." said the smiling youth to his new students.

"What? You are Kagami? From Tobirama-senseis stories about you I'd have imagined you a lot taller ", exclaimed an astoundished Mikoto.

"Haha... I get that a lot..." Kagami sounded defeated as if he had heard that exact statement too many times already.

"Don't worry Kagami-sensei! It's not the height of a man that matters but it all depends on your own skill, right Eichi?" Mikoto tried to lighten his senseis mood but forgot that he adressed the one person in the room that had always been the shortest in their old life, opening old wounds.

"Don't drag me into this, you were the one that mentioned his height in the first place you idiot" he hissed at his friends words trying his best not to kick his ass in front of their new sensei, a visible tick mark on his forhead.

"Now now let's forget about this for now. Kagami-sensei how about we introduce ourselves?" Ryo intercepted the conversation before Eichi could do something.

Kagami gladly accepted the topic change and was the first to properly introduce himself: "Again my name is Kagami Uchiha I'm 25 years old an I'll be your team leader. My dream is to one day truly unite all of Konoha, I know there is still a lot of hate and many unresolved issues among the clans but I truly believe that someday we'll be able to live together in harmony."

The three boys stared at their new team leader in awe. On this day they made their decision! They had to save people like Kagami and get rid of all the Danzos in Konoha!


On that same night however, Iwagakure decided to declare war on Konohagakure and with that the brittle peace between the countries crumbled and with it the first shinobi world war started.

[A/N: so I just realised that the story had a lot of narrative and had little action :/ I have another chapter nearly ready which again has no action in it but after that one the war will begin and I hope that I'll be able to write some entertaining fights and missions!

So yeah that's all I wanted to say haha ]
