
Naive hero and I were Forced to Share the Same Body

In a fantastical world, Morsh, a sinister guy with the ability to absorb other's power by killing them and absorbing their souls, and Pete, an innocent hero, were forced to share the same body. By day, Pete, the hero, held control, using his strength and courage to protect the weak and downtrodden. But at night, Morsh, the villain, took over, relishing in the power he could gain by absorbing the life force of others. Morsh is the main character, villain mc, no harem This is my first novel so please be patient and read atleast until chapter 20 before you change your mind. Follow Instagram - https://instagram.com/suraj_gariya_5

Daoistyglf7O · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Chapter - 25

Morsh stood in front of the large door of the treasury and said,

"I wonder what kind of skills these circles will give me "

Morsh released dark energy on the door and the door was engulfed with dark energy,

After couple of minutes, the dark energy returned to Morsh and the magic circles on the door shattered,

Morsh shook his head left to right and said,

"Those circles were nothing much, they only had some mid-level barrier and some attack spells "

Morsh then ordered the dark lieutenants,

"Come here and stand in front of me "

The dark lieutenants walked in front of Morsh and stood like a wall,

Morsh then ordered dark knights,

"Open the door and be on guard "

The dark knight opened the treasury doors,

The treasury doors opened and there were huge piles of coins, jewelries and other valuable things there,

Morsh waved his hands and the dark lieutenants moved from the front of him,

Morsh saw the huge piles of coins and other treasures and said,

"I hit the jackpot "

The dark knights entered the treasury with Morsh,

Morsh looked around and saw a fat man, three women, eight young kids differing in age and a little girl around 7 years old, all wearing luxurious cloths, sitting on a corner of the treasury,

Morsh ordered the dark lieutenants,

"Capture them "

The dark lieutenants were standing outside the treasury,

But as soon as Morsh gave order they entered the treasury with the lightning speed and surrounded them,

The dark lieutenants then made them to get on their knees,

They all kneeled and Morsh walked up to them and picked the little girl and said,

"You would be a hottie if you had grown up little girl... but alas this is your last day "

Morsh then took out a knife from his storage space and pierced the little girl's heart with it,

The fat man and a woman shouted,

"Noooo..... "

The women lost consciousness and the fat man said,

"Don't hurt my Childrens... take everything in the treasury, just let us live"

Morsh was holding the dying little girl and released some dark energy into her and absorbed her soul,

Morsh then said,

"Little childrens still strengthen my soul a lot "

Morsh then threw her body to side then looked at the fat man and said,

"I can let you live but I can't let these precious childrens get away "

Morsh ordered the dark knights,

"Separate the Childrens from the adults "

The dark knights then forcibly separated the eight kids from the fat man and the three womans,

Morsh then released dark energy on the Childrens and absorbed their souls,

The remaining two women's also lost consciousness as they saw their children dying,

The fat man started crying loudly,

Morsh looked at the crying fat man and said,

"Time to say goodbye to your wives too "

Morsh then ordered the dark knights,

"Kill them too "

Four dark knights unsheathed their swords and cuts off the fat man's and the three woman's heads,

Morsh was looking at the treasures around him,

"There are probably a million coins here "

Morsh opened his storage space and ordered the dark knights and lieutenants,

" Go grab the coins and jewelries and throw them in the storage space here "

The dark knights and lieutenants sheathed their swords and started putting the coins and jewelries into the storage space,

Morsh thought,

'I wonder how many souls I can absorb from the weapons that I gave to the dark soldiers '

Morsh called back all the dark energy and the dark energy started coming from the weapons of the dark soldiers, orcs, dark knights and lieutenants,

The dark energy was coming back from all over the city as the orcs were spread around the city,

Morsh's soul started strengthening as the souls were being absorbed by his soul,

After couple of minutes, all of the dark energy came back to him and Morsh said,

"My soul only strengthened 5 times as it was before... "

The souls were completely absorbed by Morsh's soul and the dark knights have already finished putting the coins and jewelries in the storage space,

Morsh smiled and said,

"I have 18 dark knights and a first-rate dark magician now "

Morsh then dismissed all of his summons and took back the dark poison surrounding the castle,

He then walked out of the treasury and then walked out of the castle,

After he got out of the castle he took out the pocket watch,

"Hmm... it 4:01 PM right now "

Morsh sighed and said,

"What should I do now "

Morsh took out some new cloths from his storage space and changed his old cloths,

"Let's head to the Rose city and try to enjoy there for atleast a month this time"

Morsh then walked toward the gate of the city,

As Morsh was walking through the city, he saw countless dead bodies, blood was everywhere,

Houses were destroyed and footprints of the orcs could be seen everywhere,

Morsh sighed and said,

"I should have kept someone alive... I don't even know the direction of the Rose city "

After some time he saw the gate of the city in some distance,

Morsh ran toward the gate and reached the gate in the matter of seconds,

He stopped at the gate and looked around,

"There must be something here that can tell me the direction "

Morsh looked around and didn't find anything, he then walked out of the gate and said,

"I guess I have to walk in this path until I get somewhere "

Morsh started walking on the path out of the city,

After couple of minutes of walking, he saw some people,

He ran up to them and saw the girl from the alchemist shop in the city,

He walked up to her and said,

"Why are you here instead of the city"

