
Naruto : Being a daimyo with a system

Hey please do comment on chapters You know what it is.... guy died woke in Narutoverse. Wait a minute I am not a ninja not a civilian I got into politics that to a daimyo. Hell no there is no way to learn No chakra full of political bullshit and even enemy ninjas are trying to kill me. At least I got a system... wait a minute a the hell it teaches me strategy and politics... I am doomed... .…......…..................................................................... follow the mc how he tries to deceive cough cough convince and try to survive in an unknown world. I am going to publish the future updates in patron site. patreon.com/OriginalStoicmind

edisonmarcus · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

Sheep cough cough Potential Clans

After reading the neutral clans and heir details of their contribution Eigo was satisfied with their moral and etiquette. He was about to make some preparation in contacting them in a discrete way so as to improve his relationship with them.

The heirs of Tanaka and Tadeshi clans were friends to him even though he haven't met them quite often he already have brainwashed them cough cough no befriended them and provided them with his extra pocket money from time to time basically it is bribing who cares we are just some 6 years old with some innocence.....hehe Eigo had a evil smile all over his face.

He planned to ask about the fire temple to Shadow. Shadow answered every question Eigo patiently sometimes it was trivial sometimes it was outrageous.

like What will be the monk eat?

Where do they get funds? to

How the fire lord selected ?

Does he has any daughters?




After getting all the answers he got from Shadow, Eigo was contemplating on how to approach the fire temple.But suddenly his system gave a new book to read out of nowhere


Name: Eigo Hatano

Class: Daimyo's son

Sub Class:

1. Merchant

2. Apprentice Shinobi

Title: Finance Wizard, Schemer Novice

Age: 6

STR: 75

DXT: 60

INT: 90

WIS: 100

CHR: 80

CHR: 600/600 (academy student)( max limit 1000)

Chakra seal: 70,000/100,000 (Jonin usuable only 75%of stored value)( can't be upgraded)


Art of war (Complete)...

Relative theory Phase (I) - Butterfly theory.....Click to expand...

After reading the description of the new book he got from the system he got irritated. Eigo had completed the Art of War book almost 2 months back it didn't even provide him with any achievement reward. But suddenly he got a new book while thinking about the fire temple.

Out of curiosity, he opened the book it had around 15 pages he read them. It gave him a shock he started scolding himself how the hell did I forgot this. The famous butterfly effect if you change some things it will unknowingly change the future that he knew even if it is determined.

Let just say a Truck driver named Sam goes to a certain hotel everyday by eating only the certain food cooked by the cook Marie everyday by 7 in the morning. It is a daily routine it a predetermined action even tomorrow the same action will happen exactly at the same time.

What happens if Marie is struck at traffic Sam would wait a bit in the restaurant after which he might go to a different one with a hurry. Let just say Sam is allergic to peanuts and in the new restaurant he eats the sandwich with peanuts in a hurry. The allergic reaction may cause Sam to get in to accident there is a 40% chance that he would hit Marie's Car while driving as it is the predetermined action everyday.

Intuition skill was created..... system sounded in his mind....

After getting the skill Eigo was quite scared, Eigo started contemplating on thinks he had already planned. He came to a conclusion that he shouldn't interfere with the clans and politics for now as his involvement may backfire if he creates any loopholes.

He clearly knew what his strength and weakness were. He is only 6 he had many years to think things through. Now he need a safe place to guard against all political and shinobi world.

But he can take advantage of people who would fail, and he could also make some connection even use extortion in getting benefits from them. It should not be open extortion he may loose his life it should be win-win and the deals should be with shady people with higher position.

You may think why ? let just say I make a deal with a thug and my step mom came to know about what do you think she will do advise me nope she might add more accusations and jail me for my eternity Eigo spoke to himself while thinking.

Only one person came to mind Yep SHIMURA DANZO my future Sheep cough cough my only potential ally...

But EIgo wanted to be away from all the eyes even including Shadow and his mom.

He called Shadow

Sensei where is the best place for a member of a royal family to hide from both political and shinobi eyes?

Shadow pondered for a bit and said Fire temple. If anyone get in there no one will bother them with any pressure as the monks of fire lord will be protecting them always.

THAT'S IT. Eigo's eyes lightened up after hearing his Sensei's reply.