
Naruto: Bonds stronger than blood

Three friends are sent into the Narutoverse to mess with the timeline! How will their presence change the story and will they be able to survive this cruel world? ------------------ This is my first attempt at a fanfiction so don't be to harsh on me people haha. I'm always open for critique and hope you all give me some great advices on how to improve myself :) English isn't my nativ language so sorry for any mistake I make along the way and leave a review if you like or hate the story. *I DON'T OWN THE COVER NOR DO I OWN ANY OF THE ELEMENTS IN NARUTO, BLEACH OR ONE PIECE. I ONLY OWN MY OC'S*

NeoXxSLB · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

Chapter 16: A Plan for the Future

< 24/8/33 | one week after the Danzo incident>

[Eichi's P.O.V]

I can't believe I messed up this much...

We were lucky that only Tobirama-sensei was in the room and Hiruzen was unconsciouss or we would be in serious trouble.

I know we can trust him but we sure as hell won't tell him the whole story.

Mikoto had to teleport a lot between Ame and Konoha to set up a discussion with Suna. The Konoha council accepted to lend Suna fields to cultivate food, but they would have to sign a truce and leave the war as well as pay a certain amount as rent.

Mikoto was finally freed from his duties as a sla- I mean messenger and we were able to sit down and decide what to tell Tobirama-sensei.

"I'm sorry guys... I didn't think it we be me that would mess up... I was so sure it would be Mikoto" I lamented.

"I would take this an insult if I didn't agree with you. Hahaha", he merrily replied.

Ryo tried to console me:

"Doesn't matter now, what's done is done. It's not even that bad, at least Tobirama-sensei is trustworthy."

I sighed knowing that depressing over it wouldn't help and said:

"Yeah you're right.

I actually had already thought of something even before I messed up.

We can't tell him that we're from another world where this one is a mere fictional story.

But! We could say that we are from a future where the world was nearly wiped out by the Otsutsuki Clan and in order to prevent this, Hagoromo the Sage of the Six Paths send us back in time?

I know the story sounds unbelievable but you, Ryo are a literal dragon and I'm a Soul Reaper that shoul be proof enough that everything is possible?

Besides what do you guys think about going after Madara and his Rinnegan?"

"Are you crazy? I mean I'm ok with the story but we can't go after Madara! We don't now how powerful he still is and there is still the black Zetsu and his armee of white ones!" exclaimed Ryo.

"I'm not saying to go right away, Nagato should be born somewhere in between 10 and 15 years from now on. Madara himself stated that he was close to dying when he manifested the Rinnegan and he transplanted his eyes into Nagatos eye sockets.

My plan is to improve as much as possible in the next 10 years in order to prepare for the incoming Otsutsuki invaders. We don't know how many there are out there and they have all kind of crazy powers.

I'd say the more we have the better the chances to win." I explained.

"Let's say we do as you say and we get the rinnegan, whe'll use it?" Mikoto asked curiously.

I grinned before answering :

"Doesn't matter. Mikoto your ability is not to copy anything you see, but to create anything in your memory, right?"

He looked at me with doubt: "You're not planning on having me create two sets of Rinnegan's... are you?"

"Well kind of but not really. With Madara's Rinnegan we have access to Indra's chakra and thanks to Hashirama's cells we have Asura's. Now the question is can you copy their chakra and integrate them into others?" I asked hoping for a good answer.

I got the idea when I saw Mikoto healing Tobirama-sensei's poison by changing his chakra to how it was before.

Mikoto stood still for a while before answering:

"This is crazy but... it might be possible. However I lack both control and experience in changing chakra types. Healing Tobirama-sensei was easy because I used his body's memory to assist me but in this case I would have tom create them by myself. I'll have to train with a lot of different chakra types and bloodlines to get a feel for how it all works, simply creating it might be dangerous. I have to understand what I'm doing or I might just kill you in the process."

I grinned and replied:

"You think you can do it in 10 years?"

He looked me in eyes before bursting out laughing:

"Hahaha. Maybe. But I think I'll have to go Uzushiogakure. The knowledge in Konoha is primarily focused on battle techniques and on how to wage war. Uzushiogakure is renowned for their fuinjutsus as well as their highly effective healing arts.

I was thinking about going there someday anyway."

"Looks like we're splitting up then for the first time since our new life. Haha" I said sadly.

Ryo startled by statement asked:

"You're leaving too?"

"Yes. Like I said we need more power quickly. The story has changed so much already that we can't be sure when they decide to come. Besides there is still Black Zetsu, we can't underestimate him and his schemes. Who knows maybe he'll find someone even better than Obito and Madara to control.

I can barely use my Shikai form and I'm so far away from my Bankai. Another reason is that I'm afraid releasing my full power in Konoha could destroy the village. I don't knkw the extent od my full power yet and I don't want to find out where a lot of weak civilians live."

This would be the first time we'd split up as a groupe since we reincarnated. Looking at Mikoto's face, all I could see was pure determination. He'll be able to learn it, I'm sure of it.

Ryo on the other hand looked dejected at the thought of being seperated from his friends for so long.

Seeing Ryo like that Mikoto grabbed him by the shoulder and exclaimed:

"Get it together man! We're neither going to die nor are we seperating for ever! You chose Kaido's power because he was strong right? But with how you are right now you won't be able to be as strong as him! Your possible strongest asset is your supreme colour but yours is still so weak because you stopped considering yourself as the strongest after Eichi's display against Kinkaku.

So promise me... us that when we come back we'll be able to see a true king!"

He ended that sentence with a laugh so contagious that Ryo and I had to join.

The conversation ended with the three of us promising each other to become strong enough to stop being afraid of those self proclaimed gods.


< The same night in the Senju Residence inside Tobirama's bedroom >


Tobirama asked the three boys sitting in the opposite side of the little table:

"Are you finally going to tell me what's going on?"

The group was visibly uncomfortable but after a quick exchange of gazes the golden eyed boy, called Eichi answered:

"Alright, but you'll probably not believe us anyway."

"Try me."

"*Sigh* We have memories of a past life in which we lived a similar life to this one. We only remember parts of that life but all three of us remember the same things. The world gets destroied but foreign invaders. Only two shinobi were left that had any chance to defeat those monsters but even they lost in the end. But with the help of the Sage of the Six Paths they were able to send the three of us back in time to avoid the incoming disaster."

Tobirama's eyes were glued onto Eichi's before he asked in a serious tone:

"How long until those foreign invaders appear? And how strong exactly are they?"

The red haires Mikoto answeres to that:

"In our memories in about 50 years from now but we have changed a lot already but saving your life.

And to explain there strength we have to tell you the true story of how humans learnes chakra"

They then told Tobirama about Kagura Otsutsuki up to her two son's betrayal.

"So essentially those Otsutsuki guys are gods? How the hell are we supposed to fight that even if you know what will happen?" Tobirama sighed.

"Don't worry, our world has a lot of strong shinobi. We were unprepared last time but now we hold the advantage!

That's why Mikoto and I decided to leave the village for a while in order to grow stronger and gather useful allies for the incoming battles." announced a confident Eichi.