
CH - 86 To Visit Amegakure?

Under Akihiko's leadership, Grass Village swiftly set their battle plan into motion. As a result, the once peaceful atmosphere that had enveloped the Land of Grass quickly transformed into one of tension. Many villagers were left bewildered by this abrupt shift. They couldn't fathom why, when things appeared to be running smoothly and their businesses were flourishing, they had recently sealed a significant contract with the Five Great Ninja Villages. Only a few days ago, celebratory banners still adorned the village streets to mark this achievement.

This confusion was particularly evident among the employees at the clothing factory. They had anticipated substantial year-end bonuses due to the lucrative contract they had secured. It seemed like a prosperous year lay ahead. But now, a war was unfolding, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and worry.

Throughout the past years, they had been well aware of the turmoil beyond their village's borders. The flames of war were consuming lands far and wide, with reports of freshly graduated ninja being thrust onto battlefields almost immediately. Reports of casualties and chaos were commonplace. Even the area around the Kannabi Bridge in Grass Village was occasionally rocked by explosions. Amid this turbulence, the village itself remained relatively unaffected, prompting gratitude toward their leader's decisions.

The reconstruction efforts in Grass Village had tangibly improved the lives of its residents. Children attended school, there was an abundance of food, and a sense of optimism for the future prevailed. Given these positive changes and Grass Village's commitment to peace, the decision to initiate a war was baffling. Declaring war on their neighbor, Amegakure, seemed out of character for their leader.

Their leader had consistently championed peace. The village's newfound spirit revolved around peaceful coexistence, strong relations with the Five Great Ninja Villages, and a focus on straightforward business and serene livelihoods. It seemed unfathomable that their leader would initiate a war at this juncture.

The idea was deemed utterly implausible. Adding to the incredibility was the fact that Grass Village had recently extended support to many destitute commoners from Amegakure. These individuals, previously on the brink of starvation, had significantly improved their lives upon migrating to Grass Village. The leader even ensured their children's education. The concept of the leader engaging in such dishonorable actions was simply inconceivable.

Thus, the only logical conclusion pointed to Amegakure's involvement. Anger and condemnation brewed among the people of Grass Village, directing their furious gaze toward Amegakure. How could they inflict suffering upon others solely because they themselves were suffering?

"I am planning to personally visit Amegakure," Grass Village's leader, Akihiko, declared, his gaze sweeping over the assembled individuals before him. Among them were members of the Uzumaki clan, Chinoike clan, Mubuki's family, Ryuuji's family, Yuki clan, and numerous other Grass Shinobi.

Inwardly, Akihiko couldn't help but reflect on the remarkable transformation of Grass Village. From its humble beginnings with just a handful of members, including Mubuki who played a pivotal role, the village had evolved into a formidable force. Even now, though, Mubuki is still a vital part of its operations, , in fact, one of the most crucial components.

With a thoughtful exhalation, Akihiko continued, "Throughout this period, I place my trust in all of you within Grass Village. Remember!" His emphasis was clear, "Within our village, we must convey the impression that we're prepared to fight Amegakure with unswerving determination."

As his statement echoed in the room, a palpable tension settled on the faces of the assembled individuals. Yet, they comprehended that whether they engaged in combat or not was somewhat secondary. What mattered was showing the world that Grass Village was actively engaged, not sitting idle.

However, the specifics of how their leader intended to persuade Amegakure remained shrouded in mystery. Just after initiating war, the leader aimed to initiate peace negotiations. This approach seemed rather perplexing to them. Particularly considering they had recently dispatched spies to Amegakure, their leader's arrival might not be greeted warmly by Amegakure's leadership.

Initially, they had deemed this mission dangerous and had contemplated sending someone else, like Mubuki, who, despite his unorthodox ways as an advisor, was experienced in these matters. But their leader had declined, opting to handle the negotiation in person, partially to prevent Mubuki from inadvertently divulging crucial information and endangering himself. With little choice but to adhere to their leader's directive, they began implementing the plan as instructed.

Akihiko's gaze shifted to Uzumaki Yoshinori. "Oversee affairs at the factory. The employees there are unique, and they might be unsettled by the sudden declaration of war against Amegakure," he paused briefly before continuing, "Your role is to provide guidance and reassurance. This task is of utmost importance. A stable internal environment is a prerequisite for our next steps."

"Leader, you have my word," Uzumaki Yoshinori affirmed with earnestness. "Even if it requires risking my life, I will diligently manage the factory."

