
Chapter 1

"Hello everyone, I am Jaejin Frostears, 15 years old, a novice blade practitioner with 0 star and rank e status. Please take care of me." Said by Jaejin as his cracked and trembling voice filled the crowd of adventurer on his front.

"Rank E? 0 star? Why is a trash novice like him included on our dungeon raid?" Ragingly Questioned by a middle-aged guy pointing his finger towards the trembling jaejin.

As soon as the middle-aged guy finished his inquiries towards the Raid Leader, several members of the gathered group also started to become vocal as they state their disapproval towards jaejin.

For a novice to be treated like that by the crowd was simply devastating. Jaejins legs were severely shaking from the crowd in front of him.

"Shouldn't he start with a registration, paper delivery and industrial works, before he must head with a dungeon raid like this?" Another inquiry by the blue haired guy, who seems to be a magic practitioner.

"Yes, he should start as a laborer and slowly head up with the quest" said by another guy among the crowd.

"Indeed" said by the other adventurer agreeing to his colleague's advice.

At that instant a ringing voice quieted the crowd.

"Kid listen to our advice and back off from this raid" said by the person who was standing in their rear. A bald headed heavy armored guy with a heavy shield and a one handed axe then slowly move his way in front of the crowd releasing his massive killing intent to the poor and trembling Jaejin.

<the bald guys foot-steps in the middle crowd slowly reaching Jaejin's place>

"We understand your willingness to help on clearing out our dungeon raid, however" Insisted by the bald guy.

"You must understand that every dungeon raid for us adventurer is life-threatening even more to you."

<footsteps> Said by the bald guy as he continued his walk towards Jaejin.

"Even though that portal <pointing towards the huge portal not far from them> states that it is only a rank e portal. But because of its bluish color, and considering its massive size, even I cannot guarantee my own safety inside that place, not even these crowd of adventurers that surrounds me, how much more for a mere novice blade practitioner like you." bluntly added by the bald guy as he dispersed his killing intent.

Cowered by fear, jaejin begun to lose his composure, until finally had himself decide to back out from the dungeon raid.

"Sorry mister, I understand your point view and your words. I will now head your advices and b…." When he is about to finish his statement, in a blink of an eye, the bald guy appeared in front of him and have stopped him from further talking.

"I never asked you to quit, I just want you to know the reality of what the situation is. Even if we want you to quit, we also cannot, because you have already signed the contract. So, there's no other way now, but to head out with us and clear that portal." Bluntly said by the bald guy as he kicked jaejins butt sending him off on the ground in the middle of crowd.

Jaejin landed on the ground, flat and immediately stood up pretending that nothing has happened. On the other hands, the rest of the crowd never give their attention towards jaejin and instead focus their attention towards the bald guy.

"I am Jacques your raid team leader. I never asked your qualifications, nor asked how strong or weak you are. I only asked for your willingness and determination to conquer this portal, and that is all. "Jacques words hit the people who mocked up jaejin previously.

"Now, that we all are gathered here, right beside that giant portal. As your raiding team leader, I command you all to take your arms and weapons in your hands. Face your fear and proceed to the portal" Commanded by Jacques as the 21 raiders braced their hands with weapons and shield heading their way towards the portal, this includes jaejin who is holding his dual blade both hands with a determined look on his face.

Behind the marching raiders where their leader, a bald guy swings his axe on his march.

"Let the commencement raid begin." Fiercely said by Jacques.

That was his words before the raid begun. We totally believed that we can conquer that portal. I also personally thought that if we have him, everything will be alright. I have my confidence towards him being our leader. But as we dug deeper, head deeper, fought deeper, casualties just kept on increasing, and as the death of our comrade have constantly increased their numbers, bit by bit our confidence began to break. But despite of those, I just say it to myself, that as long as we have him, I have the confidence that we will be able to clear this dungeon. I can also clearly see it in the eyes of my remaining comrades.

We, together, have fought fiercely until such several deep and critical wounds have covered us, healers were caught with fatigue from depletion of mana, vanguards were tired and free hitters were out of stamina. However, we pushed on, and have kept on pushing ourselves to the limit until finally we have reached our destination. The deepest part of the dungeon where a Humongous door lies. A door which will lead us to our goal. A door called as "The Door towards the Apocalypse".

Next to that door was a safe exit portal which is connected back to our world outside.

"There is an exit!" Shouted by a single adventurer among us.

And as soon as the words rang out and filled the air, everyone has taken a notice of it.

The first thing that they have noticed unto it was the portals color, it was no longer blue, instead it has become indigo. An indigo portal of gods.

Tempted by the exit and the new color of the portal, everyone begun to question themselves if they would like to continue the fight or just head out directly to the exit portal.

At that time, I personally, have hope that our leader Jacques will think of us this time and lead all of us to safety, out of the portal. However, my expectations have once again failed me. At that time, our only ray of hope stood up pointing towards the massive door of apocalypse.

"Men do not falter; our final victory lies behind that door. Gather your courage and carry your weapons." Bravely shouted by our leader Jacques.

Everyone of us were outspoken by our leaders' word. Each of us were already beyond tormented and were almost into bits, we have already longed before to exit the portal and right in front of us was the exit we were longing for, given to us free. However, we were deprived once again by our leader's choice.

