
Mysteries of the Half-Vampire's Life

Jessica who has lived with her single mother being a human and is bored with her life, sneaking for some adventure in her life suddenly on her 20th birthday her mom says to her that she is a human but also a vampire, but a kind of special and dangerous vampire. How will Jessica react to her being a vampire? Will she be all have or she will be freaked out? What life will she have being a half-vampire who has lived in the human world for 20 years?

_rosie_petal_ · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs


After the university was over,

The humans and the half-vampire were waiting for the vampires to come. Everyone had already left leaving them in the university. The girls had no problem with going their let's say mates but Liam and Peter did have a problem that their girlfriend/crush is going with some random men who they didn't know.

Peter had a problem because he liked Arni for a long time but never said it thinking that it would harm their friendship and kept quiet, he admired and liked her from far.

"Where are they?" Arni asked looking at her watch.

"Sorry we are late," Sam said as the vampires came.

"Why are you guys so late?" Soya asked.

Before answering the vampires looked at each other once "We had some work" Leo answered with a nervous and awkward smile on his face.

The girls didn't buy that answer after looking at their reactions but still nodded for the boys and thought that they will ask later at home or in the car.

"Let's go," George said getting a nod from the girls and vampires.

Jessica and Max were about to go in Max's car when Liam held Jessica's arms and stopped them, both of them looked at him with confused looks on their faces.

"Don't you dare try to do anything to her otherwise I will kill you" Liam said to Max with a death glare at which Max rolled his eyes.

'You cannot even give me a mere scratch you weak human and she is my mate, why would I hurt here?' thinking that Max rolled his eyes again.

"Jess, I am telling you again I will drop you," Liam said with worry in his eyes and voice to which Jessica sighed.

"Liam I will be fine just go don't you have practice now? Go!!" Jessica gave an assured smile to Liam who nodded and left them half-heartedly but not before pecking Jessica's lips making Max angry.

In the car, with Jessica and Max.

Jessica was sitting on the passenger seat whole Max was driving, Jessica was listening to songs so she was humming and occasionally smiling when her favourite song comes which was making Max happy seeing his mate smiling.

"Jess!" Max called out loud knowing that Jessica won't listen.

Jessica turned to Max, removing her earphones, and looked at him with curious eyes making the latter coo at those kids-like eyes.

"How long have you two been in the relationship?" Max asked.

"Do you mean I and Liam?" Jessica asked. Max nodded.

"It's been umm....." Jessica started counting on her finger "It's been 10 months"

"What?!" Max asked shocked.

"Yeah. Why are you asking this?"

"I thought it would be longer, seeing how close you two are," Max said. Jessica sighed and leaned on the seat.

"He only knows how much I tell him," Jessica said closing her eyes.

"Can I ask you something, Jess?" Max asked hesitantly.

"Sure as long as I can answer it" Max chuckled.

"Why you don't trust men?"

Jessica opened her one eye and looked at Max but again closed them before answering "It's not that I only don't trust men but I also don't trust women too"

"Why if I may ask?"

"My grandfather and my mom trusted everyone around them, later they got betrayed very badly leaving heavy scars on them. After hearing those stories of betrayal it became hard for me to trust anyone, I would always have second thoughts and won't open up to anyone. When I was a kid I used to trust everyone around me too but later things changed as secrets opened up of series betrayals, now I can't trust a person fully" Jessica said.

"You are too young for all these" Max said worried but got a dry chuckle from Jessica making eyebrows frown.

"I am too young to live without a father and see and know things I shouldn't" Jessica opened her eyes and looked at Max.

"Out of words?" Jessica asked. Max nodded.

"You must be something after all you are making me able to say so many things to you after knowing for such a short time" Jessica turned her face to Max who smiled.

"It's not me it's our bond, even though you can't feel it but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist"

"Just like vampires don't"

"Yep, you got it"

"You guys think that I am half human so I am a fool?"

"What do you mean Jess?" Max asked confused not understanding what Jessica is trying to say.

"I know you and brother made this plan so that we can get to know each other and come close" Max was shocked hearing Jessica who smirked after seeing his shocked reaction.

"If it's like that why don't we get to know each other better" Jessica added. Max nodded but was still shocked.

"Who will start?" Max asked.

"Is that even a question? Of course, you since you found about a lot about me from my besties who said don't why" Jessica sighed shaking her head a little at her two idiot besties.

They spoke about each other more and got closer but Max could feel that Jessica had her guard up because at certain questions he asked she says "It's too personal" and that made Max curious.

He thought of asking Soya and Arni but then thought that what Jessica would think about him if he did something like this. All the image he made of himself in her eyes he should shatter in a minute if he asked the girls.

He waited for Jessica to answer those questions by herself when she feels fine, he will respect her decision. As he came to know more about her, he came to know how she and her mom lived all these years without a father or a man in the house.

One more thing that Max came to know about Jessica is that she is observant like an introvert as well as speaking in public like an extrovert, she had the qualities of both so that means she was an ambivert.

Also when Jessica becomes comfortable around you, she will not only be talkative but also will want to be by your side 24 by 7, and being the oldest in the family she always wants to be pampered like she is younger.

Max promised himself that he would make her happy and cherish and protect and pamper her no matter what. By the time their talk got over they had reached home.