
Unnamed Island

Hello, the author here! I hope you enjoy this fanfiction. This is just a warning and a disclaimer. English is not my first language, go easy on me.

WARNING: This is a slight AU fanfic, meaning that some things from cannon will be changed. Right here I can tell that the law that states that can only have 3 Sequence 1 Angels or Beyonder Characteristics doesn't exist, for the convenience of the plot.

SUPPORT: If you would like to support me, my Patreon is: In the future!

DISCLAIMER: Lord of the Mysteries does not belong to me, everything besides characters and some original plot belongs to Cuttlefish That Loves Diving.


Inside his cabin, Arthur listened as Sabrina explained the ship's capabilities. Besides the normal stuff, like how many cannons there were, how much the storage could hold, where were each and everything, she also told him about the not normal things.

Sabrina itself was different. Coming to this world had changed her, as before she couldn't appear in human form like now. She didn't know all she could do, but it was already established that she could control everything that belonged to the Black Pearl for a period of time, how long was that was up to debate. With her own spiritual body, she could do basically the same things a human could, even eating.

How did they know that? The kitchen had food, not much, but enough that Arthur wouldn't starve for a month. Sabrina didn't need to eat, but she liked it since it was a novel experience for her.

For the objects in the Captain's Cabin, most of them were normal, but two of them had powers of their own. The map spread on Arthur's desk was one.

[Sealed Artifact 3-0103: Navigator's Map

Description: A yellow piece of parchment that cannot be torn apart.

Power: If it resides inside a ship, the location, route, and important landmarks that said ship passes through will appear and be recorded permanently.

Downside: It'll try and mislead you, forcing you to use a more difficult path towards your destination.

It can be sealed with a wax seal.

The map was created when the parchment got contaminated by the Beyonder's characteristic of a Sequence 7 - Seafarer.]

Sabrina told me she didn't have anything like this before on board, so this must be something left behind by Marcus.

'Wasn't this guy giving me too much?' Thought Arthur with a weird expression.

The revolver wasn't anything special, it had no powers. However, the compass that Sabrina took from inside the cabinet was.

[Artifact 1- Jack's Compass

Description: The cover was made of pure lapis lazuli. The inside lid was detailed with a map of the heavens, the central shadow vane made the compass work as a sundial, and the compass disk itself was made from an animal tusk.

Power: The compass never points towards the north, but what its wielder wants the most in the world at that point in time.

Downside: It's completely useless as a normal compass.

If what the wielder wants the most is concealed, sealed, or hidden away by a being above Sequence 3, the compass won't be able to find it. It also cannot find objects that have the attributes of anti-divination and anti-prophecy.

Created by the voodoo magic of Tia Dalma aka the Goddess Calypso.]

'Was Marcus a fan of Pirates of the Caribbean?' Wondered Arthur.

The value of the map was obvious. Even if it only parchment contaminated with a Seafarer power, its power a valuable enough that if Arthur ever thought of selling it he could probably get more than a thousand pounds.

The compass was inestimable. To someone who knew how to use it, it was the most powerful object in the world. It didn't have any combat capabilities, it didn't give Arthur superpowers, however, if for example, what he wanted the most in the world at that moment was to find the ingredients for his potion...

'No one can find out about this compass,' thought Arthur. The amount of trouble he would get in if someone found out his compass could find anything not hidden away by an angel...

Done for the night, Sabrina disappeared and Arthur went to bed.


The morning started early for Arthur. After showering in the waters below, and wearing new clothes, he looked at himself for the first time since arriving in the new world.

Arthur was fairly tall, at one meter and eighty-six centimeters. He had wavy black hair to his shoulders, high cheekbones, and a 'sharp jaw'. A small nose and full lips. His eyes were light-brown, which went well with his dark skin.

His new clothes were something else tho. It consisted of a white long sleeves loose polo that was only buttoned halfway from the bottom up and a dark blue vest. A long brown pirate coat and greyish blue pants, with the classical pirate's hat.

