
Naruto - Mokuton Root Agent

This is the story of a world where the actions of a soul getting shoved into a dying person's body with little to no information about the plot can actually be a good thing. Warning - I'll try and update atleast 3/week at minimum. Average Word Count per chapter ~ 1500 I am still learning and would appreciate constructive criticism. Thank you for reading! P.S. - If you want to read ahead of the public release, you can head on to my Patreon(Patreon.com/Idlemuse) for upto 6 extra chapters.

IdleMuse0307 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Mokuton Root Agent #3

Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Mokuton Root Agent (SI)

Chapter 3

–Inabi Uchiha–

He rolled his eyes internally at that.

As if he had any real authority here.

Before he could reply though, the ANBU gave out orders for the crowd to disperse and for only ANBU members to stay.

They gave the last orders while looking straight at him and Fugaku.

Fugake nodded at him and they jumped to the rooftops, on the way to HQ.

Before Fugaku could start grilling him for any information, especially since the incident involved the sensitive matters of the ANBU, an overwhelming sensation slammed into his very being.

He fell down to one knee, completely overwhelmed by the chakra signature.

He looked behind him, towards the corpse from which the chakra signature was coming from.

The chakra was of such quantity that it was physically manifesting around the body.

The nearby ANBU realised something was wrong and jumped away from it.

Standing up with extreme difficulty with the help of Fugaku, He could see Hatake jumping away from the corpse and lifting up his headband to open his three-tomoe Sharingan.

It had always fascinated him that a non-Uchiha was able to bring a Sharingan to such an advanced state and actually function perfectly fine.


He clutched his chest as a veritable tsunami of chakra exited the body which registered to his sensitive senses like a sledgehammer.

He felt someone searching his clothes and then felt something coarse and dry slam into his forehead.

After a while, his senses suddenly became very much more muted than before,

He opened his eyes only to see that Fugaku had put a suppression seal on his forehead, sealing off the majority of his senses yet even then he could still sense the signature somewhat.

It was a testament to its potency. He didn't think even the Hokage had chakra signatures as heavy as whatever that was.

Granted he had never personally seen him in action before.

By this point, a veritable army of ninjas had gathered around the area.

Looking around, he realised that it would be impossible for even the Hokage to sweep this event under the rug, provided we had any clue regarding what was happening here.

Another wave of chakra slammed into his senses, however mute it was.

Hatake must have felt something unusual as he shouted for everyone to take cover.

He jumped back with great difficulty along with Fugaku because he felt something was wrong with the recent chakra wave.

It was tinged with something. Something dangerous that he couldn't identify with his muted senses. He had a hunch that even with his full senses, he wouldn't be able to make heads or tails about the chakra signature.

The answer to his questions were cleared soon enough though as the following scenes in front of him robbed him of my ability to think properly.


–Fugaku Uchiha–

News traveled fast through the Uchiha police force headquarters.

Hearing that an ANBU had somehow collapsed near the secretive ANBU HQ was interesting but not enough to warrant a visit from him, a clan head level figure.

Especially not in the current political atmosphere.

But when he had heard that Inabi was present there and was openly using his sensing abilities in close proximity to the ANBU HQ, he was up and running through the HQ doors like his life depended on it.

Because in a way, it did.

Lives would actually be at risk should Inabi manage to somehow worsen their relationship with the higher-ups of Konoha, what with Danzo already looking for any excuse to punish the Uchiha clan.

Inabi was one of the strongest ninjas he had under his command and usually, he was a dependable guy but ever since the Uchiha clan compound was relocated to the outskirts of the village, he had become increasingly vocal with his opinion against the clan policies..

In a way, he could understand his frustration.

He could hear the whispered discussions that the clan members had behind closed doors. They were of the opinion that he had ducked out of the competition. That he was a coward for allowing the administration to force the Uchiha clan to move from their rightful central location.

The sentiments turned even worse when they found that the land was divided between the clans that the council members belonged to. The Shimura clan got the lion's share of their land and they only had a single member by the name of Danzo.

Was it unfair? Yes. But what could they do?

What they didn't understand that was should Sarutobi wish us harm, we would not have been alive.

People forgot the old monster was someone who had lived through not one but two shinobi wars and at the same time, made sure that Konoha was the one who won, if there were even any winners in something as horrendous as War.

