
Naruto: Assimilation

Time_pass96 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Assimilation successful


[Assimilation Successful]

After the entire process is completed

There is only a portion of the carcass left

And Haruku also came back to his senses.

As he opens his eyes, what he sees shocks him.

He is seeing the entire world in purple, with nearly 360° degree of view.

which was far more clear than before and notices even the smallest movement.

As for the reason he sees the entire world in purple is because the eagle can also see ultraviolet rays.

However, it is his choice whether he wants to see the UV rays or not.

After familiarizing himself with his new fantastic vision, he turns towards the hokage monument and focuses on the first hokage monument head.

His vision begins to zoom towards the hokage monument, and as it does, he begins to notice a couple of squirrels running on the head of the first hokage monument.

His eyes are now more efficient than the camera;


Even in front of the real dojutsu, his eyes aren't worth anything.

After all, Sharingan and Byakugan are way too powerful.

And only after getting such eyes, he is visibly excited

And thinking about the Sharingan.

Even drool appears in his mouth.

And he also vows to get the Sharingan one day, as dojutsu are one of the main abilities in the entire ninja world.

After testing his eyes.

Next, he starts to check the increase in his physical abilities by doing pushups, and even starts to do one finger pushups, which still pose no problem for him.

He is even feeling more refreshed than ever, as his lungs and heart have increased in efficiency.

Just like that for three hours, he found out more about his abilities and families himself with them.

After all, he does not want to unintentionally break anything at home.

After 3 hours

"I am home" Haruku enters his house

Which isn't too large and not too small for a family of three and there is also a backyard in their house


He starts to search for his mother.

"Yes, Haruku, I am in the kitchen"

His mother calls from the kitchen.

preparing lunch for them.

As Haruku gets to the kitchen

"Mom, what are you cooking for lunch?" Haruku asks his mother in a tired tone.

"Hmm, is my little Haru that hungry? Do not worry, I am making your favorite dishes today. Sushi and Ramen"

His mother 'Hazuki' responds to him, but when she turns around and sees Haruku's eyes, she becomes shocked.

"What! ---- those eyes?"

Hazuki panics when she sees his eyes.

Haruku also becomes nervous after seeing the reaction from his mother.

'shit!, did she notice something but my eyes should looks normal'

"What happened, Mom?" he tries to act clueless.

His mother immediately approaches him and carefully examines his eyes. Only after finding nothing wrong with his eyes did she sigh in relief.

"Nothing Haru, it is just that your eyes seem different; did you feel anything wrong, and is your health okay?"

Hazuki asks many questions, which quickly overwhelms him.

Seeing the worried state of his mother Haruku replies.

"Mom, do not worry, nothing happens to me; I am completely fine."

Only after fully comforting his mother, she calmed down.

"Okay, freshen up; I am going to prepare the food soon."

'Phew, that was close, but my eyes are totally normal as there is no change in them, but how did she notice something?'

'It appears that the institution of a mother is much more terrifying.'

'I should be more careful to not show any signs of change, but for now lets focus on the food as i am too hungry

After that, for the entire day, he tests his abilities and focuses on the rest.

Next day - early morning

In the backyard of Haruku's house

We can see him practise throwing shurikens, as each shuriken hits the target perfectly.

He was even able to hit targets that were nearly impossible to hit the previous day.

"It is amazing, just the first assimilation has improved me that much; what will happen when I assimilated other animals' specialties and

What happens if I assimilate the bloodlines?

"Ah~ Just thinking about it makes me excited. It is going to be really fun."

Now, who should I choose for my next target?