'That guy is probably a Jack Sparrow's fanboy,' lampooned Arthur. 'I do look handsome tho...'

Done with being narcissistic, Arthur thought of what he had to accomplish that day. After consulting the map, he knew he was on what appeared to be an undiscovered island. That probably meant, from what he remembered from the novel, that there were wild Beyonder creatures on the island.

Arthur raised the card resting on his table, and read the first item.

[Sequence 9 - Mystery Pryer

Main Ingredient: Eyes of a Farsight Bird

Supplementary Ingredient: Pure water, three tree leaves, and lavender oil.]

The supplementary ingredients were easy enough. Pure water was basically boiled water, enough to remove impurities, tree leaves were everywhere, and Arthur could make lavender oil after he found the plant. A Farsightbird, however, he didn't know about it.

"Tome, what is a Farsight Bird?"

The tome resting on the desk opened on its own, the pages turning with impressive speed until it stopped. On the page was the drawing of a bird of small stature, with black plumage with the exception of the red chest.

[...the Farsight Bird can be found on tropical islands. Some say they can see beyond the veil of life, and into the land of the dead.]

"I should probably burn some incense for Marcus," said Arthur. The problem now was how to catch it. Never having used a gun before, Arthur wasn't excited for his first experience to be trying shooting down a bird.

'I guess I'll just have to try,' thought Arthur. Standing up, he raised and opened his compass, and thought about the Farsight bird. The compass spun wildly till it stopped point east.

Arthur strolled out of his cabin.

"Sabrina, I'm leaving now to hunt, I'll be back later."

"Very well, be careful," answered Sabrina, appearing by Arthur's side.

'At some point, we'll have to see if she can walk away from the ship,' thought Arthur.


Arthur now knew that adventuring through a jungle wasn't easy. The heat was horrible, the humid air didn't help it, and the mosquitos were terrible.

It had been an hour since he left the ship, and started navigating through the maze of woods. He knew he could use the compass for the way back, but still left marks on the trees pointing towards the cave.

Even though Arthur complained, he could admit it was incredible being where he was. For a kid who never left his own country, trying to find his way through the jungle was an exciting experience. Every now and then an animal would show itself, curious about the two-legged creature walking amongst them.

Some animals, like the small monkeys, would follow for a while watching him before going back. They even gave him fruits.

It took another half hour before the compass spun wildly once more, showing that Arthur had reached his destination. Right above him, he could see the bird he came looking from.

It was small, perhaps the same length as Arthur's head, with black plumage over his body and a red chest.

Arthur tried to no make any noise, so as to not scare it. He knew he only had one chance of shooting the bird, so he had to make it count.

Sabrina never shot a revolver herself, but she had seen it enough times that she could more or less tell Arthur what to do.

'Access the cylinder, load the bullets, close it,' thought Arthur while doing the steps. 'Right hand on the handle, left hand supporting the right. Straight elbows, aim, and... Shoot!'

The sound of a gunshot echoed through the peaceful woods, scaring birds into taking flight and small animals to run away. But all Arthur could pay attention to was the bird falling down the tree.

"Yes! First try, baby!" Exclaimed a wide smiling Arthur. He took a sack he brought with him from the ship and went to where the bird had fallen. It wasn't a beautiful scene, but it didn't stop Arthur from stuffing the bird in the sack and going on his way to find lavender flowers, spring on his step.


By the time Arthur arrived back on the ship, it was midday. Finding lavender was easier than the bird, but Arthur stopped at every opportunity to see new animals, collect fruits and see the sights. He could check the tome after to see if the fruits were edible.

"How was your adventure?" asked Sabrina, appearing in front of the desk as soon as Arthur sat down.

"Very interesting," he replied. "I got what I need, and some more. It's very beautiful outside, I'm lucky to be able to see it."

To that, Sabrina only smiled.