Running at full speed, he reached the street near the ANBU headquarters in less than 5 minutes.

By the time he reached there, a large crowd of both civilians and ninjas had gathered around the downed ANBU.

Flashing silently near Inabi, he asked him even as he turned around as if he was already expecting me, "What happened here?"

His sensory abilities really were the best in the clan.

Before he could reply though, the ANBU began herding the civilians away from the ANBU.

The ninjas soon followed suit without anybody needing to order them. 

On the way back to the HQ, a dark cold chakra washed over the surrounding areas.

It seemed to affect Inabi infinitely more so than him as he simply dropped down to his knees.

Only then he remembered that he was a natural-born sensor who could not actively shut down his senses, only mute them.

He probably couldn't even do that now that he was disoriented to such an extent.


I heard a gasp and looked down to find Inabi on his last legs, clutching his chest in shock.


He hurriedly checked his pockets for the emergency suppression seals he was ordered to always keep in handy in case he had another chakra sensitivity episode.

He found it and hurriedly slapped it on Inabi's forehead.

He breathed a sigh of relief when black lines extended from his forehead, effectively bringing down Inabi's senses to 1% of what they were before.

Despite the reprieve Inabi got from the seal, he seemed to be in extreme pain and yet he looked behind us with bloodshot eyes shot wide open in fear.

He followed his gaze only to see a cloud of chakra physically manifesting around the corpse.

Kakashi Hatake was the first who leaped away from the corpse, warning others to do the same.

Another wave of chakra seemed to burst out of the dead ANBU, somehow even colder this time.

He activated his Sharingan on instinct and what he saw blew his mind.

Somehow, chakra was overflowing from the body.

It was surprising because none of the chakra was from the ANBU. He could tell as the pathways it was flowing through would have killed any ninja within seconds and the second clue was the lack of movement from the body despite it probably being in mind-numbing pain due to its destruction of chakra pathways.

Whatever that chakra was, it was flowing through the body without a path, rampaging inside the body and eventually flowing out.

Without his Mangekyo Sharingan, all he could see was that the chakra seemed to come out of the ANBU's head and overflowed from there.

He couldn't even identify the type of chakra it was.

It wasn't Sage chakra as he had seen Jiraiya of the Sannin in action but nowhere in his life had he seen such dense, heavy chakra.

Even the Sandaime's chakra paled in comparison.

Keeping Inabi firmly behind him in case of an attack, he looked on towards the huge crowd that had gathered because of the commotion.

Any sensor worth their salt must have felt that chakra from half the village away.

Good, let the people come.

It would make it all the more harder for Sarutobi to hide this incident.

Finally, he had something to pin down Danzo.

He recognised the seals the ANBU had on his head.

He was another one of those mindless drones that Danzo had managed to get inducted into the ANBU.

The same ones that always loiter around the clan compound, conducting surveillance on the Uchicha clan members.

He had refrained from saying anything because that would just deteriorate any chance of dialogue he would have with the Sandaime but this?

This gave him the perfect opportunity to have them removed from the area. Safety hazards and all.

Who's to say that all the other people with the same seal wouldn't have the same reaction? It would probably shock the elders and the children.

As he was thinking of all the ways he could take advantage of this situation, something within him forced him to look at the ANBU just in time for the chakra cloud around it to disperse.

As he was looking at it with his three-tomoe Sharingan, he could see the chakra being slowly molded into hyper-dense chakra tendrils that were so bright they hurt to even look at.

Then they slowly exited the body and drilled themselves into the ground.

His eyes widened slowly as he thought of the chakra escaping through the ground, without anyone being the wiser.

The only ones with a three-tomoe Sharingan around who weren't already incapacitated were himself and..

The next moment, Hatake's and his eyes met and they both nodded towards each other, ready to take action.


Word Count - 1630

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head on to my Patreon.

I already have upto 8 chapters uploaded there.

A/N : Sorry for the delay guys. The training for the job took a lot out of my time and I guess, I just didn't get enough time and energy to keep writing for both my fanfics at once. Now, though? I have made a timetable that I have been able to stick to for the most part and hope to reignite this story.

So, expect regular updates(3 chapters a week) from now on.

Thank you for reading!


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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