
Naruto's Strange Night.

Mr_Insane_3041 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 4: Match Night

The night before the finals the Third Hokage got an expected visitor, Anko Mitarashi.

After reading her report on the two blondes training he couldn't believe what it said. If Naruto had such potential from the beginning then the reason why he had done so badly in school had to be because the teachers had sabotaged it for him.

Ino had also grown considerably. It even seemed as she had started developing feelings for Naruto, even after hearing about the nine-tailed fox (sorry that I forgot to add that in the last chapter).

And to add to his headache, the Mizukage had approached him earlier that day and suggested a permanent alliance if the CRA was invoked in favor of Naruto Uzumaki and she got to be one of his wives.

The old man sighed and looked at a small cylinder in his hand.

It contained a red fluid. It was the Sharingan in concentrated form.

Sarutobi had acquired it shortly after the Uchiha Massacre in order to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. The result now laid in his hand.

Because it was combined of all of the Uchihas' Sharingan it was probably the most powerful Sharingan that wasn't the Mangekyou Sharingan.

The Third had wanted to give it to Naruto as a compensation for everything the village had put him through, and it seemed that the time was now. Problem was that with Orochimaru planning something and the finals being the next day it had to wait until after.

He had the feeling that this would be his last battle, and he needed the Sharingan in safe hands until it was safe enough to inject it into Naruto and the only place he could think of was with the Mizukage.

She had been a childhood friend of Naruto's mother and those two had trusted each other with their lives, which made her his godmother and the most reliable person to entrust with Naruto's gift.

Mei had already been informed of the situation and they both agreed that when the war began she would have to take the cylinder back to the Hidden Mist and wait there until Naruto came to get it.

He knew that he would have to inform Anko about it as well, but he could do that tomorrow. Right now he was very tired, and he would need all his strength for the war. At least he had secured Naruto's future.

Naruto had to admit that Anko's bed was both bigger and more comfortable than his old one, and he sure wasn't complaining about his new roommate.

He knew she would like to rape him if she could, but he had an important day tomorrow and she had respected that. But that didn't mean that they couldn't cuddle a little.

During dinner the purple haired girl had informed Naruto about the Clan Restoration Act, which both he and Sasuke were allowed to invoke since they were the last members of their clans.

This also included that they both needed at least four wives.

So part of their discussion was who he would choose.

The blonde had already decided that Hinata was a good candidate, and Anko was really good at seducing him.

Ino was pretty sexy for a twelve year old girl, but they were only friends, right?

This left room for one candidate more.

Luckily Anko had a volunteer.

"The Mizukage?"

"Yes, a marriage with her would ensure an alliance with the Hidden Mist. I've also heard that she's quite a looker who just like you possesses two bloodlines."

"How old is this woman exactly?"

"She's in her late twenties. The Hokage has also informed me that she's an old friend of your mother."

"She knew my mother?" This got Naruto's attention.

"Yes, so she can tell you a lot about her."

"But we've never even met, why would she want me and not the last Uchiha?"

"Oh, but you have met her."

"I have?" The blonde was getting a bit confused as he caressed Anko's breasts, causing her to moan.

"Yeah, according to her you ran into her the other day. You even got to feel her breasts, something that no other man has been allowed to do."

The jonin was now kissing and licking the younger boy's body as he tried to remember who the Mizukage could be. Then it hit him.

The red haired beauty that his clone had crashed into. His teacher/lover had been right, she was quite the looker. Though she did scare him a little.

The two of them went to sleep, looking forward for the match tomorrow.

Ino Yamanaka had some troubles sleeping. This past month had been such an eye opener. Naruto Uzumaki, the most hated guy in the village, had turned out to be one of the most fantastic and lovable guys she had ever met. She even preferred him in front of Sasuke, and she suddenly found herself hoping that he would one day court her instead of the Uchiha.

This revelation shocked Ino. After spending so much time with the blonde idiot she had fallen for him, though she doubted that her feelings were as strong as Hinata's.

Speaking of Hinata, the blonde girl wondered how the Hyuuga heiress was doing, especially after Naruto's clone had visited her. Was there a chance that the two girls could share him? Probably not.

Ino was a girl that the raven haired girl had a good reason not to share anything with, especially not Naruto Uzumaki.

The girl sighed.

