
Naruto - Konoha no Raijin

what is Death? Can it be really possible to retain memory after death? Are will you cease to exist completely. I cannot comprehend about death, death is mysterious To some it is purely evil, to some it’s a redemption and what’s death to you..? …. ….. …. But in the end you cannot escape death, no matter what you do Cover art by : XClemz I don't own anything except for MC even the Jutsu's aswell

Wandering_Author · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs


🔺Konoha Academy Class 1A

Kids can be seen in the classroom, seated and conversing with each other and laughing, and the whole atmosphere is warming, one boy entered the classroom and went near last benches and wanted to have a window seat but it was already occupied, he sat beside the kid who occupied window seat, that boy is Kurokawa Yukio

A little while later,

"Alright calm down kids!! My name is Sada Isama, I'll be your Chunin Instructor for these five years, now introduce your names!! "

After a while it came Yukio's turn, "My name is Kurokawa Yukio, my goal is to be versatile shinobi, and be strong enough protect the village myself and village "said Yukio in a polite tone, when Isama heard this he said to himself 'of all the kids in here he is the most polite'

A while later, all the introductions have been completed, Yukio did not pay any attention to the introductions. After the introduction Isama started speaking " Alright then since the introductions have been completed, today we will learn…

🔴 An Year Later..

In the past year Yukio became proficient in Shuriken Jutsu, some basic Genjutsu's and the academic style Taijutsu, apart from that he also learnt Mathematics, Science, Geography, and History of the Shinobi Villages.

When coming to Taijutsu, even though they taught only basic level, Yukio practiced it everyday that's how he was able to master it in an year but that style lacked power, he can perfect in the long run.

🔺Konoha Academy Class 2A

In the classroom everyone sat in their seats, in a short while Isama entered the classroom, and started speaking " Kids! An year has been completed since we started, now our curriculum has been changed, Its like this.... when Isama said this, A boy with white hair and with a black mask raised his hand, and said "Sensei I want to graduate this year "as Isama heard this he asked that boy "Hatake Kakashi are you sure about this?" asked in a superior tone and that boy named Kakashi replied "Yes Sensei "and then Isama replied "Okay I'll report to Hokage-Sama, You will have to wait for approval"

Yukio was surprised that he didn't know you can graduate early, he also went to thinking should he graduate early or wait for another four years, but there is nothing he could learn from the academy and he would also do dangerous missions or he would also need to go to war as soon as he would leave the academy after thinking about everything, he also raised his hand and said "Sensei, I also want to graduate" "Kurokawa Yukio are you also sure about this? "asked Isama in a superior tone, then Yukio replied "Yes Sensei", and then Isama asked every one "is there anyone else?" and no one raised his hands and everyone is silent, after looking at everyone "Since there is no one else I'll proceed with you two" said Isama to Yukio and Kakashi, and then Isama said to everyone "Let me report this to Hokage-Sama I will return back in a few minutes.." Isama Shunshin-ed away.

🔺Konoha Administration – Hokage Room

In the Hokage room, a man sat on a chair thinking about on going scenarios, then he heard a knock on his door, a lady wearing Chunin outfit said "Hokage-Sama Chunin Sada Isama wants to see you" "Send him in" said Hokage

"Greetings Hokage-Sama," bowed Isama, "Speak Isama what brings you here?" and then Isama replied "Hokage-Sama, that is Hatake Kakashi and Kurokawa Yukio wants an early graduation" and then Hokage replied "I understand about Kakashi, but are you sure that Yukio can graduate too?"

"yes, I can vouch for his prowess, but he is too young for a graduation, that also applies for Kakashi too" said Isama

After discussing everything Hokage said " Its rare to see like this geniuses after Minato, alright I'll approve this graduation, Conduct this graduation exam in coming three days, I'll be there to oversee that exam myself" said Hokage.

"Then I'll take my leave Hokage-Sama" said Isama,

🔺Konoha Academy Class 2A

Isama entered the classroom and started speaking "Hatake Kakashi and Kurokawa Yukio you will be having graduation exam in coming three days, you can have the day-off"


(A/N) : Guys, I have tight job schedule I may not able to update daily, I'll try to update for every two days If not for every three days. There is a confusion about the graduation of Kakashi and others and the timeline as well, so I'll be changing it according to my Fanfic.

Thanks for 60 collections, Thanks for all your support B4u_Shout ,Adrian_Pionce ,1si2 and all the others who have commented

See you again in the next chapter, Until then Bye