

Today was a day like any other day. I went to my children school after work and bring them back to our house. My wife, Emilia, was still working at the hospital. Being a doctor there, she often come back late.

By chance, today she did not need to stay too long there. It sometimes happens. Working is difficult, is not it? It would be nice to be free of it and enjoy time with my kids...

"Can you go buy eggs? We need it if you want to cook a chocolate cake" Emilia asked me.

"Yes, I am going" I said before putting my shoes.

"Love you" she said before kissing me.

"Me too" I replied as I put my jacket.

I glanced at the kids behind before leaving. I guess only parents can understand that feeling. I consider them as my life. It is like i cannot live without them. That is why I wish I can spend more time watching them.

A supermarket was situated nearby. Since I live in Lyon, a French city, there are a lot of small supermarkets everywhere. Even if it more expensive than big ones, it is really helpful when you do not want to walk too long.

I watched guys harassing a young woman. Sadly it often happen in that country. Why? Because the police cannot beat them and the justice will not judge them. Why? It is not their fault since they grew up in popular districts. Stupid, is not it?

The problem is that I have a daughter of that age. Just seeing this, my blood boiled.

"What are you doing to my daughter?" I yelled.

That right, I pretend to be her father. Maybe those bastards will run away.

"Got a problem bastard?" one of them replied while taking out a knife.

I did not replied and punched his head while tripping him. One down. The other two looked at me while I took his knife and plant it in his left eye. I was a beast. I killed someone? Who cares? It was him or me.

"Run" I tell the girl. She was petrified against the wall. Those fuckers dare touching an underage? It drove me crazier.

They took out their own knives and came at me. I never fought with a knife before but I knew how to use my feet and fists. Sadly, they knew how to handle a knife. Thus, they got another advantage. I never fought against two opponents.

I just wanted to buy eggs for a cake. Why is justice doing nothing about those guys? They kept punching and stabbing me as I fall on the ground. Why is the girl doing nothing? Why did not she ran away and called the police? Why the bystanders turned their heads away?

Do not they have lovers, daughters or even sisters? Everyone should have helped me beat those guys. Then why no one move? Because if they did they will go to prison while those jerks will be freed. That is the society I lived in.

I could not feel pain anymore. My eyes were blurry. Was I dying? The only thing I wanted was to improve the world my kids are living in. Why jerks like them harass girls like her? Cannot they let her free? It droves me crazy.

Today was a normal day. I went to work, took care of my kids, kissed my wife and died fighting for a girl. Did I have regrets? Yes, like everyone. I just wanted to fight for her freedom. Will she even be free after? She will have to work, pay taxes, follow laws, submit to society traditions... Maybe I should not have intervene.

This is how I die, like an idiot.

Hi everyone, this is my first time publishing something I write. I have a tendency to go straight to the point but I am working on it. It is challenging for me, so those who like having a lot of details might be disappointed by my style. Do not hesitate to point out when you think something is missing. As I said, I am a newbie in that field.

Also, I am doing this on my free time, so the chapter releases will not be constant. However, I already wrote a few chapters in advance. At least in the beginning, the release frequency should satisfy you.

Finally, as you can see, the story is in english. It is not my mother tongue, so my vocabulary is limited and some faults might appear... I hope it will not bother your reading too much.

Have a nice day by the way

alex_carbcreators' thoughts