"It's not as dire as it sounds. Just ensure that nothing unexpected occurs. We might require their assistance in the future," Akihiko reassured, his tone casual.

Perplexed by the leader's apparently nonchalant attitude toward such a weighty matter, Yoshinori couldn't help but feel confused. How could this not be serious? It involved a war, after all.

"Given that, I entrust all of you during this period. Prepare our ninja forces and set out at the earliest opportunity," Akihiko concluded, dismissing the assembly.

As Uzumaki Yoshinori, burdened with significant responsibility, exited through the village gate, he contemplated the leader's unique directions. A deep sigh escaped him as he seemed lost in thought, his emotions in turmoil.

However, as he beheld Grass Village, seemingly tense due to the impending war but still maintaining its calm façade, a sense of tranquility settled over him. Observing children at play in the fields, among them members of the Uzumaki clan, Chinoike clan, ordinary citizens, and newcomers from the Yuki clan, his heart found solace. In this moment, a fleeting smile danced across his normally melancholic expression, and his posture became a touch more upright.

Suddenly a thought resonated within him , "With great power comes great responsibility." Joining Grass Village didn't merely entail enjoying its influence but also embracing the weight of responsibility. That was what their leader had emphasized upon their entry. And now, it was time for the Uzumaki clan to shoulder their part of the responsibility.

Yet, shaking off these messy thoughts, Yoshinori murmured to himself, "Why am I thinking about such useless things now? My primary focus should be on accomplishing my work."

With renewed determination, he left the premises, heading straight for the village's factory.

As arrangements in Grass Village were put in place, Akihiko took a moment to remind the Three Young Ones of his teachings. He urged them to behave well, maintain a peaceful atmosphere in the village, and avoid causing trouble elsewhere.

"Rest assured, Akihiko-Sensei!" Yahiko declared, patting his chest confidently. "We'll make sure to protect Grass Village!"

Akihiko was left momentarily speechless by Yahiko's audacious statement. What an unusual proclamation.

Raising an eyebrow, he couldn't help but glance at the Three Young Ones, who were all sporting cheerful smiles. Amidst his bemusement, a sense of concern for them emerged. He extended his hand, gently ruffling their heads, and said, "Remember, be well-behaved. And don't give me any reasons to worry while I'm away."

With that said, he looked at Kana, who appeared worried but still unwavering in her belief in him. Witnessing her expression, a warm feeling washed over him. He nodded in her direction before turning to set off on his journey.

Exhaling softly, Yahiko shook his head and sighed, "Akihiko-Sensei always treats us like kids. It's a bit frustrating."

Observing Akihiko's departure, Yahiko raised his arms in a gesture of helplessness. "In truth, the three of us have grown. I mean, we've grown stronger. Even Hato and Daisuke acknowledge our strength."

Nagato, however, responded with calmness. "Strength isn't the sole indicator of maturity. True growth involves having a steadfast heart, a broad perspective, and the capacity to think independently. Akihiko-Sensei places high hopes in us. We mustn't let him down or disappoint the expectations of everyone."

Reflecting on their transition from Amegakure to Grass Village, they realized they had been enjoying peaceful lives under Akihiko's safeguard. In contrast, their peers, even in powerful villages like Konoha, had already been embroiled in battle at their age, perhaps even younger. War, after all, does not discriminate by age. However, Akihiko-Sensei did. Despite his occasional irksome qualities, they felt fortunate to reside in Grass Village.

"No matter where Akihiko-Sensei goes, we must protect Grass Village," Nagato concluded firmly.

Nodding in agreement, Yahiko's expression brightened with a smile. "Absolutely! This place is our home."

His gaze swept over their surroundings. "Speaking of which, where's Konan? Why isn't she with us? She hasn't been gone long, where did she vanish to? I've heard she's been incredibly busy lately. Where could she have gone?"

Nagato responded, "I'm not entirely sure. Reports indicate she's engaged in dealings with other ninja villages at the factory. She's evidently growing more proficient. In fact, even your father has praised her rapid development."

"Really? Could she be attending secret extra classes?" Yahiko speculated, amused.

Meanwhile, Konan found herself in a remote area behind the mountain. Blinking her eyes, she surveyed her surroundings before inhaling deeply. With a loud voice, she called out, "Kakuzu-senpai, I'm here!"





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1559 words (Excluding A/N)

Kaiszercreators' thoughts