Hinata was a nice girl, but when it came to Naruto she behaved so differently, there was even a chance that she would never forgive the Yamanaka for what she had done to the boy of her dreams.

Ino knew that she would have to talk to Hinata tomorrow and settle this. They both sincerely liked the same guy and unless they shared him then one of them might be heartbroken, and she didn't want that.

The young girl fell asleep, preparing herself for the upcoming day.

The next day Ino managed to catch up to Hinata as she was heading towards the stadium to watch the finals.

"Hey Hinata, wait up!"

The aforementioned girl turned around and looked at the blonde as she caught up with her at the training ground.

"Can I help you with something Ino-san?" The bustier girl asked her, trying to hide her dislike of the young girl who had always treated Naruto as bad as everyone else.

"L-L-Listen, I have something I have to tell you about Naruto." She panted. This caught Hinata's attention.

"What about him?" she asked.

Once Ino had calmed down she told Hinata about how she and Naruto had trained together for a whole month and it wasn't until she had gotten home that she realized that she had fallen for him.

The raven haired girl just looked at her surprised before slapping the blonde as hard as she could, causing the unsuspecting girl to fall to the ground.

Ino rubbed her stinging cheek as she looked up at a furious Hinata.

"How dare you say that! You actually expect me to believe you after all you done to him over the years. You're probably just saying that so you can psyche him before his match so that he'll lose."

Hinata stomped away furiously but was stopped by Ino.

"Listen, I know you think that I'm lying, but I am telling the truth. What do I have to do to prove it?"

Hinata thought for a moment. If Ino was as serious as she said she was then she would have to prove it by doing something really embarrassing, but what?

The solution she came up with made the raven haired beauty blush. If Naruto was in on it then it would be the perfect proof.

"O-O-Okay h-h-here's t-t-the d-d-deal." she said while blushing, causing Ino to wonder what she had thought up.

Hinata took a deep breath before telling her idea:

"If you let Naruto completely dominate and impregnate you without any hesitation from your side while being with me also then I'll believe you. But remember, there's no going back."

Both girls were blushing furiously by now.

The blonde girl thought for a moment. Was Naruto really worth giving up so much for? The answer was easy: yes.

After having such a hard life while staying so great, he definitely deserved the best. Besides, a guy as nice, caring and strong as Naruto would make a great father, even if he would father Hinata's children as well.

Ino Yamanaka nodded firmly, surprising the other girl with her determination.

She would actually do anything to be with Naruto, even humiliate herself. Of course Hinata knew to 100 % that the boy would never be so cruel, especially to girls, but Ino couldn't have found it out in such a short time, could she?

The Hyuuga girl used her Byakugan to scan the Yamanaka, and found that she really was telling the truth.

Ino was surprised to see that Hinata was smiling gently at her. Had she actually been forgiven?

"Alright, I'll forgive you, if you help me get back at Sakura for hurting our Naruto-kun." The blonde girl noticed the "our" in that sentence, but nodded. She had wanted to punish her ex best friend ever since she realized how unfairly the pink haired girl had treated Naruto just because he paid her attention.

As the two girls walked towards the stadium they discussed how to punish Sakura after the exams, and they liked what they came up with.

Hinata started to realize that as long as Ino was in love with Naruto as much as she was, then they could be good friends.

Naruto was feeling a little nervous as he was standing before Neji Hyuuga, considered to be one of the strongest genin in the village.

He looked around and found "his" girls among the audience.

Mei Terumi was sitting with both the Hokage and Kazekage, while Hinata and Ino were sitting with Anko and Kurenai.

The purple haired jonin was whispering something to her red eyed friend.

If Naruto knew his new teacher right she was probably bragging about her success with his training.

The only one the blonde couldn't see was Sasuke. If he didn't come soon he would be disqualified.

Naruto guessed that Kakashi had rubbed off on his teammate, and for some reason that sounded fair. The blonde knew that he shouldn't think like that but he couldn't help it. The jonin had preferred to train Sasuke even though he too had needed extra training. Luckily there was Anko Mitarashi who had been more than happy to train him, so things had evened out. It had given more than anyone had taught him before.

Naruto then understood why Anko was so cocky. She had proven herself a better and more effective teacher than anyone else in the village. The purple haired girl had earned the reputation of being the best in what she did, and that was always something to be proud of.

The blonde turned his attention to his opponent who was gonna pay for what he did to Hinata.

