
Narcissus (bnhaxfemaleoc!)

To put it simply, Kurusu Jihyun, a girl with horns and a tail is a Narcissist. She has always been proud of the way she looks, the way she walks and talks. She always refers to herself as 'Ore-sama' and never fails to plaster her signature smirk on her face But, there is more to the purple-eyed girl than it seems. "Victory is everything in this world. The victory is acknowledged, and the vanquished is disavowed. Because I am victorious over all, I am always just." - Akashi Seijurou * Hiya I'm dumb WARNING HELLA SLOW ASS UPDATES

mororo_kun · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs


Jihyun's POV





And with one last kick to the face, my opponent smacked down to the ground. Cheers of excitement filled the arena, I looked up towards the viewing balcony on my right to see my caretaker and siblings looking at me from the viewing balcony.

Soon enough the announcement came and I could obviously hear the groans of disappointment at my opponents' loss or the excited giggles at my win. This was a usual thing for me, I win and my competitor loses everyone underestimates me just because I'm a small but whatever it's just a huge advantage for me.

I sigh as I make my way to where my caretaker and siblings are to watch the rest of the upcoming matches.

"Babycakes, you did sooo good!!~ You definitely made mama proud~" Big Mama praised as she pats me on the head like a dog. She then waves me off to join the rest of my siblings, I compiled and made my way to stand beside Shimizu.

When I stood beside her, she activated her quirk "Healing Touch" and gently touched the side of my stomach where I was hit. I gave her an appreciative nod before focusing my attention on the arena.


"You all did soo good today!~ Now rest up babies, we don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow so you'll be busy on the training grounds. Goodnight~" and with that the elevator doors shut leaving us for the night,

" Ughhh, screw that old hag she never lets us take a single fucking break! I'm gonna pass out soon!" Erika whined collapsing her body on the couch,

"Well that's how it is, we have no choice in the matter" Akira stated leaning against the wall staring at the female,

" I know but still, would it kill her just to allow us to relax once in a while?" she said rolling on her side to look at the black-eyed male,

"Stop complaining, it's annoying" Shuu grumbled, snuggling into the pillows of the couch on the other side of the room,

"Anyways we should all get ready for bed, we are going to be training tomorrow and you know how that goes," Shimizu said putting her hands on my shoulders, we all groaned in the realization of tomorrows events, we all equally hate the training regiment set up for each of us.

We all separated into our individual rooms to hit the hay for the night, but before I could make my way to my room, I was stopped by Shimizu,

"I'm not done healing you yet" she stated with concern laced in her voice,

" I'm fine, don't waste your energy on healing small injuries, they'll go way in the morning anyways-, " I tried to comfort her but was cut off by the black-headed beauty,

"No buts, I'm healing you whether you like it or not," she firmly stated bringing me into a hug before activating her quirk,

"Whaaa, I told you I'm fineee" I whined into her chest,

"I don't care" she replied hugging me tighter. I accepted my fate at the moment and just let it happen without a struggle.


After a while, she finally let me go off after she was done healing all my injuries and we said our goodnights,

"What Erika said might be our reality quite soon," I thought as I plopped down on my futon, my room was quite simple, the lighting in my room was not working, so there were purple fairy lights lighting up my room, there were also some pictures of my sibling and me decorating the walls, a small shelf which held all my manga and textbooks occupied the left corner of the room

To the wall on the opposite side of my bed, there's a small cabinet that kept my clothes, not that I have many, my floor was a mess with books and trash thrown everywhere,

"I need to clean up soon," I thought once I glanced around at the mess

After a few minutes of me tossing around and trying to sleep, I finally gave up and slid off my bed to sit on the floor to stare out my window. The sun has gone to rest, the moon takes his place as the darkness begins to surround me. I like the night, it hides my flaws, my imperfections, the scars burned onto my flesh, the aftermath left behind. The moon guides me through the night. Her calming presence makes me slowly close my eyes, my body quietly switching off, but she lets my soul run free. I can do the things I would never be allowed to do when the sun is out. I can do whatever I want...as my worries, my thoughts, silently burn into smoke as they wander through the endless night.

I swear I was starting to see things when I saw my reflection in the mirror. The charcoal black horns on my head seemed to be engulfed by a lilac-coloured flame. However, I just brushed it off as my mind playing tricks on me due to my exhaustion.

That was the last thing I remembered before drifting off into the night.

Blehhh, hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Lowkey am kinda intrigued by web novel, so I am kinda excited.