The girl looked back at Morsh and said,

"Don't you know what happened to the city "

Morsh raised his shoulders and said,

"Did something happen, I was out doing a quest so I don't know anything"

The girl sighed and said,

"The city was attacked by some strange orcs and we were barely able to escape when the orcs on the gates headed toward the north side of the city "

Morsh remembers the order he gave to the orcs and thought,

'I should give more specific orders from now on '

Morsh smiled and puts his hand on the shoulder of the girl and said,

"I am sorry to hear that... but cheer up, you got out alive "

The girl angrily hit Morsh's hand out of her shoulder and said,

"You don't have to console me... I can handle myself "

Morsh took a few steps back and said,

"You misunderstood me... I was not consoling you "

The girl became confused and said,

"What were you doing then "

Morsh smiled and said,

"I was just pitying you... "

The girl said,

"What do you mean "

Morsh was still smiling and summoned the dark orcs surrounding the peoples and said,

"I was pitying on your bad luck... just how can someone be this unlucky "

As the peoples were surrounded by the dark orcs, some of them started crying, some were begging to let them go,

The girl looked at Morsh and said,

"So it was you who did all of this "

Morsh said with a straight face,

"How can you blame me like that "

Morsh then loudly said,

"I will let that person go who tells me the direction of the Rose city "

When people heard this, some of them began to smile and one of the peoples shouted and pointed toward the direction,

"The Rose city is in that direction "

All of the people then pointed at the same direction,

Morsh smiled and said,

"All of you gave me the direction so I will let all of you go "

Morsh waved his right hand and the orcs started smashing them with their hands,

Morsh then said,

"I will let you go to your afterlife... "

The girl quickly ran up to Morsh and said,

"We have a deal right... and I still have to give you coins for the Henbane'

Morsh looked at her and said,

"Hmm... yes you are right, you have to give me coins for the Henbane "

The girl happily said,

"So if you kill me then who would pay you up "

Morsh nodded and said,

"Yes you are right... but you can still pay me when you were dead "

Morsh released some dark poison smoke on the girl and said,

"I will keep your soul as a compensation and that is more than enough for me "

The dark poison entered her body and she started bleeding from her nose, eyes and ears and dropped dead on the ground in just few seconds,

Morsh then absorbed her soul and got some intermediate alchemist skills,

The orcs have finished killing the remaining peoples from the city and Morsh dismissed their summon,

Morsh then looked at the mushed up corpses and neat corpse of the girl and said,

"All of these corpses are mushed up so how can I leave your corpse intact "

Morsh used dark fireball and her corpse burnt it to crisp,

Morsh then walked toward the direction of the Rose city,

"If the reinforcements from the Rose city were going to reach here in 3 days, then it should take me around 2 days to reach the Rose city "

Morsh stopped and said,

"Why am I walking "

Morsh summoned a dark horse and mounted it and headed toward the Rose city,

The horse was running in its full speed,

Soon the night fell but Morsh didn't stopped but used night vision,

After continuedly riding the horse in full speed till midnight,

Morsh stopped the horse and dismounted it,

"That was tiring... I should just walk from here "

Morsh dismissed the horse and started walking in a low pace,

After some time, he saw 6 goblins in some distance and said,

"I wonder if the dark goblins can be useful or not "

Morsh took out a bow and an arrow from his storage space,

He then covered the arrow with dark energy and shot the arrow,

The arrow pierced the chest of the goblin,

The other goblins jumped back into the trees when they saw the arrow piercing the goblin,

Morsh released dark poison smoke and derived it to two of the goblins leaving only one goblin alive,

When that goblin saw the other goblins bleeding through their eyes, ears, nose and mouth,

He ran away into the forest,

Morsh smiled and summoned two dark knights and ordered them,

"Follow that goblin until he reaches his nest and after he reached there one of you come back "

The dark knights ran after the goblin,

The dark knights were first rate warriors, so their speed was faster than the goblin, so they caught up to the goblin in no time,

*10 minutes later*

Morsh was sitting on the ground when one of the dark knights returned,

Morsh then followed the dark knight through the forest,

The dark knight stopped in front of a cave where the other dark knight was also standing,

There were couple of goblins on the guard in front of the cave,

Morsh summoned all of his dark knights and gave them weapons covered in dark energy from his storage space,

He then ordered the dark knights,

"Kill each and every goblin in that cave "

The dark knights ran toward the cave,

Their speed was so fast that the goblins can't even see them,

Only their heads could be seen falling on the ground as the dark knights ran past them,

The cave was quite long and uneven, but the dark knights were running in the cave without much of a problem,

They were killing every goblin in their way,

Soon a large open area in the cave appeared,

There were hundreds of goblins kneeling down to a hobgoblin similar in size of an orc in the open area,

The dark knights without any hesitation jumped down on the open area,

They started killing the goblins as soon as they jumped down,

The hobgoblin saw the dark knights killing the goblins and said,

"What kind of monsters are you "

The dark knights didn't answer and were killing goblins,

The hobgoblins angrily said,

"I don't care what kind of monsters you are... but I know one thing and that is you will die by my hands today "