Unable to do anything, all of us stood up to follow Jacques command and when we are about to open the gate, one of our comrades, Moon jae the magician guy with a bluish hair stood up ahead of Jacques and stopped him from opening the Dungeons Boss Room.

"Stop, Jacques, stop" said by moon jae as his shaky voice resonated in the entire floor gripping Jacques hands stopping it from opening the door.

"Jacques, we know that you are strong and brave. You have proven that to us, but for now, kindly look closely toward us, your comrades in arms. We are all worned out. We no longer have any bit of stamina left in us to fight any further. Even our healers can no longer heal us. What you were hoping for us to accomplished will lead us to our deaths, so, for once, just this one, lets head out of the exit and stopped the raid." unsteadily voiced out by the moon jae fearing Jacques retaliation.

It was then followed out by several voices from our comrades agreeing of what moon jae proposed towards Jacques.

However, Jacques is resolute and firm with his decision.

Unable to agree on terms, one of us have recommended another option and that is to let someone enter the room single handedly. If they found that everything can be bearable then they would assist and continue the fight. However, if it's not, they have decided to give a couple of minutes for the bait to head out of the room before they shut the door back make it closed.

And of all the people, the bait that they have chosen was me. I, Jaejin Frostears.

Unable to rebut with their decision and being commanded by Jacques himself, I took out the offer and open the door for them. Filled with fear and anxiousness I slowly move towards the door and put my trembling hands on the door knob, slowly giving out some of the remaining force that I have pushing the door, opening it.

As I Opened the door with my shaking hands, a strong freezing chill have welcomed me which have almost make my body frozen. Frost winds flew out outside the room and touched my body. Bit by bit I moved deeper inside the room while the others were standing behind me, observing everything outside the rooms gate.

As I go deeper, I saw several Designed monuments and statues appear before me hidden by the frosty and chilly fog standing in every corners and borders of the room.

Then in the middle of the room, I saw a circular magical array filled with several figures colored with unknown source of light, lighting it out and the darkness of the room. This type of array was new to me and because of that I observed it keenly. Everything was just fine when suddenly, a huge quake has appeared before me. I was alarmed of it.

Everyone behind me were alarmed of such a huge quake, even Jacques was alarmed of it too.

When suddenly, Jacques ringing shout have resonated the entire floor.

"CLOSE THE GATE, QUICKLY" shouted by Jacques, and my whole world begun to spin so slowly.

I looked around me, only to saw FOUR gigantic human columns about to squeeze me to death. I look back behind me, attempting to run only to be stopped and filled with sorrow seeing my fellow comrades face desperately closing the gate with me still inside. Then I looked towards that person, the person on which I have given my trust too much, the person who have personally commanded me to enter the room, and eventually commanded my comrade to close the gate leaving me out alone. As I look up above me, I saw four columns of gigantic feet about to squash me like a mosquito.

Slowly, everything moves slowly on my sight.

"Is this how I am going to die? Is this how it is? Do I still have my chance? I…"

Bit by bit, the giant foot is slowly reaching out towards me, telling me that my death has come.

I have glanced once more behind me, only to see the door closed.

Until finally, I gave up resisting. Give in to accept my death. At that time, I felt a heavy pressure pressing towards me. Squeezing me to pulp.

Pain, a severe aching pain have covered my whole body making me about to explode into several pieces.

Darkness have started to cover my eyes. I was afraid at first, but I cannot do anything right now, finally submitted to and gave out one final shout.


Never did I thought that those words would resonate on the entire floor making my fellow comrades that is about to be teleported out hear my final scream.

That time. Darkness have finally covered me.

It was an instant death for me.

That was what I thought when suddenly a loud ringing of the bell has resounded before me. While the bell rang out consciousness have come back to me and find myself still alive inside the portals boss room with a gigantic notification above in front of me.

"Congratulations adventurer Jaejin Frostears! The Gods have heard your strong and clear heart and have single handedly clear the portal of gods"

Everything seems to run so slow for me at that time as I was filled with confusion.

What makes me even confused more was the next coming set of Announcement in front of me.

"Congratulations adventurer Jaejin Frostears for being the first person ever to complete the Quest of Courage 1"

"Congratulations adventurer Jaejin Frostears for being the first adventurer to ever cleared Out a Portals of God"

"Congratulations adventurer Jaejin Frostears for being the first person to shout out on spit of milliseconds before his death"

"Congratulations adventurer Jaejin Frostears for being the first casualty of the Dungeons Lair who have eventually accomplished the portal mission before his death"

Everything in front of me seems to run so slowly as it made my jaw dropped off from seeing all those things that have appeared in front of me.

Surge of light then begun to cover me, easing out every pain that I once felt inside of me.

<Ding DONG>

<Ding DONG>

<Ding DONG>


Advance Ascensions with New Body.

Black Knife[lvl0]

Silver Key for Rank C Portal.


Jaejin: !!

Then another loud ringing sound rang out of my ears making me unconscious and be devoured back by the darkness, but before I lose my consciousness, one of the rewards have terribly marked on my mind. The new body.

Unknown to my consciousness another reward was given to me.

"Permanent Title obtained: Soloist Gamer".

Never did I expect that I myself will be given with such title. And never did too I expect that that title, will eventually changed my life as an adventurer.

This is how everything in my life have started. The life of being a soloist gamer.