The two smirked at each other. Neji, because he expected an easy victory, and Naruto, because he would wipe the floor with the cocky Hyuuga.

The match started and Naruto used the Multiply Shadow Clone Technique to create 100 clones. He decided to start the fight by testing his opponent, a wise strategy because he didn't know what to expect from his opponent besides the Gentle Fist and the clones would allow him to collect information without risking anything.

The audience (minus Anko, Ino, Sarutobi and Sakura) was shocked that a genin, especially Naruto, knew such a dangerous and advanced technique.

"That kid's unbelievable." Kurenai exclaimed, causing Sakura too look at her strangely and ask her what she meant. Anko answered in her friend's place.

"The Multiply Shadow Clone Technique basically requires so much chakra that even a Kage risks at least draining themselves of almost all of their chakra just by using that technique. If for example Kakashi were to use it, especially in such a large scale as Naruto just did, he would surely die of exhaustion."

Sakura blinked. Naruto had always used that technique easily, without getting tired. Even now he wasn't even breaking a seat. Did this mean that he had enough chakra to rival the nine-tailed fox?

She had always thought of him as a loser, but now she wasn't so sure.

While this had been going on Naruto had attacked Neji with all of his clones at once, but they had been pushed back by Neji's Eight Trigrams Palms Heavenly Spin, destroying them all.

The blonde was pretty impressed, even though he didn't show it. To destroy so many clones at once wasn't easy, but apparently the Hyuuga Clan had a way to make that possible.

Besides, those clones didn't get wiped out in vain. They had gathered the information necessary for him to see trough that technique.

The key to it was rotation. No rotation, no ETPHS.

Luckily Naruto had just the technique to stop Neji's rotation, but first he would need some information. He wanted to know why the older boy hated his cousin so much.

"Why did you hurt Hinata so much? What have she ever done to you?"

Neji smirked at him.

"Do you really want to know? Then let me tell you the story." He took off his headband, revealing the Cursed Mark of the Hyuuga Clan.

Neji's story was really sad and made Naruto realize that maybe he and Neji wasn't so different. He cast a glance at Hiashi, Hinata's father, who was sitting in the audience. The look on the man's face told him there were more to the story than Neji knew.

"You have no idea how it is to be marked with something that can never be erased."

Neji's comment pissed Naruto off. He knew more than the Hyuuga suspected.

"I wouldn't bet your bloodline on it." the blonde said lifting up his jacket (Mei decided to give him some better looking clothes in engagement present if he would accept her) and putting chakra into his seal making it visible.

"This seal was put on me the day I was born. Though it increases my powers, it forced me to grow up completely alone, hated by everyone in the village without ever knowing why. At least you know where you came from and had people to accept you."

Neji couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was true that he knew about his background, but that didn't mean he liked it, but Naruto had had it even worse. He was unwanted by the whole village. No one had ever cared about him or praised him.

At least he had had his father who taught him things, but Naruto had to learn everything on his own.

The aforementioned blonde decided that now that he had gotten his point through it was time to end this.

"It wasn't until recently that I found out about my mother, and this is the bloodline I inherited from her!"

Neji blinked as Naruto performed a few seals rapidly.

"Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Prison Technique!"

Before the other boy could react he found himself trapped in a pink crystal, completely unable to move.

This surprised the whole audience. The failure of the village had such a bloodline at his disposal?

The proctor had no other choice than to declare Naruto the winner.

The civilian council was in uproar. Such a powerful bloodline should belong to the Uchiha-clan, but they were quickly silenced by a glare from the Mizukage and the Hokage.

Sakura was dumbfounded. Since when did Naruto have a bloodline? Then again, no one seemed to know about his parents so it made sense that he had an unknown bloodline.

Hinata was also impressed. Naruto didn't attack for real until he had all the information he wanted and then he finished it in seconds. He definitely deserved to become a chuunin.

Anko and Ino were smirking. They knew that the boy would get an easy victory, and judging by the Hokage's satisfied look, his promotion was secured.

Once Naruto had returned to the seats and sat down with "his" girls it was time for Sasuke's fight. Problem was that the Uchiha still wasn't there so Gaara won by walkover.

This irritated Orochimaru, who was actually disguised as the Kazekage. His plans were ruined, and it was all because of Kakashi. He sneaked a look at Naruto.

The boy had grown really strong and was also a big obstacle. He would have to improvise or else it would be over.