

This story is about the Alexander's siblings. Dwayne Alexander's POV Can you just give us another chance please " I pleaded no!' you don't love me enough " she sobs kerry , I do love you " I said in a trembling voice ,how can she thinks I don't. no!' you don't as everytime something comes up you always give up on us " kerry sobs it's true, I hate to admit, I did give up everytime but I wanna make it work now. and I do anything to make her forgive me ... ______ As the night falls and the rain begins to fall Just like the first time they met, in Kim's heart it was romantic. But in her mind it was tragic as whatever falls gets broken. A young man who is in his early twenties and a young lady who is in her teens , stood face to face in the rain looking at each other silently–suddenly, someone broke the silence Yang, i have nothing to say to you .. goodnight and goodbye, " said the young lady in a tired and hurt voice as she called the guy by the nickname she gave him before she even knew his real name, Then she walked away ,but the young man held her hands and pulled her back and said while looking at her eyes . No, we are not done talking, and you're not allowed to walk away without answering me !! , " He said, then add . And I'll ask you again ?”..Why did you go when I asked you to stay ?” .Why do you always run away from me ?” What is wrong, Kim ?”, " the young man asks, annoyed She young lady look look at him with a pain expression on her face even tho her lips had a smile on it and even tho the rain was falling on could still see her eyes were looking as if it would soon begin to flow like the rain She then said with a smirked Do you really not know?” ,Did you ever not know ?? the young man nodded his head The young lady finally had enough as it had been 8 months and decided to confess. Yang , I love you, ever since i first saw you and i can't–do this anymore I have been doing it long before..hoping you would be mine one day, but it never works out Pretending to be your friend it's not easy but I try and I try to forget my feelings and live with you but I guess maybe I should have learned to live without you.” She said then sighed inwardly knowing that it was a bad idea to tell him I did live without you for those few months but then there you go again .. you made things a lot harder when you came back and we became friends and now you're going again Yang, I had enough. You can't keep going and coming out of my life like that. The young man was shocked by the sudden confessions and said nothing like he was in another world . Kimanda looked at him for a while , and when he didn't say anything, she asked , " Can i atless kiss you ?? , without waiting for his reply, she walk up to him with all the courage she had and their lips met It was so sudden that even before Yang could come out of his shock ,then comes another one Kimanda suck and nibbled his lower lips as she had always wanted too as she knew this might be the first and the last time she ever got the chance to , so she took her time even though she wanted more she let go of his lips and looked into his shocked eyes. ----- VOl1 = That stranger that became my everything from nothing, Kim Alexander is a young girl who lost her sister , her best friend,her comfort zone , her idol , her advisor, her protector. Lost in grief, she lost hope , she had lost her world., dream and hopes when lovie lost her life , her friends betrayed her. In two years nothing but fear grows in her heart , she gets distant to her family and everyone she once loved. She don't wanna have that pain of losing someone else and she realizes that everyone who comes will leave eventually. At the age of 13 she falls in love with a stranger who is much older than her , fear crumpled in her heart but still it beats for him. Despite the fear , she went ahead and loved him wholeheartedly . She did secretly for months until she told him but he left anyways

LEXi592 · วัยรุ่น
89 Chs

For lovie

That night, sleep was far away, like many other nights,

After watching 2 Kearon dramas, she decides to go out at the hill edge as it is quiet and cold, maybe later, sleep will come in.

While sneaking out , see saw her

Her parents were watching cricket in the living room.

Kevin and Ava went to their house

Nick and Aaron have probably gone to bed.

Amanda , Delissa, and Elijah are studying on the balcony

So difficult, kim said as she thought by now her parents probably gone to bed as she didn't hear anything but here they are .

Not really , " kim said as she walked out . She was going to pretend she was going to study with her younger siblings so her parents wouldn't know about her absence.

Oh , you're not a sleep , I thought you would be by now , " William said .

No , I couldn't, so I will go study with Amanda them .Kim said as she walked past them , without sparking them a glance as her nose were red , though she had been stop crying for a while now and went to the balcony.

Without say a word to anyone , she climbed down from the balcony. As they house wasn't exactly high .

She is leaving again , " Delissa said as they all looked at kim, retreating back.

Yes , we can see that . you're not the only one with eyes here , " Elijah said as Delissa glared at him.

Yea , let her go . You guys know what to do right , Amanda said as she looked at them

Yea , she had gone to the restrooms, " Delissa and Elijah said at the same time .

Humm , she is going to use that restroom for a while , " Amanda said .


Seating On the beach , kim look at the sky .

Control your thoughts, kimanda. Control your thoughts, " she said repeatedly.

After seating there for a while , trying to forget everything . She then took out her phone , and she had a habit of writing poems, though she wasn't good at it .the only person who knows about it was lovie as she was the only person allowed to read it, but after she wasn't around kim, created a fake account and wrote there for everyone to see .

The image distracts me, freaks me out , the thoughts broke me into pieces, and i don't know what I will do if you were ever leaving .

Don't go , don't go like her . Don't leave .

Stay , stay with me ,

I fear the image of you leaving, and I hate the fact that it might happen.

It's pointless for me to say , you have to stay and you can't leave, but i say it anyway, and i just prey to God, that he won't take you away from me .


Kim pove

It's not exactly a poems

But it's written for my late sister - lovie

Who die on 17 th December 2020

You have left this world too soon

I had no idea those moments we spent together were going to be our last ones

I had no idea we were running out of time

I had no idea i will had to say goodbye to you so soon

, i will miss you and i will remember you always ,

you are they best thing that have ever happen to me ,

those moments we had together was little ,

the time we had together were short

But it is enough to live with , it was they best days of my life

though i don't wanna live without you. Am gonna live for you . Cuz i know this is what you would want too

So am gonna move on . My heart will go on and so lifes goes on

I will Live a perfect life with those memories we had

together and think about how proud of me you

must be and i wish you were here .i Wish we had More time and we did this together but all i

can do is wish and wish but it have never come true

No matter how heartbroken i am that you lie to

me you said you were coming back but you didn't

I will try to meand my broken heart and wipe a

way all those tears and try to smile , because you hate to see me cry

I miss you sis , i miss you. You were always being protected of me . I miss they way you smile for me . Even in your worst condition

I miss they way you to protect me but i regret they way i wasn't able to protect you they way you did for me

I regret i did take you for granted

remember when our parents were having a fight and am scared that we might not be sister's after our parents separation and you came up to me and told me not to worry and that we will always be sister no matter what happens

Remember they first dress you gave to me

Ever since you came back ,when i was 9 and it was big for me and you told me to wear it when am older , and you want to see me in it then

Well i grown it out now it's beautiful unfortunately you never got to see it

I miss you sis, i hope those memories we had

together is enough to keep me alive for the rest

of my life for our family sake , am gonna do everything you wanted me to do

So be proud and rest in peace my dear sister 🙏


For -Lovie

They say imbrest the light while it shines , spent time with the one you love , we are running out of time .

After a while .

After. Seating there for an hour

Kim smiled as she saw the image of yang replayed in her head .and she decided to write something about him too.